God of Shuratan

Chapter 2392: Obtain the boundary device!

Chapter 2392 Obtain the world weapon!

Rains's face was gloomy, and they were wasting three years when they went out.

If you don’t go out, there are still a small number of powerful people from the Holy Alliance in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison.

The problem will not be found in a short time, but there will be problems after a long time.

"We have received 300,000 strong people in the front. It has been three years, so it should be our turn."

"hold on."

Rains took a deep breath, he was unwilling to give up like this!

If they can win the Venerable Wuji, their sacred alliance can not only be reversed, but the achievement may be the highest in history!

This wait is another year!

There have been many rumors outside.

Rains and the others have not been contacted for several years, this situation is not normal.

Qin Yang naturally noticed those rumors.

He already suspected that the strong of the Holy Alliance might have mixed into the 50,000 strong that Bodhi clone had collected. If so, the strong of the Holy Alliance would naturally not appear.

"Leader, really can't wait any longer, four years!"

"If we don't show up at this moment, there will surely be many strong people who doubt it, and Venerable Wuji will also doubt it!"

Many strong people in the Holy Alliance persuade.

"Wuying, try to leave quietly!"

"If you find the figure of Venerable Wuji, let us go outside immediately and solve them!"

Rains said through the voice, he held hope.

You Wuying is still quite powerful, he silently left from the hiding powerhouse, and then he quietly emerged from the space treasure of the Bodhi clone!


As soon as You Wuying arrived outside, he immediately suffered a terrifying attack, which exceeded his defense twenty times.

In an instant, You Wuying's defense was incinerated by the terrifying flames.

The tyrannical flame power directly entered You Wuying's body!

You Wuying is very good in stealth, but the defense is average. Attacks that exceed his defense power 20 times took his life in a very short time. Although there are Rains and hundreds of thousands in his space treasure The strong, but they are too late to rescue!


You Wuying's corpse turned into nothingness, but a gray cloak appeared in the place where his corpse was incinerated, and the cloak released an extremely powerful aura!

The space trembles.


Qin Yang’s Bodhi clone was beside him. He immediately took away the gray cloak. In the next second, Raines and his hundreds of thousands of powerful people went outside, and they were surrounded by them in a large area. Besieged!

The Bodhi clone smiled and said: "Friend Raines, don't be nervous, our Promise Gate powerhouse is not here, I'm just a clone of the deity, and a clone that can be recovered after being destroyed, it's not worth mentioning! "

Raines stared at the place where You Wuying had just died, with a gloomy expression on his face, where a powerful fire attribute array was arranged.

Strong attacks continue to be maintained within the formation.

Although You Wuying's ability to hide is strong, it is useless to appear in such a formation, no matter how strong his hidden ability is!

"Friend Raines, sit down, let's talk."

Bodhi avatar.

"Asshole thing, you killed the top powerhouse of our holy alliance, what should you do!"

A person next to Rains roared, he knew that You Wuying existed, and he also knew that You Wuying had a world weapon!

Even if they snatched that artifact from the Bodhi clone, they were afraid that no one could let that artifact recognize the master!

Bodhi clone said indifferently: "Friend Raines, let’s talk about compensation. So many powerful people in your holy alliance are hiding in the people I recruit. You want to kill my deity? Don’t deny it, everyone is not stupid. necessary."

"The treasure just now belonged to me. Besides, how about your sacred alliance to compensate another 200,000 new strongmen who joined your sacred alliance?"

"Or you can kill me, and you can take the treasures back. At that time, my deity will naturally talk to the strong in the Death Alliance. The Silver Team Tokens can also be sold to the Death Alliance a lot, the Golden Team Tokens, or also Can sell a little!"

Rains's face sank. Their number of powerhouses at the moment is not half of the Death Alliance. If the Death Alliance gets many more Silver Team Tokens, or even Golden Team Tokens, the future of their Holy Alliance will be even more sad.

And this is equivalent to completely offending the Promise Gate.

The Bodhi clone said indifferently: "By the way, my deity may also ask other forces to deal with your Holy Alliance, Nether Hall, Cangyu Divine Empire, etc., should help, after all, they definitely want to get the team token."

Many powerhouses in the Holy Alliance are very angry.

But the Bodhi avatar made them afraid to burst out. If it were really like that, the Holy Alliance would struggle!

Some of their tycoon-level figures can also escape from the prison of life and death in the Hundred Realms. What about the rest of the powerful men who have entered the sacred world?

