God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1236: Her Royal Highness

call out!

A beautiful shadow passed by Jiang Chen, the fragrance remained.

The giant snake passed over the heads of everyone in Chang'an like a shadow.

Li Xiaofu was taken aback.

"Fuck! She is so fast!"

"Brother Chen! The warrior has run away, what shall we do?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Ha! Let's run too!"

"The Nordic army grasped the news very quickly, and the strong people who came afterwards were at least the emperor's level, most likely it is the inheritance of the Twelve Star Palace Tianma."

"I just didn't expect that Tianma Heritage was a woman."

Tang Shishi twisted Jiang Chen's waist.

"What? Have an idea!"

Jiang Chen immediately ran faster.

"Ah! I have no idea!"

Miss Charles rushed into the small waterway.

There was pitch black in the deep cement pipe, and Jiang Chen immediately chased after him.

The blue fluorescence kept lingering around the pipe, and Jiang Chen easily found Charles's trace.

Moving forward, Jiang Chen only felt a cold wind hit.


The crowd stopped suddenly.


An ice arrow hit the concrete pipe through the air.

Afterwards, a Miaoman body slowly walked in front of Jiang Chen.

In her V neckline, her plump skin and **** undulate.

The dripping fragrant sweat couldn't stop hanging from his cheeks, and there was no strange streamer under the skin.

He breathed heavily in his mouth, but never took off his helmet.

Jiang Chen saw that her condition was wrong, but he didn't go into it.

"How is Prince Charles' status?"

Miss Charles changed a few breaths and spoke.

"Humph! Why should I tell you!"

Li Xiaofu became anxious when he heard it.

"Hey! You little lady, who are in danger but want to be our enemy?"

Miss Charles spoke.

"It's an enemy or a friend, I don't know yet!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Prince Charles must have been poisoned by a treacherous man. He was banned by this young lady with ice elements!"

"I have a request, I don't know if the girl would like to let Jiang Chen try to get rid of poison for the prince!"

Miss Charles trembled.

"You... are you a doctor?"

Jiang Chen looked up and down all of her skin, and the translucent skin was filled with fluorescence.

"Miss, this is blood poison!"

"I have traveled all over the world, and I have seen such medical records. If I don't sort them out, the future will harm myself!"

Blood poison, Jiang Chen used to treat Tang Feng, the eldest brother of Tang Shishi, in the Southern Star City.

Although the blood poison on Charles is different from Tang Feng, the pathogenic mechanism is exactly the same.

Jiang Chen is 100% sure that it can be eradicated!

"No need!" the girl's stubborn voice came.

"This is not blood poison, this is my ability."

"Every cell in my body contains mitochondria beyond biological content, which can burst out even more powerful forces."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen's heart suddenly stagnated.

Blood poisoning is the stubborn, different-dimensional breath that invades the blood.

But now, the mysterious lady in front of me seems to regard the power of blood poisoning as the source of her own ability!

The world is so big, what a miracle it is!

However, blood poison is poison after all, and if it is not removed for a long time, it will inevitably damage the body.

Jiang Chen said.

"If the young lady thinks this poison is not harmful, Jiang Chen won't say much."

"But I have the power of the Sun's Golden Sutra, and I can eliminate all poisons and save Prince Charles, no matter what!"

After that, Jiang Chen stretched out his palm.

On the wrist, the purple emperor fairy vine slowly lingered, and the golden scriptures shone with light.

At this moment, something strange happened.

At the moment when the golden light appeared, the strange light on the surface of Charles's skin disappeared instantly, scrambling to avoid disaster!

Charles, as a blood poison carrier, instantly felt a burst of clarity in his heart.


She could not help but whisper.

Jiang Chen's eyes straightened immediately.

This Nordic woman is indeed open, and can easily make such a sound, immediately tempting a limp back, and goose bumps all over her body.

Miss Charles immediately realized her gaffe.

Jiang Chen could also understand. After all, he had been entangled with blood poison for many years and suffered from tarsal pain every day, just like being bitten by thousands of ants.

Whenever you mobilize the power of the elements, you will suffer hundreds of times of pain.

It must be extremely painful to overdraw the body as before.

After an interpretation of the Sun's Golden Sutra, her whole body was immediately refreshed, and she whispered with excitement comparable to the extreme.

But now, Miss Charles immediately understood the power of Jiang Chen.

"I'm gaffe."

"Please also save my father!"

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Wait a minute..."

Everyone in Chang'an was stunned.

"You just said, who are you, Prince Charles?"

The emperor replied modestly.


As soon as the voice fell, Queen Charles buckled her helmet and took it off Sao Shuang.


His long blue hair was like a waterfall, venting to his waist, curling slightly.

A pair of blue eyes burst out with rich energy light, which is extremely agile.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at Tang Yiyi, who was hiding behind Tang Shishi, holding the hem of his coat, took out a pair of sunglasses from his arms and put it on Tang Yiyi.

The two are extremely similar in appearance, with only one difference.


Tea is the face of an emperor, at least five years older than Tang Yiyi, as if she had come through.

Jiang Chen sighed heartily.

There are many doubts about Northern Europe.

Tang Yiyi's life and death matter, Jiang Chen had to be more cautious.

"His Royal Highness, take me to the crown prince quickly, I am afraid it will be too late!"

The Royal Lady of Charles gave a gift to Northern Europe.

"Master Jiang Chen called me Elizabeth!"

Everyone shuttled back and forth from the underground passage, and finally found Prince Charles, who was frozen by Elizabeth, in the ground where the air was getting colder.

The huge bone snake clinging to the wall, covered with frost, fell into a deep sleep and hibernation.

The giant snake fell into a deep sleep and immediately healed Jiang Chen's meaning, and he could directly perform detoxification treatment, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Yin and Yang refining Tianding!"

Jiang Chen waved a big hand, and a black tripod fell to the ground in the air.

The lid of the tripod opened, and a white light burst into the sky.

"Waiting for me to refine the blood clotting medicine and treat Prince Charles."

While talking, Jiang Chen entered a state of concentration.


Elizabeth let out a sigh.

"If it weren't for Mr. Jiang Chen, today my father would be framed by an adulterer!"

Hearing Tang poetry and poetry, he immediately spoke.

"Miss Elizabeth, I have a question I want you to argue with."

Elizabeth was very humble after being frank with everyone.

"Miss Shishi said so."

Tang Shishi stood with her hands back, pacing and asked.

"Miss Elizabeth, on the banks of the Thames, on Fifth Avenue, did your people lie in wait there?"

Elizabeth frowned and raised her head to remember.

"It doesn't seem to be there!"

"Actually, you came to Northern Europe from Yanhuang, and I was investigating the entire trip by myself, without any help."

Tang Shishi frowned upon hearing this.

"No, I'm afraid this thing is strange!"

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