God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1239: Human transformation plan

"What are you talking about? Chuanmu Group?"

Charles's face was uncertain and murmured for several minutes.

"That's right! If you can falsify the research content and slander the royal family, then the slanderer himself should have a high level of scientific research."

"The Nordic Royal has already mastered the world's leading scientific research level, how can it be easily framed by others!"

"It's definitely Chuanmu Group!"

Jiang Chen sighed.

"Oh! In the first half of the year, the situation in Yanhuang was very turbulent. There were countless victims and the city was completely destroyed."

"And the culprit of everything is Chuanmu Group!"

"It's just... I thought it was Chuanmu Group's hatred of neighboring countries for thousands of years. I didn't expect Chuanmu Group to do the same in Northern Europe. It is really thought-provoking!"

"However, even if someone in the royal family did non-discriminatory research, it would not trigger a war!"

Prince Charles sneered.

"Huh! Research is just a reason to suppress the royal family! It's okay to deceive the people!"

"The real reason they started the war is that the young and strong faction wants to implement the New Deal and openly revolution!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

Prince Charles’s words directly dropped the cause of the war on the young and strong faction, that is, the fortress of heroes.

To put it bluntly, the royal family did not want to fight, it was just that the fortress of heroes created some false accusations to oppress the royal family in order to implement its own New Deal.

Jiang Chen asked.

"What is the New Deal? It can make the two factions fight!"

The expression on Charles's face gradually collapsed, revealing an expression that looked like a smile, not crying, or angry.

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

"Ironically speaking, the reason why the young men attacked the royal family was to carry out a human transformation plan!"

Jiang Chen was completely stunned.

"They first used this gene integration experiment to suppress the royal family, and the royal family will naturally advocate how perfect this experiment is and how good the experiment process is!"

"At that time, not only will the public see the benefits of the human transformation plan, but the young and strong will also be able to implement the plan naturally!"

Charles nodded and sighed in a low voice.

"The royal family has not taken any advantage in this game!"

Li Xiaofu was puzzled.

"I said the prince, since the young and strong faction admires this experiment so much, and the person who initiated the experiment is the royal family, can't the two parties negotiate and jointly promote this bill!"

Elizabeth spoke.

"How can it be so simple!"

"That's a human transformation plan!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Yes, now that the cracks in the different dimensions have opened, the aura is revived, and everything is gradually demonized. Only human beings have only blood."

"If we can transform human beings, we can indeed increase our lifespan, and human civilization will progress rapidly, but it also has its drawbacks!"

"If this plan is successful, then humans themselves will be demonized!"

Charles snorted.

"Humph! It's rare to see Mr. Jiang Chen so transparent in this world!"

"The reason for the war between the young and the die-hards is that the die-hards are still unwilling to make the research results public."

"Once the research results are published, all human beings in the world will gradually become superhumans!"

"The process of change must be constant wars, constant bullying, and full of killings!"

"Just imagine, if a group of humans in the world suddenly become supernatural and have endless lifespan, then the remaining humans will have only two ways out."

"Either follow the predecessors, imitating that they become Superman, or wait to die, and wait for the consciously superior, the lawless Superman will kill the ordinary people!"

Jiang Chen looked directly at Charles.

"Something is wrong. No one can resist this temptation. There are other reasons for war!"

"If I'm not wrong, the real reason for the war was that the royal family used the research results as an excuse to stop the experiment!"

Charles nodded.

"Yes, when I heard about this experiment, I felt that it was very inhumane. It was also the end of the experiment that I finally single-handedly contributed to, and I was burdened by the infamy of millions of people in Northern Europe!"

Speaking of this, Charles and his daughter both lowered their eyes and looked very sad.

It is understandable that after all, they were once their subjects when they were verbally abused.

Then, because the royal family was unpopular and the Nordic people advocated freedom, the revolution began with great strength! .

Headed by the young and strong faction, they gathered thousands of beast masters from Northern Europe, and at the same time gave themselves a name that fits the hearts of the people.

Fortress of Heroes!

It means that it can be used as a safe haven for every hero to enter, providing people with a sense of security in the chaos of war!

political! It's all politics!

lie! deceive! interest! All for this!

If the royal family releases the technology open account, human life is no longer important, family friendship will no longer exist, the world will be reduced to purgatory, human beings will be demonized and plunged into an endless abyss.

Jiang Chen's eyes rolled.

"That said, the people of Northern Europe are thanks to the royal protection!"

Charles sneered again.

"Huh! Protect your fart!"

"Those who claim to be heroes are not protected. Where can we get the protection of selfish and selfish princes like us?"

"The Fortress of Heroes has long released the inside story of the experiment, and has already begun to implement the experiment!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"Then the Nordic people have mutated now?"

Charles laughed.

"Hahaha! If Hero Fortress did this, it would have already caused social unrest, the International Federation would intervene, and they would die if they had no chance to develop their strength."

"The method of the Hero Fortress experiment is hunger marketing."

"Not everyone has the opportunity to evolve! Except for the more powerful and high-status beast masters, the powerful will experiment first, followed by the rich."

"The ordinary people, or the patients who really need medical treatment, and the dying elderly, will never evolve!"

What Charles said reminded Jiang Chen of a story.

In order to avoid natural disasters, scientists create an Ark of refuge. When natural disasters come, scientists even need tickets before they can enter the Ark.

The tickets to enter the Ark have long been sold out among the rich and powerful, and ordinary people have to stay outside and wait to die.

"The evil is unforgivable! The evil is unforgivable!"

Jiang Chen growled angrily.

Charles whispered.

"Their evil will not last long!"

"This plan of the young and strong faction actually made a lot of mistakes. When Chuanmu Group forged the experiment, it had already announced the experimental process."

"Today, the royal family has replicated the experiment in accordance with the experimental procedure."

Charles gradually clenched his fists, and golden streamers burst out from all over his body, bursting out like nebula radiation!

Jiang Chen was shocked and thought to himself.

"No wonder you didn't see the data of the big snake that Charles became!"

Immediately, Jiang Chen said.

"It turns out that Prince Charles has already transformed himself!"

"No wonder your age..."

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