If they go back so sullenly, the loss is huge, and they will not end well after returning to the holy world!

"Leader, although that artifact is precious, not only we, but also Venerable Wuji, no one can use it."

"It's better to stabilize the Promise Gate first."

The Holy Alliance has the strong to persuade Rains.

Raines forced a smile on his face: "Friend Wuji, this is the case. The guy You Wuying has a boundary weapon, and his status in our world is not low. He said that we need our cooperation to do something. I just believed him, but I didn't expect him to deal with the Wuji Sect!"

"If we knew this was the case, we would definitely object!"

"He died in the hands of Fellow Wuji. You deserve it. You have no problem with his treasure. As compensation, it is okay for our sacred alliance to compensate the 200,000 strong, but I don’t know if I can go with Wuji. Friends do you make a transaction?"

"We want to buy some more golden team tokens!"

The Silver Team Token, the Holy Alliance bought four thousand yuan before, and now it is enough. What they need now is the Golden Team Token!

As for the Super Team Token, although they thought, they knew it was not realistic!

The Bodhi clone said indifferently: "If the quality of the 200,000 strong is good, your price will be good at that time. It is not impossible to sell you some gold tokens from the Holy Alliance!"

If there were only super team tokens, Qin Yang would definitely not sell golden team tokens at this moment, but he has the only legendary team token!

Rains’ eyes lit up: “Friends of the Promise, the current market price of gold tokens is nine trillion yuan of Tianzun coins. How about we give one piece of one trillion of Tianzun coins? Take it all!"

The Bodhi clone said indifferently: "It should be no problem to sell you 30 golden team tokens, but I said, it still depends on your performance!"

There were hundreds of thousands of newly joined powerhouses, and Rains quickly picked the 200,000 powerhouses with good strength and let them enter the space treasure.

Although those strong people are unhappy with Raines selling them, the Promise Gate is strong, and it is a good choice to join the Promise Gate!

"Friend Wuji, among the new powerhouses, I picked 200,000, which is not bad!"

"Our Holy Alliance is still sincere!"

Rains said.

The Bodhi avatar nodded: "You let a small team take the people away, and they stay away from here. When the time comes, my deity will naturally find them. You can get what you want. After you get the gold token, you will pay in the trading tower! "

A strong man in the Holy Alliance said in a deep voice: "Venerable Wuji, how do we know that you will keep your word, and if the person is taken away, what should we do if the transaction is not reached by that time?"

The Bodhi clone said indifferently: "Behind your sacred alliance is the sacred world. I must lie to you about this matter? Two hundred thousand strong people can receive it in a little time!"

"I believe you."

"As the owner of the Promise Gate, you should have this reputation."

Rains said solemnly.

Soon a silver team from the Holy Alliance left, and they also took away the space treasures containing 200,000 strong people!

The rest of the strong have stayed here. Far away, Qin Yang can communicate with the Bodhi clone to know the situation here.

Ten minutes later, the strong team of the Holy Alliance left a long way.

"Venerable Wuji."

"Take things out."

Qin Yang's faint voice sounded in the head of the strong man, and this strong man quickly took out the space ring containing the two hundred thousand strong man.

The space ring disappeared, and Qin Yang received it within days of prison.

Qin Yang immediately confirmed that there was no problem with the 200,000 strong.

"You take the gold token back."

"Don't lose it."

Qin Yang said thirty gold tokens appeared in front of them, and their eyes brightened.

In theory, 30 gold tokens can hold 300,000 strong, and the Holy Alliance can have more than 200,000 strong, an increase of 10%.

With thirty gold tokens, it can also attract the strong to join the Holy Alliance faster.

At present, the speed of the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance to absorb the strong is about the same. With these golden tokens, the Holy Alliance must be much faster to absorb the strong!


The powerhouses of the Holy Alliance returned quickly, and they were worried along the way, for fear that these golden tokens would be snatched by other powerhouses!

Thirty gold tokens are much lower in price than two thousand silver tokens, but they represent different meanings!

The strong of this small team used the forbidden technique to advance, and within a few minutes they returned, and the things were handed over to Rains.

"Good job, take a good rest!"

Rains was in a better mood. Although he lost a lot, he bought thirty gold team tokens.

"Friend Raines, don't forget to pay the bill!"

"Also, don't follow me anymore, I won't return to the deity in a short time."

Bodhi clone said quietly.

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