God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1245: Borrow me to hide

The crowd gathered and came to ring one.

The huge arena is invisible at a glance, and the crowd is crowded. Hundreds of people have already gathered on the arena.

"The assembly of Ring One is complete!"

"The second ring has all entered!"

"The third ring player Waltz, please quickly enter the ring to prepare!"

There is noisy and busyness, and more than two thousand new "heroes" are about to start a melee in the four arena.

The promotion rate is less than one percent.

Jiang Chen looked around for a week.

On the first ring, everyone has already opened up.

They either hunched their bodies, or held their hands in ambition, or sneered, their eyes exploded with a cruel and fierce light.

of course there are exceptions.

The only unrelated person in the audience was running around in the ring with a face full of innocence.

Dong glanced, took a closer look, constantly tapping the strong muscles of the strong man, and using his fingers to play the weird murder weapons, it was really a clear stream.

Qingliu was mixed in the murderous battlefield, appearing extremely abrupt, disturbing many people's thoughts.

"Please stop harassing others in the first ring!"

Following the offsite warning from the host, Jiang Chen glanced around.

Take a closer look, the person who harassed the contestants everywhere was Tang Yiyi wearing sunglasses.

Jiang Chen covered his face.

Obviously she is a girl of fifteen and sixteen, and she is still running around curiously like an innocent child.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, his figure turned into a phantom, and instantly disappeared in place.


After shaking again, Jiang Chen returned to the place, holding Tang Yiyi tightly in his arms.

The players around looked silly.

The movement is like a gust of wind, but there is no elemental fluctuation, purely by the physical body to achieve such a speed in an instant, or is it an individual?

Jiang Chen raised his hand and flicked Tang Yiyi's nose with his index finger.

"Let you run around, you run around!"

Tang Yiyi turned over and took refuge, his ribs exposed under Jiang Chen's devil's claws. Jiang Chen scratched him and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

Originally, such intimate contact between men and women would seem unsightly, but at this time in Jiang Chen and Tang Yiyi, everyone only saw innocence and happiness.

But is it really good to be so happy on the murderous battlefield?

The ordinary audience scratched their heads when they saw Jiang Chen's relaxed look.

The players around Jiang Chen are even more funny.

Intentionally or unintentionally, they moved slightly, rubbing them bit by bit, trying to stay away from Jiang Chen as much as possible, appearing cautious.

Jiang Chen didn't notice the slight changes in the people around him, so he played with Tang Yiyi on his own.

At the same time, the audience stands among the VIP pavilions.

Twelve figures surround the oval long table.

Some figures are very lazy, with their heads up, golden leather boots on the table.

There are also people sitting in jeopardy, closing their eyes to rest.

Aolia, who was mixed in these figures, was holding a control panel and looked at the screen with a puzzled expression.

"Look, this is Jiang Chen!"

The lazy figure opened her eyes nervously, tightening the chest of her leather jacket, covering the lace edge exposed under the V-neck.

Afterwards, the tension in his eyes recovered, and he said lazily.

"I have fought him, definitely more than 100,000 combat power."

Aiolia's eyes squinted.

"Is that nonsense!"

"I don't know what method Jiang Chen used to actually suppress his combat effectiveness to such a low level."

"Dianna, you are so lazy, you are almost nervous to death!"

Diana frowned and said.

"Cut, I'm nervous, you and I know what the task is, as long as you complete the task, how can you talk about being nervous?"

Aiolia smiled slightly.

"Hehe, you are an always optimistic archer."

"No, this little girl next to Jiang Chen..."

Aiolia slid the screen and projected the stadium onto the wall.

"Look, everyone, do they two look alike?"

Twelve people got up and looked at the projection.


"what's the situation!"

There were repeated sighs in the room.

On the virtual imaging, the girl in Jiang Chen's arms and the woman in a battle uniform were showing.

The Cancer teenager stood up suddenly.

"Funny, two emperors?"

The twelve people looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

The room fell silent, and the silence was terrible.

It took five minutes for someone to speak.

"Athena isn't dead yet..."

As soon as the voice fell, loud music burst out from the speakers in the stadium.

Amidst the deafening music, the host stood up again.

"Dear viewers, players!"

"The four major stadiums have been assembled, and the game is about to begin. Please everyone to time with me."

The unresolved excitement of the audience was instantly awakened and shouted with the host.

"Five! Four!"

"One! Start!"

The outer wall of the ring immediately erupted into a protective wall formed by the connection of light spirits.

The sound waves from the audience continued to oscillate in the empty arena.

However, as early as the moment the opening word was issued, the players on the field had already begun to act.


Some people yelled for killing and kept waving sharp blades in their hands.

Cang! Metal fighting, fighting in a ball.


Lion beast, giant cow, falcon and eagle.

Various giant beasts that looked mighty and domineering rushed out, biting and fighting together.

In the first minute of the game, the picture has begun to become tragic.

Bad luck was besieged by five people.

With better luck, he walked on the brink of war and kept flying kites to attack the enemy.

Immediately, someone hung up on their bodies and saw red.

But everyone in Chang'an is very special.

The surroundings were already blushing, but Jiang Chen was calmly coaxing the child.

"Don't run around, you know."

Tang Yiyi was teased by Jiang Chen without the strength to laugh, Zhigu nodded.

However, even if Jiang Chen had such a negative attitude towards the game, no one dared to step forward.

All the soldiers bypassed Jiang Chen one after another, and even avoided Jiang Chen, before continuing to fight.

call out!

A figure passed by Jiang Chen's ear, but it was not here to steal Jiang Chen.

The poor guy was beaten out and slammed into the protective shield formed by the light element.


It was like a puddle of mud stuck on the wall, and then slowly slipped off the wall.

Jiang Chen knew that there were spikes and piranhas under the wall. Those who fell not only lost the qualifications for promotion, but almost certainly died.

"This arena is really dangerous!"

Jiang Chen sighed, but suddenly found that there was no one around him.

"I wipe it? Is this a safe zone?"

Jiang Chen's doubts were not answered, but he saw a man with a severed foot crawling to Jiang Chen's side desperately.

"Lend me to hide for a while, hide for a while!"

Jiang Chen: . . . . .

He was speechless.

Moved sideways a few steps in the opposite direction of that person.

But the strange thing is that no matter where Jiang Chen moves, after a few steps, the open space without war is always ten meters away from Jiang Chen.

And the injured man crawled around in the clearing flexibly.

Jiang Chen broke out instantly.

"Hide, hide! You big dog!"

"Silver Moon! Blizzard!"

Jiang Chen was so angry with this nonsensical guy, he couldn't help but yelled and shot directly.

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