God of Shuratan

Chapter 2393: Explosion Super Token

Chapter 2393 Explosive Super Token

Thirty gold tokens, ten immortal coins each, three hundred immortal coins will arrive soon.

Qin Yang's immortal coins have exceeded three thousand.

You know, the most common half-step control level treasure is just one immortal coin, and the powerful half-step control level treasure is only one hundred immortal coins.

Qin Yang's current assets are enough to buy dozens of extremely good half-step control treasures!

He does not have a half-step control level cultivation base, for a person with only the Tianzun level, he is definitely a huge wealth!

"Tortured them for a month, then kill them all together."

The 200,000 powerhouses allocated by the Holy Alliance and the 50,000 powerhouses recruited before the Bodhi clone quickly conducted "loyalty" training.

Among them, the strong are actually more loyal to the Holy Alliance. They are reluctant to make a move, but they have no choice at all!

The first two hundred and fifty thousand of the Promise Gate, as well as the four hundred thousand strong people obtained from the Cangyu Divine Dynasty and the Nether Hall, have been trained to face the 650,000 menacing strong ones, even if it is Raines, they should be present. You have to be counseled!

——The 300,000 people gathered later are still training, and they can be said to be a mob.

"Everyone, forget the Holy Alliance, forget your original identity."

"Since you have joined the Wuji Sect, from now on you are the people of Wuji Sect. Only if you are loyal to this seat will you have a future, otherwise you are dead!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Plus you, our Promise Gate now has 1.2 million strong players, not much less than the Holy Alliance, but our team tokens are more! I can tell you a piece of news, we have more than super tokens. piece!"

"At that time you will perform well, and there will be more strong players to join the super team!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yang thought, ten super team tokens appeared, and hundreds of golden team tokens appeared at the same time!


A large number of strong men took a breath.

Those who joined the Promise Gate before, and those who joined the Promise Gate later were shocked.

"Everyone, the silver team tokens sold by this seat have tens of thousands of dollars. Do you think that this kind of stuff, this seat itself will lack?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly, "Here there are ten super team tokens that do not recognize the master. This seat has already used one, and eleven super team tokens should be no problem in actually accommodating 800,000 people!"

"There is no problem with a hundred gold team tokens accommodating 800,000 people, and we currently have more than a dozen gold teams, and the golden team can accommodate 900,000 people!"

"Here it adds up to 1.7 million!"

"At present, the number of strong players in our Promise Gate is only 1.2 million. As long as you perform well enough, all of you will have the opportunity to join the Golden Team, and the possibility of joining the Super Team is also very high, becoming the leader of the Golden Team or even the Super Team. The odds are not low!"

A large number of powerhouses in Promise Gate were excited, and the eyes of a large number of powerhouses newly joined were all excited.

Originally they thought it was good to join Wujimen, but now they found that joining Wujimen is probably better than staying in the Holy Alliance!

Hundreds of thousands died before the Holy Alliance.

The Grim Reaper Alliance and the Holy Alliance have blood feuds, and there will definitely be a big battle at that time, and many people will definitely die.

"Although the number is small, the strength of the Promise Gate is probably no longer under the Holy Alliance!"

"And the development potential is greater!"

Many strong people judge in their hearts.

Their recognition of the Promise Gate suddenly increased greatly.

These powerhouses are not originally from the sacred world. They chose to join the sacred alliance before, mainly because they feel that the sacred alliance is strong. Joining in the sacred alliance when it is difficult now, maybe it will develop well in the future!

Now that they know the strength of Wujimen, they suddenly develop, and the biggest winner is probably Wujimen!

Powers such as the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance now have to ask for the Promise Gate, and they have to spend a large price to buy team tokens from Qin Yang.

"Husband, don't you plan to let the powerhouse of the Promise Gate go to the outside world for the time being?"

Bei Yao asked.

When Qin Yang arrived at Bei Yao, was it uncomfortable to hold Bei Yao's fragrant body?

The training will naturally be done by the rest of the strong team.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "We don't plan to let them go outside for the next ten years. We have enough resources. We sell team tokens and looting something from the rest of the forces. Let the rest of the forces break their heads! "

Bei Yao said with some worry: "Husband, but in this way, the rest of the forces are also developing, and they are desperately absorbing the strong."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Let's develop ourselves well, they have absorbed the strong, we will cut them a crop of leeks every two years!"

"We don't just want things, we also want people!"

"They may think that when people come to us, they may have to go back then, they think too much!"

