God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1246: Elizabeth


A huge pure white wolf king looked up to the sky and roared, and the frost element instantly condensed in the air, forming a lunar eclipse sickle, extremely fierce.

The frost and snow fell, forming an endless frost blade.

The wind was violent and the frost swept across, enveloping all the players within hundreds of meters!

The contestants on the first ring were immediately attracted by the wind and snow created by Jiang Chen.

The players who were enveloped in the wind and snow sent out their own beasts to block the snow blade attack.

Jiang Chen's warning sound came from the blizzard.

"I'm going to activate the ice block for thousands of miles and leave the range of 100 meters quickly, otherwise I will take the consequences!"

After hearing this, the faces of all the players changed suddenly.

A few clever people quickly boarded their own beasts and ran out of the range of the blizzard.

Jiang Chen looked around and nodded to Yinyue.

Proud thing!

With a long howl, Bingyue's brows burst out with a cold moon breath.

The blue energy visible to the naked eye erupts instantly.

The endless frost formed white ice crystal particles, which instantly enveloped everyone in Chang'an.


The power of frost instantly condensed into an ice wall, surrounding the people in Chang'an.

The ice wall is centered on the people of Chang'an, rapidly expanding to the surrounding area.

The player who wanted to hide in the safety zone of Chang'an was instantly pushed away by the expanding ice wall.

What greeted him outside the ice wall was a violent beating from the melee players.

Everyone in Chang'an stood proudly amidst the ice wall, and those pushed outside screamed loudly.

"Ah! Jiang Chen! You are so cruel!"

Jiang Chen sniffed.

"Being kind to one's own enemies is tantamount to cruelly treating oneself!"

"I don't know you either, why should I save you?"

As soon as the voice fell, a beautiful shadow suddenly appeared on the transparent ice wall in front of Jiang Chen.

"Save me! Captain Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that it was the empress Elizabeth.

He frowned.

"Aren't you an iceman yourself, come in by yourself!"

Elizabeth chuckled.

"Not only myself, but also my teammates."

After speaking, a few figures followed closely and stuck to the wall in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was stunned for an instant.

"Elizabeth, I can form an alliance with you, but not with your teammates!"

"What do you mean by bringing all your teammates?"

"Also, if you want to form an alliance, you must tell me your battle plan!"

"Since you want to form an alliance, you must treat each other with sincerity. I only accept reciprocal alliances, not a shelter!!"

Elizabeth said immediately.

"Our battle plan is to protect one hundred. If you don't believe me, look at it!"

After speaking, Elizabeth turned her head and pointed.

I saw the mighty one hundred people forming a huge wall, blocking a large number of attacks.

Jiang Chen was speechless.

At the same time, the host noticed Jiang Chen's situation.

"Dear viewers, the next picture you see is Ring One."

"In the middle of the ring seems to be a protective cover made of pure ice. Isn't this protective cover only defensive but not attacking?"

"Let's play it back and see which hero has adopted such a passive fighting style."

"The picture has appeared, please see everyone! It is Jiang Chen from Yanhuang!"

"As a new hero recommended by Lord Leo, Jiang Chen's initial combat effectiveness does not seem to be high."

"Furthermore, it is now at the best time for the melee to score points. There is chaos around, but I don’t want to score points. Do you want to use this ice cover to guard until the end?"

"But they are now surrounded by more than a hundred people!"

The audience present was not very embarrassed.

"What Yanhuang genius, I think it's a nonsense rubbish!"

"Yeah! The host is right! In such a melee situation, choose to defend, I am afraid that in the end, there will be no chance to score points for mixed rankings!!"

"It was said that Jiang Chen is nothing, why are you so concerned about him?"

"Hahaha! Surrounded by a hundred people, it's time to watch a good show!"

The audience watched intently, waiting to see Jiang Chen's frost shield burst and he was besieged by a hundred people.

The one hundred men led by Elizabeth were getting closer and closer to Jiang Chen, apparently being forced to retreat by the players outside.

Regardless of the obstacles, the flying monsters had already rushed into Jiang Chen's ice wall defense area when breaking through.

Shouted the players in the arena.

"Look at it, Jiang Chen didn't do anything to the Royal Beast in the air, we passed from the sky and killed him!"

These words echoed a hundred responses, obviously there are many players who have this idea.

Sure enough, like an order, as soon as it fell, dozens of people rose from the ground, driving the dragon and crane, swooping into the ice wall.

Dozens of masters arrived in the air, but Jiang Chen's refrigerator did not respond at all.

These beast masters were instantly ecstatic.

"This guy Jiang Chen is so crazy, he doesn't have the ability to resist at all!"

"Brothers rushed up, and first kill this Yanhuang hillbilly!"

The players who were sprinting immediately plucked up their courage, and it was extremely tempting to kill Jiang Chen, and even their facial expressions changed.

He was about to hit the ice shield.

Just when these hideous creatures thought they would win, the huge frost shield that Jiang Chen summoned suddenly shattered.


With a loud noise, the ice shield collapsed.

Several charging players who tried too hard immediately rushed to the air, and the remaining space was unable to maneuver, so they could only directly hit the ring.


With a few explosions, several big pits appeared around Jiang Chen.

Li Xiaofu scratched his head.

"What the hell, scare the little master!!"

Jiang Chen didn't care, and chatted with Elizabeth with a smile.

"Ha, I really didn't expect Princess Elizabeth to actually use the tactic of 100 guarantees."

Elizabeth spread her hands.

"There is no way, I don't have Yu Beast after all, unlike you."

Jiang Chen knew that Elizabeth was still sloppy.

Elizabeth's ability is to control Frost. Not to mention the transforming people she led, even the real monster beasts can hurt her a bit.

This ability is completely different from the master's ability to control the elements.

For example, if Wang Sicong was injured, the Frost Element would not be able to recover his wounds.

But Elizabeth is different. The blood poison flowing in her blood allows her to turn her body into ice anytime and anywhere.

If the ice cube transformed from the body is broken, Elizabeth only needs to replenish the power of the frost element to instantly repair the body's injury.

Compared with the beastmaster, Elizabeth is more like a superman in the movie. Unless it is suppressed by a level of spike, Elizabeth can't die at all!

Therefore, when Jiang Chen heard Elizabeth's excuse for being weak, he immediately became alert.

He quietly made a gesture to everyone in Chang'an.

Means, be careful behind.

Sure enough, Elizabeth, who thought she was trusted by Jiang Chen, immediately hid behind Jiang Chen, pretending to be weak.

"Ouch! It's too scary, too scary!"

As he spoke, he lifted his clothes and patted his chest. A piece of white snow reflected on Jiang Chen's side, making his blushing heartbeat.

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