God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1238: Ancient blood


With a crisp sound, the snake skin cracked.

The flesh and blood of the giant bone snake burst suddenly, and thick dark red plasma flowed out.

Soon, the skin and flesh came off, but no white joints that should have been exposed.

The flesh of the giant snake cracked again, and the head of Prince Charles appeared.

Looking at this contoured skin, it is actually much younger than I saw before!

Jiang Chen turned around to see it, and frowned.

"No, how can this detoxification abandon these flesh and blood?"

Jiang Chen was worried and stepped forward to check.

From afar, I saw the **** light flashing in the flesh and blood.

That light is the power of mixed elements.

Jiang Chen couldn't help speaking out.

"Huh? There is blood poison on Prince Charles' body?"

The voice just fell.


Prince Charles' eyes suddenly opened!

Golden light circulates, pupils are like snakes.

"You call it blood poison, I call it a magic medicine."

A ray of light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.


"This toxin hurts others and hurts oneself, how can it be called a medicine?"

Charles slowly closed his eyes.

"Yanhuang has a good saying, it's three-point poison!"

"In order to obtain the energy, even if it is life-threatening, I will not hesitate!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen immediately bent over and bowed.

"If Crown Prince Charles said so, that would really be a good method!"

The two looked at each other, and the old fox and the little fox laughed.

Jiang Chen didn't think so at all.

It is not the right way to hurt others and yourself!

To see what Charles meant, it was completely a posture of ignoring others and one's own life and fighting back.

Even his emperor was injected with blood poison and became a victim of battle!

After the two laughed, Jiang Chen spoke.

"I joined the fortress of heroes, first of all, is it the relic left by my father."

"These two, naturally I have doubts in my heart!!"

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at Charles again.

In this eye, the two aroused tyrannical aura.

There seemed to be sparks splashing in the air.

Charles whispered.

"Jiang Chen, you said that the final prize of the contest is your father's relic. Where did this news come from?"

Everyone in Chang'an was shocked.

Jiang Chen’s news comes from Eoria, and Eoria is Charles’ enemy!

Once Charles learns about Jiang Chen's friendship with Eoria, the two will definitely become enemies.

And Prince Charles is the supreme imperial power!

Charles was immediately alerted to the loopholes in Jiang Chen's information, and it was abnormal for everyone to be surprised.

But Jiang Chen was indifferent.

"Back to Senior Charles, Junior and Eoria were once friends!

Elizabeth took a deep breath.

"Jiang Chen! How dare you admit it!"

Jiang Chen raised his hand.

"A gentleman, why dare not to admit it?"

"But when I came to Northern Europe, I found that Eoria seemed to have some problems!"

"His temperament and temper are completely different from when he met me, it can be said to be a big change!"

Charles' eyes flashed light and looked up and down Jiang Chen.

"Completely different? Temperament?" Charles said suspiciously.

His body was still hidden in the snake's body at this time, and the snake's body continued to crack, slowly releasing him.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't show any signs of shrinking or cowardice, Charles withdrew his gaze like scrutiny.

"Elizabeth, help me get my clothes."

Everyone looked at Charles hiding in the giant snake's body and changing his clothes.

He also talked about Northern Europe to Jiang Chen.

"The war in Northern Europe began about a month and a half ago. According to your description, the time is almost the same as the war in the Western Regions."

"The reason for the war is extremely absurd!"

When Charles said this, he was furious.

The whole body suddenly burst out with a shocking aura, blowing up the rotting snake body.

"Huh! I even slandered my royal family for experimenting with Nordic citizens!"

"For thousands of years, since there was a royal family in Northern Europe, we have continued to guard this country!"

"Cold winter, beasts, natural disasters! There has not been one negligence in tens of thousands of years!"

"Nowadays, a few scums have popped up to set up private laboratories to study the project of human shortcut evolution, involving the entire royal family, and it deserves a thousand swords!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"What Prince Charles meant was, how many people in the royal family did experiments that shouldn't be done?"

Charles took out a pair of sunglasses and covered his golden pupils.

"An experiment that shouldn't be done... Jiang Chen, I ask you."

"Your father is one of the world's pioneers. Has he ever done many experiments?"

Jiang Chen lowered his eyes.

"As a scientist studying the power of different dimensions, my father must have done a lot of experiments."

Charles found a stone and sat down.

"That's it, why are scientific experiments right or wrong?"

"If there were no sages experimenting with egg cells, where did the IVF technology, which is not comparable to pregnancy and delivery, come from?"

"If scientists are not violating morals and dissecting the corpse, where do we get the structure of human bones, blood vessels and muscles?"

"If you don't know the structure of the human body, how can you get a mecha prosthetic?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"What Prince Charles meant was that the reason for the outbreak of the war was just that the experiment was too advanced?"

Charles nodded.

"Must be killed by a traitor!"

"I have heard about the experiment. It is to make everyone on the blue star live a hundred years old, and everyone can eat meat!"

Jiang Chen's eyes rolled.

"The sample used in the experiment can be approved by me?"

Charles patted his thigh.

"Of course, without my consent, the death of the experiment is not equivalent to killing!"

"As a result, they were framed, claiming that the royal family intended to integrate the genes of the monster beast into the human body, and released a variety of shocking photos!"

"And this photo is extremely falsified!"

"Those things that look like humans and not beasts, beasts and not humans, are entrenched in the deserted sick building. They rely on eating and drinking human blood for their livelihoods. They are completely out of laboratory background.

"Not only that, the people who planted the blame and put such monsters on the streets under the jurisdiction of the royal family have caused countless casualties, not to mention, it also made the royal family lose the popular support!"

Jiang Chen was speechless and quickly retrieved a picture from his phone.

Above the picture is a zombie monster that swallowed a stone.

Charles' eyes suddenly lit up.

"Here! Where did your picture come from!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Why don't you say that this demon-like monster also has the ability to transform other living human corpses into the same kind, that is to say, they are contagious like viruses!"

Elizabeth suddenly became unhappy, with her slender arms stuck in her waist.

"Jiang Chen! How can you know so much!"

Jiang Chen sighed suddenly.

"Oh! To tell you the truth, I have managed this monster in Yanhuang."

"They are mutations of the ancient blood race!"

Charles was dumb.

"Blood... Kindred? The kindred in my Nordic legend?"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Although the blood race is a legendary myth, this creature is extremely similar to the one described in the myth!"

"If this monster is the same as you said, then Jiang Chen knows who the sinner is who wronged the royal family and framed the royal family!"

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