God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1235: Mecha War

The streets are densely packed with tens of thousands of mechas coming!

Jiang Chen couldn't distinguish the enemy from us at this time, and he was about to use the beast to shake the battlefield.

At this moment, a light blue light passed by Jiang Chen.

The speed was like a star coming, Jiang Chen had no time to react.


Cold light suddenly appeared, and a dagger with teeth on the back of the knife leaned against Jiang Chen's neck.

The person holding the dagger is Miss Charles wearing a helmet.

Jiang Chen glanced at this dagger with his eyes, and found that it was not a rare treasure, so he was relieved.

Now Jiang Chen's body, the unparalleled treasure might not be able to easily hurt him, a dagger, nothing to say.

At this time, the biggest crisis in front of us should be the Nordic mecha army.

Single-soldier mechas, double mechas, and hybrid land-air mechas are boundless.

If threatened by this chick and unable to take action, then everyone in Jiangcheng will be at risk.

Jiang Chen said.

"I said, this young lady, if we don't take action, we are afraid that we will be bombarded by these thousands of cannons!"

The girl said.

"Don't climb close, don't make a noise, take advantage of this, and run away!"

Such concise and capable words are spoken from the mouth of a beautiful woman, and it is even more cold.

But between the words, Jiang Chen was told to run away.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

Xin said, could it be that Xiaoye looks like a weak chicken?

I have to say that everyone in Jiang Chen is wearing the same as the usual killer at this time.

Although it looks cold, it does not release its momentum and does not give people any pressure.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to explain, Prince Charles jumped up one step at a time and slammed down!


The tail of the giant snake swept, and a wave of air swept across!


The air oscillated, and countless dark space cracks resolved.

Strive to break through the space in an instant and blast towards the Nordic army.

Boring! !

There was a loud noise, and there was a huge explosion in the block.

Countless mechas are destroyed!

Miss Charles whispered in Jiang Chen's ear.


As soon as the voice fell, terrifying energy ripples radiated from the nebula all over the body.

When you step on the high heels, it turns into a blue light and rushes into the battlefield!

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

"His Royal Highness actually assimilated the body with the beast, and now it is activated at will, and it has the power to destroy the world and tear the space!"

"With such a tyrannical strength, it seems that this tens of thousands of mechas may not be able to stop him alone!"

"I just don't know this woman..."

Jiang Chen relaxed a little in his heart and was watching the battle.

Suddenly, a smoke bomb came flying through the air.


The bullet bottle slammed into Charles's snake tail and exploded instantly!


The green poisonous gas spread.

Jiang Chen frowned.

"No, that's not ordinary poison gas!"

"Prince Charles! Get out of the poisonous gas quickly!"

Although Jiang Chen found out, it was too late.

Charles' skin quickly decayed, and the muscles on his face melted and faded, turning into a skeleton.

Jiang Chen was shocked, and he said that the dignified emperor-level peak powerhouse was killed by a poisonous bomb now?

As the poisonous gas corroded, no one dared to come up ten meters around Charles.

The mecha soldiers came around, but Jiang Chen discovered something was wrong.

These mech soldiers were extremely nervous.

While Jiang Chen was puzzled, he saw the poison gas slowly dissipating.


A gust of wind blew past, blowing away the green mist.

Jiang Chen was shocked instantly.

I saw a faceless skeleton floating out of thin air on the street.

When I looked carefully, I saw that under the huge skeleton was the body of a giant snake supporting it!


That gust of wind spewed from the mouth of this giant snake!


The faceless skeleton opened its huge mouth, and its fangs were jagged, making a dragon roar!

Countless soldiers retreated.

Although the slogan of charging was still yelled from the horns commanding operations, no one dared to step forward!

This is the power of the strong!

But Jiang Chen still didn't understand.

He hadn't seen the data of this big snake!

"Is this the state of being possessed by the beast? Why is there no data!"

Everyone in Chang'an was shocked upon hearing this.

"What? This big snake has no data? Isn't Yu Beast?"

Jiang Chen was also astonished.

"What the **** is this thing?"

The giant snake in Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the mecha instantly!

At this time, a golden light crashed from the sky!

In the golden light, the enchanting posture vibrates alloy wings, holding a huge bow, ready to go.

But I saw the bowstring, but nothing.

"Hahaha!" The woman let out a soft and charming chuckle.

"Quickly broadcast the battle to the public. Prince Charles actually took drugs to kill people, and the royal family has now become a demon!"

Hearing this remark, Jiang Chen suddenly understood.

"When did Prince Charles take the medicine! It was the soldiers who threw the poisonous gas! It was clearly framed!"

Everyone in Chang'an also instantly understood the intention of this battle.

Tang Shishi contemptuously said.

"Huh! I said why the army came so arrogantly, so much effort was originally only to frame the crown prince!"

The drone has been dispatched like a honeycomb, taking pictures of the crazy killing of the snake.

At the same time, there was a roar from the sky!

A blue-white energy fell from the sky.

Jiang Chen looked towards the sky, and saw the woman flying in the golden light shooting her bow!

The blue light and shadow instantly turned into a pegasus neighing!

Call! !

The horse screams in the sky, and the heavenly horse rushes to the sky!


The giant snake roared, his eyes bursting into a terrifying battle!

The huge body is rolling and sliding, and the bone snake entangles the ground, also accumulating power like a bow.


The huge figure is released instantly like a spring!


The bone snake soared into the sky, the skull rubbed against the air, bursting into an astonishing flame!


Space shattered!

The giant snake's figure leapt across the space, and instantly crossed the Tianma and descended, rushing to the woman sheltered by golden light.

Huh! !

A violent impact sounded from mid-air.

Layers of air were surging, and buildings were destroyed within ten miles of the block!

Such an amazing destructive power, such a tyrannical collision, above the blue star, is also rare in history!

Li Xiaofu's heart was broad and his body was too big, and he was blown and rolled all over the floor.

Jiang Chen shouted.

"No! Can't let them continue to fight!"

"If you continue to fight, the city will be destroyed!"

Jiang Chen glanced at each other.

"Brothers, stop!"

The fighting spirit in Chang'an was aroused and immediately waited for the opportunity.

But at this moment, a blue flame burst out from the battlefield!

In an instant, this flame turned into a long trailing tail, quickly encircling the battlefield.

In an instant, the serpent entangled with energy waves.


In the light blue energy ripples, tens of thousands of ice shuttle feathers burst out.


Numerous mechas were pierced by ice arrows.



There were explosions, and the battlefield was chaotic!

When Jiang Chen looked again, he found that a blue light had already rushed out of the battlefield.

Can't help but be surprised!

"It turned out to be that woman!"

I saw Miss Charles on her thin shoulders, carrying the crazy snake running all the way!

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