God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1182: Gouchen Ghost Emperor Remnant Soul


The air vibrates wildly, and a fatal disaster is brewing.

The terrifying beast roared, as if swimming in the lava.

The endless coercion swept wildly, and everyone in Jiang Chen could hardly raise their heads.

Ouch! !

Magma erupted again.

The air is full of scorching heat, enough to cook the eggs.

Amid the roar, that terrifying mysterious monster finally showed its shape!



Under the fire, the dark wings opened.

The shining dragon scales are like black jade.

A deadly light shines on the sharp pointed claws!

There is only one word, and only this word can perfectly describe the terrifying creature in front of everyone.


A two-headed, ancient dragon!

Ouch! !

The roar that shook the sky, mixed with a terrifying fighting spirit, instantly affected everyone present!


The impulsive Li Xiaofu roared first, and a hundred tons of yellow sand madly gathered on his hands!


Under the huge sand hammer, Li Xiaofu's body also looked much slender.


The air broke open, forming waves and constantly surrounding it, like a cloud.

The next moment, energy bursts! !

boom! !

Hundred tons of Shaquan swept the front line!

In an instant, no matter the king level or the overlord level, all the ghost soldiers in the front row were blown away by fists!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Shishi, Shangguan Xiaoxiao, Ye Lanyi, everyone fell into a runaway!

Not only that, even the 100,000 ghost soldiers who had been surrendered by Xiao Fong also ran away on the spot, disregarding any emotions, and directly attacked!

"Not good! Western ghost emperor's ability! War!"

Jiang Chen once again understood the enemy's routine.

But everything is too late.

Like a wave, endless ghost soldiers swept the people of Chang'an instantly.

Several people in Tang Shishi instantly got red eyes.

The supernova instantly exploded, and endless flames swept the desert!

The earthquake trembled, the yellow sand surged, and the huge war bear uttered a deafening roar.

Bear claws generate wind, hammering the ground, splashing countless stumps and broken arms!

Wind and frost come, the world changes color!

Bai Ze's bloodline merged into one, causing ice turbulence again!

The wind is surging, and the violent elemental power forms a huge turbulence, like a colorful cloud floating in the air.

At the same time, the volcano erupted again!

boom! !

A ball of flames soaring into the sky fell in the air.

Jiang Chen has a clear consciousness and can see clearly.

What kind of flame is falling from the sky, it is clearly the ancient dragon hidden in the sand peak!


With a fresh and crisp sound, the data of the two-headed dragon appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Remnant Soul of the Ghost Emperor Gouchen

[Monster level]: Level 79 (the peak of the king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Ghost/Spirit

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Character of Monster Beast]: The evil spirit power left by the Western ghost emperor after death, the spiritual power released can hinder the world, and even hinder the movement of the stars

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Like a meteorite, like a natural disaster.

The body of the dragon is shaken in the desert!

The fire broke out, dazzling.

At that moment, Jiang Chen saw two pairs of terrifying eyes.

Faint blue like ice, golden like fire!

Scary double-headed dragon eyes! !

Sweeping by these eyes, Jiang Chen only felt a burst of killing intent in his head!

"Blood is burning!" Jiang Chen shouted.


The dragon roared again, and the killing intent was filled with madness!

Jiang Chen couldn't stand the influence of the tyrannical fighting spirit. He leaped, suddenly burst of black gold light, and rushed straight towards the direction of the dragon landing.


Jiang Chen yelled, it was done in midair, Shura possessed!


The black gold beam of light rose into the sky, and the endless devilish energy gathered in Jiang Chen's body.

For a time, the air twisted, compressed and oscillated.

Jiang Chen's body was walking away out of thin air!

The air vibrated, and the energy light waves flickered under his feet, bursting out ear-splitting roar!

The streamer passed, the wind swept!

For a while, everyone in Chang'an and all the ghost soldiers stopped fighting and stared at the black gold light that Jiang Chen had transformed into.


The light shook, and the magic patterns on the eight arms burst out.

Between the twisting of the magic lines, Jiang Chen's arms began to swell wildly, ten times the length of his own!


Throw a punch and pierce the longan straight!

Jiang Chen is like a black gold meteor falling through the sky!


The dragon was alert and roared in war.

On the skin, the dragon scales shined.


Shaped like a King Kong!



Jiang Chen slammed a punch!

High in the sky, a cyclone spread.

Suddenly, gusts of wind broke out on the battlefield!

Scattered air waves swept across, energy exploded, and aftermath lingered!

All the eyes are focused, just waiting for the result of a blow.

When the violent vortex of energy dissipated, Jiang Chen's Shura body finally appeared.

For a time, the sky was full of light, and explosions enveloped the sky like fireworks!


The energy exploded, shocked, but suddenly there was a roar of a dragon!

The black two-headed dragon also emerged from the dust.

The devilish dragon horns pointed straight at the sky, and hit Jiang Chen's Shura Fist!

The black and gold rays of light gleamed in the strike, and the dragon eyes were full of sarcasm and no.

Jiang Chen foreseeably looked at each other, as if a soldier was about to defeat a high-ranking general, but finally found that he could do nothing.

With four eyes facing each other, the fighting spirit reached an unprecedented peak!

At this moment, the world is quiet.

But the next moment, the whole battlefield once again sounded a killing!

The fighting spirit once again affected everyone in this secret territory.

In his eyes, there is nothing to ask for except the fighting spirit!

At the same time, Jiang Chen felt crazy in his heart.

The demon ape handsome emblem on the center of the eyebrows radiated black and gold light uncontrollably!


The chilling air of terror filled the sky.

Under Jiang Chen's active release, the devilish energy burst out!

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on Tang Shishi's face, and the corners of her mouth were grinned like a lady, with all her teeth exposed.

"Hehehe! Xiao Chenchen is going crazy! They are miserable!"

Li Xiaofu everyone is also very crazy.

"Okay! Kill them all!"

This scene was all influenced by the Western Ghost Emperor's fighting will, and the war broke out completely at this moment!


With a cry, Jiang Chen's eyes were suddenly filled with black gold light!

The devilish phantom that had only come out to fight for his life when he was in a crisis of survival, suddenly spewed from Jiang Chen's back, instantly covering Jiang Chen's body!


A sharp laugh broke out from Jiang Chen's mouth, and the eight hands gave birth to sharp teeth at the same time, and the thick arms turned into eight maces!

Laughing wildly, Jiang Chen launched a storm-like attack!



Metal interlaced, and clanging voices are constantly coming from high above the sky!

I saw two huge dragon heads colliding with the eight-handled black gold mace at high frequency, and the sound of the impact resounded through the sky.

Jiang Chen smiled grimly, only feeling that his subordinates couldn't understand their hatred.

"Dark gold iron rod! Big!"

With a shout, Jiang Chen clasped the dark gold iron rod with both hands and swung it down suddenly.

The force is so strong that the dark gold iron rod has been bent out of a strange arc.

clang! !

Sparks were shooting everywhere, Jiang Chen only felt his hands numb, and there was a crisp burst in front of him!

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