God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1279: Human clone

"Jiang Chen, you actually healed an old man who was severely turned into a dragon, which was beyond my expectation!"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"It's OK, just average, third in the country."

Charles laughed.

"Hahaha, is this what Yanhuang people call modesty!"

"Okay Jiang Chen! I don't talk nonsense!"

"As long as you give me the two people in your hands, I will let you and your partner go today!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be the dark emperor of Northern Europe."

"But it's useless for you to let me pay someone."

Jiang Chen scanned for a week.

"The Saint Warrior of the Twelve Star Palace is here. If you want to take the life of the mythical leader, you have to ask for their consent."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the Twelve Star Palace warrior suddenly showed a look of disgust and alert.

Leo heritage takes the lead in cursing.

"Charles! You have done a lot of evil and are not as good as human relations, and today you are threatening the life of your leader grandily. I think you are tired of living!"

Other constellation inheritance also echoed.

"Yeah, yeah! I don't see people on weekdays. I didn't expect to have the courage to send the door today!"

Facing the ridicule of the Twelve Star Palace, the dark emperor Charles's mouth showed a sneer.

The corners of his flimsy mouth turned up slightly, and he said a word with a very compassionate expression.

"Stupid clones!"

The Saint Warrior of the Twelve Star Palace exploded instantly.

"Kill him, Northern Europe will be unified, there will be no more war!"

The holy warriors clamored, Leo headed up, palms turned into golden lion claws.


With a roar of the **** lion, the claws of the lion passed through the gap instantly and blasted towards the emperor of darkness.

I saw Charles, the Emperor of Darkness, turned slightly, his palms turned into dragon claws, holding the head of King Scorpion, and blocking King Scorpion in front of him.

Leo inherited the momentum of stopping the attack in mid-air.

Charles laughed.

"Hahaha! Leo Aiolia, it seems that you are just a bit harsher!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge snake tail behind Charles swept across.

call out!


The tail whip instantly cut through the air and blasted on the body of Leo's inheritance.


Starlight Saint Fighting Lion suddenly flew out.

boom! !

With a huge explosion, Aiolia's body was embedded in the palace wall.

The soldier of the Twelve Star Palace was instantly angry and cursed.

"Charles, you are so mean! You used human flesh as a shield!"

Charles the Dark Emperor laughed loudly.

"I mean? Hahaha!!"

"The really despicable person is in Jiang Chen's hands! Am I right, my Royal Highness!"

The Saint Warrior of the Star Palace was immediately encircled.

"Charles! What are you talking nonsense!"

"It's really anxious to jump over the wall, you can say anything in a hurry!"

Charles only said this sentence and was mocked by the Holy Warrior.

It's no wonder that the sage warrior of the Star Palace is emotional. After all, the mythical leader has always led the two justice divisions of the Starry Twelve House and the Hero Fortress, constantly fighting the royal remnants.

Now, the remnants of the Yellow Royal Family who have been attacked suddenly claim that the mythical leader is the Royal Queen.

This logical conflict made all the holy fighters treat Charles as a fool.

At this time, the real Queen Elizabeth had lost her mask.

But her lower jaw was transformed into a dragon, and most people couldn't see what she once looked like.

Jiang Chen felt nervous.

Everyone was brought to the rhythm by Charles' words.

Even if the Zodiac does not believe what Charles said, it cannot mean that it is safe now.

After all, since the dark emperor Charles can tell the background of the mythical leader, Jiang Chen promised that this guy has already obtained evidence that can prove the identity of the leader! !

Jiang Chen quietly let go of the emperor and the lady, hugged Tang Yiyi in his arms, and immediately looked around for a week, winking at everyone in Chang'an.

The formation of the Chang'an team gradually shrank. Except for the fool who pretended to be dead behind Charles the Emperor of Darkness, all the team members and Yu Beast had been out of sight of the Twelve Star Palace.

On the other side, the Saint Warrior of the Zodiac Palace and Charles the Dark Emperor are still arguing.

Charles the Emperor of Darkness couldn't bear it.

"Huh! I don't even know where I am, so you are all idiots!"

"Come out, my dear daughter, and show them the video you recorded!"

As soon as Charles's words fell, the giant bone snake in front of him slowly moved.

The giant snake moved slowly to the edge of the third-story corridor. A stunner and **** blue-haired woman jumped out from the shadow of the corridor and listened to the bones of his giant snake.

Jiang Chen's expression instantly became cold.

Failing to kill this Elizabeth clone in the arena is really his big mistake today!

This woman is extremely powerful, extremely fast, and possesses blood poison that can control the ice element. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a humanoid monster.

I saw the replica Elizabeth wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform slowly raising her arm and pressing her watch.

Zheng! !

There was a beam of energy entangled in the air, forming a three-dimensional virtual picture.

Jiang Chen saw that this picture was actually the entire process of freeing Prince Charles by himself and asking the mythical lord for Eye of Chaos.

"Not good!" Jiang Chen sighed softly.

Everyone only felt that the gaze of the Saint Warrior of the Twelve Star Palace had all been turned upside down, and they were forcing the Queen Elizabeth.

At this moment, the Leo Heritage suddenly stood up and said.

"My fellow citizens, don't change your position so easily!"

"Everyone knows how your lord treats us!"

As soon as this statement came out, the killing intent in the eyes of the other Saint Warriors in the Twelve Star Palace eased at the same time.

The Dark Emperor Charles quietly cast a look at the Elizabeth copy.

Immediately afterwards, he said.

"It's worthy of being a copy of Eoria! The inheritor of Leo, really has the style of a leader!"

Jiang Chen copied it to Elizabeth, and saw that the watch on the woman's hand had changed from being released to live.

The Dark Emperor Charles continued.

"Leo, your compatriots are really good."

"The compatriots have the same robe, and the Zi said without clothes, and the same robe with the son."

"This is an old saying from Yanhuang. Translated means, if you say you don't have any clothes to wear, I will wear the same clothes as you."

"This is the most profound understanding of the word compatriot in the knowledge I have."

"I don't think you twelve guys have ever figured out who your compatriots are and who should be the same."

"Brothers, sisters, we are all human beings, clones, and transformed people."

"Listen to what humans call us, replicas, substitutes. When we are not activated and packed in boxes, humans call us goods."

"I confirm that the identity of the mythical leader is the Royal Queen, not just to expose her identity."

"What I want is for all the clones present to transform people, awaken your own consciousness, and stop treating humans as masters!"

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