God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1211: Wei Yueyan

Only a woman understands the mind of a woman.

Tang Shishi distracted the boys, took out his small old clothes, and put on the blue-haired girl.

The little girl was stared at by a dozen eyes, absolutely nervous.

Sure enough, the little girl was very happy.

Jiang Chen saw this girl smile for the first time.

While the girl was changing clothes, Jiang Chen went to the hospital's data room to try to find out the data of the lost girl.

But the result surprised him.

In Yanhuang's database, there is no girl's identity information at all!

Thinking of the girl's white skin like an egg, Jiang Chen was immediately stressed.

"This girl, don't be a crooked nut!" Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking.

He hurried back to the ward and saw Tang Shishi combing the girl's hair.

The sky-blue hair fell loose, wavy, and draped on his back.

After that, the backlight was as clean as a mirror, and Jiang Chen's heart was moved.

But now is not the time to look at the girl's back!


Jiang Chen coughed and immediately attracted the attention of the two girls.

Tang Shishi quickly covered the blue-haired girl's back.

Jiang Chen said.

"Change her clothes, there will be business in a while."

He didn't think this mysterious girl would bring danger, after all, there were too few things in this world that would make Jiang Chen feel dangerous.

But her identity is not clear yet, so it's better to find out more.

Jiang Chen exited the ward and let Tang Shishi change his clothes.

When I went in again, the girl had changed her clothes and she had a bright smile on her face.

Jiang Chen felt that her mood was driven by the girl, her smile seemed to be warm for a moment, and she hugged Jiang Chen.

Tang Shishi and Jiang Chen looked at each other, and they kept communicating and communicating in their eyes.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen took out paper and pen.

"Even if she is really dumb, she won't know how to write!"

After that, he put paper and pen on the small table and asked the dumb woman to write down her information with paper and pen.

The girl didn't resist, she immediately picked up her pen and wrote a long essay in a small composition version.

However, the script she used seemed to be a unique ethnic script of the Western Regions, and Jiang Chen couldn't understand it at all.

"Shishi, you are here to guard her, I will find someone outside to translate it!"

After all, Jiang Chen took the paper and walked out of the ward again.

He found the chief doctor, a pure Western Region.

The doctor quickly scanned the full text and repeated the meaning to Jiang Chen.

"This girl is an orphan and has always lived in an orphanage."

"The nurses and teachers in her orphanage were all driven away during the war. The principal died in the orphanage and she ran out.

"The original clothes on her belonged to the director of the orphanage."

Jiang Chen immediately retrieved the black trench coat that the girl was wearing, and he really found a string of Western Region text on the collar label.

The attending doctor told Jiang Chen that this was the dean's name.

He also deliberately searched the orphanage and confirmed it again.

Jiang Chen was relieved now.

It is not impossible that children in the orphanage have no status.

After all, there is no father or mother, who cares about the identity of an orphan?

Jiang Chen asked again.

"Doctor, is her name written on this note?"

The doctor swept around and saw the inscription.

"The translation of Yanhuang's name is called... the moon in my heart."

Jiang Chen was confused.

"Is this a name?"

The doctor was also very entangled.

"Her name is indeed very casual, but it seems to be from an orphanage."

"If you have to call it, just call it Ayideli!"

Jiang Chenxin said, don't give her a name!

Jiang Chen, who was relieved, returned to the ward and repeated the story about the girl to everyone.

Everyone in the country is full of sympathy for Ayidli.

Tang Shishi took Aideli's hand.

"Does that mean she has no home?"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"I'm afraid it is!"

Everyone sighed.


Dumb, orphan, even the orphanage closed down.

A beautiful girl with such a life experience is really pitiful.

But Ayidli did not seem to be sad.

She was full, dressed in beautiful clothes and combed hair, and seemed to forget the sad things.

But the more she was like this, the more heartbroken everyone was.

Tang Shishi couldn't help but speak.

"Then it's better to send her to Chang'an to settle down!"

After speaking to Jiang Chen, he turned to Ai Deli.

"From now on I will call you Xiao Yiyi, you are my sister, and I am your sister!"

"My name is Tang, and your name is Tang Yiyi!"

Ayidli spent a long time thinking with her jet-black eyes open, and finally spoke.


Her pronunciation was vague and she didn't say the full name after calling for a long time.

But her little hand was on her chest, she kept nodding, her face was full of excitement.

Such body movements and expressions are more real and reliable than any language.

So far, Jiang Chen completely put down his guard.

"Good! Since Concubine Ai is willing to recognize a younger sister, I absolutely support it!"

"But we have to go to Kyoto before returning to Chang'an."

"Tomorrow night pornography, gambling and drug trials will be carried out in Kyoto. As arrest and witness, I must be there!"

Everyone glanced at each other and nodded together.

Jiang Chen called the attending doctor again and checked Tang Yiyi's injuries. After receiving the news that there was no problem, everyone packed their bags and prepared to return.

Wang Sicong contacted his subordinates in the Wang's family and immediately set a luxury hotel under the Wang's family.

Jiang Chen contacted Wei Yueyan again.

The Palace Lord of the Stars who had returned from the Eastern Territory had already taken an admiration of Jiang Chen.

Continuing to quell the rebellion in the east, west and north regions, even her constellation palace may not be so comprehensive.

She was very curious about what Jiang Chen wanted to do.

"Sister Yanzi, it happened that I saved a child in the Western Desert. I was a mute girl. She has been living in an orphanage without identity.

"Now my fiancee wants her to join the Tang family, can my sister find a way to help me enter the identity information?"

"I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow. The people in the team don't have identity information, which is very inconvenient!"

Wei Yueyan naturally agreed on the spot.

But she also told the truth to the **** Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, it takes some time to go through the formalities."

"Why don't you go on trial and stay in Beijing for more time, and wait for her information to be completed, it will not be too late to leave!"

Jiang Chen thought to himself, since the world has been calmed down, the chance of fighting again within Yanhuang is too small, and the days to come must be stable and stable.

So, without thinking any more, he agreed.

It was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen handed Tang Yiyi's information to the Star Palace.

The people in the Star Palace, even the palace owner, are almost all Jiang Chen's subordinates. Even if Jiang Chen wants to modify his identity information, no one dares to say anything.

Subsequently, the trial of pornography, gambling and drugs officially opened.

Jiang Chen and the Chang'an people who participated in the arrest came to the Kyoto Court of Justice.

"Master Jiang Chen, it's really hard work!"

A group of Kyoto bosses stepped forward to compliment Jiang Chen.

There were a lot of people inside Jiang Chen who had seen him a long time ago, and fled after being polite.

"Yinyue, you take the money and go with the Wang family to pick a suitable dress."

The wolf king Yinyue, who was stabilized in a half-human form, was still wearing a rough armor.

The **** charm is there, but it is indeed a little different to wear this suit to enter the city.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen wants Yinyue to bring Tang Yiyi with him, otherwise everyone will go to the court to testify, and it is definitely not safe for the unattended mute girl to stay in the hall.

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