Bei Yao frowned and said: "Husband, but we only have two people. The super team token allows the rest to recognize the master. The risk is still not low. The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance are both five-star worlds, and the Nether Palace is the same!"

"The captain of the team we mentioned, if that time is taken away by the strong of the Holy Alliance or the Death Alliance—"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "So we won't let them become super team captains at that time, the captain must be ours!"

"The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance are still relatively rich now. When we reap the harvest, let's go back to Tianzun Island and let Lingna and the others, the powerhouses of Human Race Academy, come over!"

Bei Yao stared at Qin Yang blankly.

Qin Yang thought, the legendary token appeared in his hand: "Bei Yao, see what this is?"

"Husband, this, is this a legend token?"

Bei Yao looked at the token in shock and trembled.

Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is the only legendary token in it. The masters of the major worlds have spent a lot of effort to get it out. As long as I let it recognize the master, we can In and out of the prison of life and death in the Hundred Realms."

"Moreover, there will be no freezing season in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and I will bring a small number of strong people in and out of the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison.

"Both you and Lingna can become the captains of the super team. Pick another point in the human academy. Everyone in the Promise Gate can join the super team! If they join the golden team, they can also join the other super teams to get an increase. They all joined our super clan, it is impossible for them to change to join the other super clan!"

Bei Yao's eyes were bright, if so, there would be no problem at all!

The Sacred Alliance and the Death Alliance have a strong background, which is very attractive to many strong people, but Qin Yang has a legendary token, this is revealed, the background of the Promise Gate is not weak!

The county magistrate is better off now!

No matter how long the sacred world and the world of death, it’s hard to stretch your hands so long!

"Husband, how long do you have to recognize the legendary token of the Lord?"

"I think the older sisters are."

Bei Yao said.

Qin Yang lightly stroked Bei Yao's hair and said, "Wait a minute, if I recognize the Lord, there is likely to be a huge vision. The rest of the strong will know that I have got the legend token, and the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance are now defeated. Blood flow, maybe we will join hands then!"


Bei Yao nodded lightly, "Husband, let's wait, we haven't been in this for too long. The eldest sisters are strong, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"Bei Yao, for a while, you stare at them."

"I have something on."

Bei Yao turned to look at Qin Yang and said, "Husband, isn't it temporarily not accepting people?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly and said: "It's a good thing. I got a realm weapon from the Holy Alliance. I don't know if I can let it recognize the master!"

Under normal circumstances, Qin Yang knew that it would be impossible for the world artifacts obtained from You Wuying to recognize the master, not to mention that he killed You Wuying, the world artifacts obtained from You Wuying might hate him, even if not, It is also extremely difficult for the world to recognize the Lord!

Bei Yao had integrated a good half-step control level treasure before, but Qin Yang did not integrate.

Prison Tian’s pressure on Qin Yang was actually not great. In addition, Qin Yang has merged some immortal blood in the past few years, and the number of undead cells in his body has increased a lot. The device recognizes the master!

Bei Yao said with a weird expression: "Husband, do you want to use Prison Heaven to threaten that artifact?"

Bei Yao knows the existence of Prisoner Tian.

But she didn't know that the prisoner was a high-level realm weapon. In her estimation, the prisoner's day should be a three-star low-level realm device, or at most a four-star realm device!

"Yes, if it is acquainted, its recognition of the Lord can enhance my hidden abilities and make it easier to move outside."

"If it doesn't know each other, let Prisoner Tian swallow it and use it to restore Prisoner Heaven!"

Qin Yang smiled.

"My husband, I will stare at them."

Qin Yang nodded: "You first recognize a super team token, and then pick seventy to eighty thousand people and let them join your super team!"


Soon the 650,000 strong people who had been trained by Wujimen gathered.

Qin Yang smiled lightly: "Everyone, I believe you all know that we have more super tokens in the Promise Gate. The deputy master of Bei Yao has made one of them recognize the master, and many of you can join the deputy master of Bei Yao. Super team!"

Bei Yao quickly picked people, and it didn't take long to pick 80,000 people, not to the limit, but the limit may be one or two thousand short!

"So strong!"

"Forty percent increase in strength, cool!"

The strong who joined the Beyo Super Team are very excited!

With so much strength increase, they will be much safer if they act outside.

Qin Yang said: "Don't be discouraged if you haven't joined, just ask you to perform well, you will have the opportunity to join the super team at that time!"

"By the way, no one has challenged this seat in recent years, do you want to challenge it?"

Many strong men shook their heads and challenged Qin Yang, looking for abuse?

The strong ones who joined later have also heard of the previous situation!

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