God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1210: Ababa?

Her face was pure and calm as if she had walked out of the painting.

Lying tenderly in the white bedding of the hospital, like a sleeping royal princess.

Sky blue hair, slightly curly ends, scattered on the pillow.

While Jiang Chen was observing the unconscious girl in the ward, Tang Shishi suddenly turned back on her hips, and pasted an old newspaper on the glass window of the ward.

Jiang Chen was suddenly covered with black lines.

Tang Shishi is absolutely misunderstood.

The conscience of heaven and earth.

He Jiang Chen just thinks that this girl doesn't look like the Western Region girl.

The appearance of women from the Western Regions is very national, and one glance is enough to make people impressive.

But generally speaking, the environment in the desert is not enough to keep the complexion so fair.

"Is it possible that the purple emperor fairy vine has learned the whitening ability?" Jiang Chen


But soon, he no longer had to suspect through the door.

At noon, the doctor entered the ward to visit. After a few minutes, the girl's eyes slowly opened.

The turquoise eyes are like gems flowing, exuding a moving color in the sun.

The little nose began to twitch, the next moment.


The girl's stomach made an alarming noise.

Everyone was surprised.

The girl looked embarrassed and lowered her head.

Jiang Chen quickly ordered the nurse to take the meal.

Before the food was brought, the girls sat there with their heads down in silence.

When the table was laid out, bread ham, salted porridge and eggs were all on the table, Jiang Chen spoke.

"Let's eat, this is the hospital. The food is not very tasty, but it is relatively healthy."

The girl is very innocent, and she seems to be suffering in her heart.

In the end, it really couldn't resist the scent of rice and wheat, and I started eating.

For the first time, everyone saw the girl eating like a cloud.

Now that Jiang Chen thought of meeting Shangguan Kitty for the first time.

She was also hungry for a few days, eating like a savage.

Until now, Shangguan Kitty still looks like a catwoman when she eats at home.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Shangguan Kitty.

I don't know if the kitten also remembered who she used to be, her face flushed with a hint of shyness.

Jiang Chen smiled and continued to observe the girl.

The sand layer on her whole body has been removed, with the help of purple emperor vine to help restore, the skin surface is smooth and moist without scars, just like a newborn.

Jiang Chen finally knew why Tang Shishi had to seal the glass windows with his generous patient clothes showing his figure.

As the girl ate, the speed slowed down, not so gobbled up.

Not surprisingly, a young girl would definitely be suspicious when seeing such a big man staring at her for dinner.

Tang Shishi hurriedly coughed, and Jiang Chen took his gaze back and tapped a bit of meat.

Everyone left the girl alone to eat in the room.

Jiang Chen discussed with everyone.

"She is not a beast master, and she doesn't have any monster beast aura."

"It looks like an ordinary person had an accident and fell to this point."

"Speaking of which, it is really a miracle of life that an ordinary person can stay dry in the desert!"

Everyone frowned.

Wang Sicong asked very sincerely.

"Brother Chen, what should I do next?"

Shangguan kitten nodded.

"Yes, Brother Chen! You don't know the origin of this girl, you can't..."

Shangguan Kitty's reminder made Jiang Chen take his mind back.

Indeed, as the kitten said, the place where this girl appeared was too weird.

Recalling that when this girl was picked up by Jiang Chen, she had only a pure black coat on her body, nothing else.

There is no ID card, no communication tools, smooth and clean.

It just so happened that the desert in the center of the Western Regions had just ended the war. A large number of people moved and vehicles came and went. No one noticed her, and Jiang Chen had to wait until the body lost water and dried up.

Unless the girl exploded in the bathhouse, she picked up a piece of clothing and rushed into the desert when she ran away, and was unconscious until her body dried up.

Then this experience is really enough to write an amazing novel.

"Can't help it! Little master go and ask her!"

The fat man is anxious, so he rushes into the ward to question the girl when he pats his thigh.

Jiang Chen waved his hand again and again to stop him.

"Okay! You stay outside the door for now, I'll try it!"


Jiang Chen opened the door, and at this moment he released his mental power.

Something like mental power can directly observe the emotions in a person's mind across expressions.

Through the mental power scan, Jiang Chen can roughly understand what the girl is thinking.

Similar to mind reading, but not as precise.

"Hello, I am Jiang Chen, a small cadre of Yanhuang, a small public servant of the people!"

"One day ago, I rescued you in the desert, when you were on the verge of death."

Jiang Chen introduced himself and explained how the two met.

Coupled with the sincere attitude before communicating with others, Jiang Chen can establish a relationship with strangers in two words.

The girl seemed to be thirsty and stupid.

She was taken aback for a moment, and the delicate body on the bed turned back slightly, looking very surprised.

Then, it seemed to remember something, as if to understand.

"Oh oh oh!"

He nodded his head.

Jiang Chen was full of black lines, and said to his heart, is this a roar of the evil dragon?

After the girl nodded, she became strange again, and she lay down on the table and continued to eat.

Jiang Chen blinked.

This girl is either really stupid by nature, or she is pretending to be crazy, avoiding Jiang Chen's inquiry.

Jiang Chen quietly rolled his eyes.

"I said, my name is Jiang Chen, what is your name?"

The girl was sucking the salty porridge in a bowl, and when she heard Jiang Chen talking, she turned her head to look at Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen saw a polite and serious lady like an illusion, which was very different from the silly before.

Her eyes met, and the girl didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Chen was very embarrassed. He thought the girl had just spoken.

Just when Jiang Chen was very anxious, the girl finally opened her mouth.


Jiang Chen:? ? ? ?

He said in his heart, I saved you, so you won't call me Dad!

The girl looked at Jiang Chen sincerely and continued to speak.

"Yeah, Abba Abba!"

Jiang Chen was completely stupid.

He has never experienced it!

I muttered in my heart: "Fuck it, dumb girl!"

The people outside the ward saw Jiang Chen's weird expression and rushed in.

Unless it was something very shocking, Jiang Chen would never make such a surprised expression!

"Brother Chen, what did she tell you!" Li Xiaofu asked.

Jiang Chen's mouth hadn't closed yet.

"Listen to yourself!"

Everyone calmed down immediately.

The girl's expression was very weird, and she was obviously shocked by the crowd who rushed into the ward suddenly.

Tang Shishi immediately pressed her sleeves, and her expression instantly became beautiful.

"Little sister! How are you!"

"We are the good people who saved you, don't be nervous!"

After Jiang Chen heard it, he said that he didn't expect it, so does my concubine have such a gentle side?

Under the attention of everyone, the girl slowly swallowed her saliva and said.


Everyone in Changan immediately collapsed and shouted!

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