God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1183: Ghost Emperor Remnant Soul!


This cracking sound is not huge, but like a thunderbolt, Zhenhai's heartstrings!

Because, with this burst, on the top of the double-headed dragon's head, a huge dragon horn was broken off sharply, leaving most of the remnant horns, bending and standing suddenly.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Everyone in Chang'an looked grim and laughed wildly.

Everyone on the battlefield seems to have become a killing machine, constantly harvesting the lives around them.

Even Jiang Chen exploded with devilish energy, with a full blow, breaking the ancient dragon horn with one blow!

This swift blow didn't seem to cause any fatal injuries, but it made everyone's hearts tremble.

Suddenly, the dragon lost its original form!

An unprecedented weird scene unfolded in front of everyone.

I saw the dragon scales twisted, the dragon heart jumped, and the wings slowly retracted.

The body of the ancient dragon, which was as huge as a mountain, began to shrink!


The weird bone cracking sound continued like firecrackers.

In the stunned everyone, the dragon turned into a human being!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen was already a little sober, and the devilish energy on his body slowly dissipated like a flame, flowing into the center of his eyebrows.

"Huh! Huh!" Jiang Chen gasped.

After being invaded by demonic energy, Jiang Chen's body was strongly overdrawn.

The bursting state of Royal Beast Possession that could be maintained for about three minutes was also severely shortened to tens of seconds.

Now, even Shura's possession has been completely released.

Daikin floated in mid-air, his expression a bit tired.

At this moment, under Jiang Chen's feet, two terrifying eyes came up!

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a move in his heart, and his fighting spirit was awakened again.

But he quickly became sober this time.

The reason was naturally that Xiao Dong had already guarded Jiang Chen's mind.

There was a trace of tension in Jiang Chen's eyes, but he immediately recovered.

There was a gleam in his eyes, judging the situation.

Right now, the strange figure obtained in the sandstorm battlefield finally appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

It seems to be no different from ordinary people, but judging from the distance, the body of this western ghost emperor is far more than five meters.

The most chilling thing behind Jiang Chen was the appearance of the ghost emperor.

With long earlobes, golden eyeliner, and tightly coiled hair, it is skyrocketing.

On his shoulders, there is a round transparent helmet, emitting a weird light, shining brightly!

Jiang Chen was shocked.

I couldn't help thinking, is this the **** Western ghost emperor an alien astronaut?

Xiao Rong's voice suddenly sounded from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Blue Star in the ancient times already had extraterrestrial technology, but humans didn't have it!"

"I once seriously suspected that the ghost tribe was engaged in outer space colonization, and it is confirmed today!"

"Xidi, this guy has definitely gone outside for a while!"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

For the epoch-level powerhouses, with long lifespan and strong combat power, space travel is indeed not a problem.

But as far as human life is concerned, no one can reach the destination alive after thousands of years of drifting in the universe.

The second after Jiang Chen avoided the ghost emperor level mental shock, the ghost emperor's remnant soul that appeared at his feet suddenly reached out to the sky.

With its palm as the center, a translucent light wave burst out.

"Xiao Chenchen! Avoid it!"

"This is the spiritual impact of the ghost emperor's remnant soul!"

Xiao Dong shouted in Jiang Chen's sea of ​​knowledge, but Jiang Chen remained unmoved.

His eyes were full of surprise.

The light waves in the palm of the ghost emperor continued to spread, and no longer fluctuated within two meters of the body.

While Jiang Chen was puzzled, he suddenly discovered an abnormality!

The translucent light wave did not spread in cross section at all, but was longitudinal columnar, soaring straight into the sky!

"This! What a tyrannical fighting spirit!"

After hundreds of millions of years, Jiang Chen witnessed the horror of the real strong for the first time.

He tried to avoid, but found that his body had been locked by the eyes of the ghost emperor.


With a grunt, Jiang Chen turned his body upside down, not avoiding a recoil, and went straight to the ghost emperor!


The gust of wind rushed into Jiang Chen's ears.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was extremely determined, and he was fully prepared for the spiritual shock.

I saw a transparent beam of light shooting straight towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't hide, but rushed forward, and summoned the pheasant sword while waving his hand.

Just as he was full of aura and ready to face off, he found that this translucent light wave crossed directly from his ear.


The power of the shock wave grew stronger and stronger and penetrated the secret realm directly behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen frowned suddenly.

Dignified ghost emperor, the attack failed?

But in an instant, an aura appeared in his mind.

How can the strength of the king's peak appear biased!

Moreover, Jiang Chen was clearly locked in his sight, but he was free to attack.

The probability of this happening is absolutely zero.

There is only one real reason.

I still remember the data showed that the fighting spirit of the remnant souls of the Western ghost emperors can even affect the movement of stars in the sky.

At first, Jiang Chen didn't understand the meaning of this comment.

But now, he understands.

Saw the haze in mid-air slowly dissipating, Jiang Chen actually saw the movement of the planet in the night sky!

A huge gray moon hung in the sky, and craters were clearly visible.

You know, here is a secret realm specially built by the Lich clan to imprison the ghost emperor.

It is a magical ability to be able to see the rotation of the stars!

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the full moon above his head began to turn into a semicircle.

Lunar eclipse!

With a move of his mind, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a spiritual force coming from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"It's not a solar eclipse, it's Taibai and Moon!"

Jiang Chen was shocked in the late autumn and immediately put on a defensive posture.

He could feel that the spiritual power of speaking in the sea of ​​knowledge came from the body of the ghost emperor under his feet!

Before Jiang Chen could move further, the voice appeared again.

"How many years have passed, I finally found a suitable candidate!"

"It's really God's help. The Killing Star will definitely come on the first place, and if there are wars, I will return to the world and revive the ghost race!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen scoffed immediately.

"Cut! It's 2020! Are you still thinking about revitalizing the ghost race?"

"With your strength, I am afraid that I will be frozen as a specimen when I go out!"

Jiang Chen's line of sight was facing the Ghost Emperor, and the Ghost Emperor was also looking towards the sky.

The four eyes intersect, and a strong spark erupts in the air!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

The ghost emperor's remnant soul burst out with a terrifying smile.

"You really don't understand anything! Human!"

Jiang Chen was startled, brows frowned.

"So much nonsense!"

"The young master is in a hurry! Hand over the Yinhu Talisman quickly!"

When Jiang Chen said this, he basically held the mentality of wanting to fight with the ghost emperor to the end.

But the next moment, the posture of the ghost emperor eased down.

"Oh? Yin Tiger Talisman? Why did I break into my secret realm when you were you? Just for Yin Tiger Talisman?"

When Jiang Chen listened, he suddenly felt that the conversation was wrong, and he asked if this ghost emperor didn't take the inheritance of the Yinhu Talisman seriously, and wanted to let himself be quiet?

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