God of Shuratan

Chapter 2384: Both lose!

Chapter 2384 Both lose!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

In the headquarters of the Reaper Alliance, many powerhouses shouted in horror.

The attack from the hundreds of thousands of powerful people from the Holy Alliance was too terrifying, and they destroyed a lot of their defenses in an instant!

If there are a large number of powerhouses in the headquarters, the defense of the Death Alliance can naturally resist for a long time, even a hundred thousand people, it is impossible to break the headquarters of the Death Alliance, but now there are only 20,000 people in the Death Alliance!

A large number of formations need a lot of strong to urge.

Twenty thousand people are just a drop in the bucket.

"Flee, everyone will immediately leave through the formation!"

The leader of the Death Alliance guarding this side shouted, many strong men gave up their defense and prepared to escape, but soon they discovered that the teleportation array could not be used!

The Teleportation Array of the Death Alliance headquarters is still very strong against interference, but there are too many strong people from the Holy Alliance, and they have many powerful treasures!

"It's over!"

The powerhouses in the Death Alliance were shocked.

The teleportation formation can't leave, they absolutely can't escape, rushing out of the headquarters, escape from the siege of the Holy Alliance strong, the possibility is zero!

"Listen to everyone in the Death Alliance, don't destroy the contents inside, surrender in three minutes, you can live!"

"At that time, you are completely likely to be redeemed!"

"Otherwise, die!"

Reins, the leader of the Holy Alliance, stood up and spoke with murderous aura.


"Rains actually came here, **** it, they concentrated their efforts against us, the leader and their results are bound to be poor!"

The powerhouse of the Death Alliance immediately thought of this.

The time passed by one second, and the strong of the Death Alliance desperately supported it, but the defense was quickly defeated. By the time the two minutes came, the Death Alliance’s defense had already lost one third, and they could at most support it. five minutes.

At this little time, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance knew that their large forces would never rush back.

It would be great if the army could be back in a quarter of an hour!

"Fight to the death!"

"Everyone, think about your family, let's fight to the death, they can have a very good time by then; if we surrender, even if we survive, the whole family will suffer!"

The strong man in charge of the Death Alliance sternly said, "Destroy all valuable things, and leave nothing to the **** of the Holy Alliance!"

There are many strong people in the Death Alliance who actually don't want to die and want to surrender, but at this moment they dare not speak at all, otherwise they will be beheaded by their own people.

There is no good reputation after death!

The vast majority of people here have family members in the world of death. If they surrender to the strong of the other forces, there is no problem, because there is a high probability that they can be redeemed, but surrender to the strong of the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance does not allow it!

Yan Wansheng did not allow them to surrender!



Of course, there are huge resources in the Death Alliance headquarters. This is the entrance to a super secret realm. There is an earth-shattering explosion in the secret realm at this moment!

A lot of good things in the Grim Reaper League have also been madly destroyed.

There are also a lot of celestial cannons here. The powerhouses of the Death Alliance directly destroy them, and the good things in their space treasures are also directly destroyed!

"Damn it!"

"Hurry up and break through!"

Rains shouted angrily.

The attacks of the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance became more fierce, but when they broke the defense of the headquarters of the death alliance, the headquarters of the death alliance was already in tatters. The 20,000 strongmen guarded here did not give them a chance to catch them alive, and they all blew themselves to death. !

The super secret realm here has also been destroyed, and I am afraid that it will not be restored at all without three to five thousand years!

"damn it!"

Rains was furious, and the powerhouses of the Death Alliance did so, and their profits were greatly reduced.

Of course, it's not completely unprofitable. Many powerful people who died and many good things are not so easily destroyed, but they blew themselves to death, and the treasures are more or less affected, and the value of those treasures will definitely decrease a lot!

"Go, return to the sect!"

Rains said solemnly.

If the strong here dies, the Death Alliance will definitely get a message, and the strong in the Death Alliance may pounce on the headquarters of their Holy Alliance.

If they can't return in time, the headquarters of the Holy Alliance will be taken away by the strong of the Death Alliance.

Shenguang Fortress is here.

The powerhouses of the Death Alliance easily broke the defense. They captured some people in the Shenguang Fortress alive, but Yan Wansheng was totally unhappy.

There should be 60,000 strong guards here, but in reality, there are only 3,000!

Only one twentieth!

And Yan Wansheng asked them to open the space treasure. From their space treasure, Yan Wansheng didn't get much. Their space treasure was almost empty!

The secret realm on the side of Shenguang Fortress has not been destroyed, but Yan Wansheng and the others simply cannot leave many people to scrape the secret realm at this moment.

"Leader, there are two possibilities, one possibility. Most of the strong have gathered in the headquarters of the Holy Alliance."

"If this situation is not good, the Holy Alliance is likely to have a big action."

"Another possibility, they are in the remaining strongholds, and the Holy Alliance may judge us to attack the remaining strongholds!"

Yan Wansheng's counsellor analyzed.


Yan Wansheng led people to another powerful stronghold in a hurry. He hoped that the strong of the Holy Alliance would guard the other strong strongholds.

At this time, the news from the Death Alliance had not come.


Not long after leaving the Shenguang Fortress, before reaching the second location, Yan Wansheng's expression changed, and one of the super team he controlled died!

This person is at the headquarters, a character like Holy Alliance Zero.

"The headquarters is attacked!"

"The Holy Alliance should have attacked our headquarters!"

Yan Wansheng said coldly.

The expressions of the other strong players in the Death Alliance suddenly changed. They have 20,000 people in the headquarters. The headquarters absolutely cannot withstand the attacks of the Holy Alliance, and they have no time to return. Those 20,000 people must die or be captured alive!

According to the rules of their Reaper Alliance, there is a high probability that those 20,000 people will die, and the headquarters of the Reaper Alliance will definitely be destroyed before death!

Their losses are beyond words.

At present, only 3,000 people have been captured in the Holy Alliance, and they have settled a stronghold in the Holy Alliance. They have lost a lot!

"Leader, we need to go to the headquarters of the Holy Alliance!"

"Yes, we occupy the headquarters of the Holy Alliance. From now on, the headquarters of the Holy Alliance will be our headquarters!"

"Let's hurry up!"

The rest of the strong spoke one after another.

Yan Wansheng nodded: "All of you enter the space treasure of this seat, this seat uses the forbidden technique to rush over, you must rush in front of them!"

Yan Wansheng is so angry, their Death Alliance is now stronger, and they actually suffer such a loss.

The headquarters may have been given by the Holy Alliance!

Soon Yan Wansheng rushed to the headquarters of the Holy Alliance at the fastest speed. At this point in time, the strong of the Holy Alliance had not broken the defense of the headquarters of the Death Alliance!

Five minutes later, the leader of the Holy Alliance also used the forbidden technique, burning his vitality and returning to the sect at the fastest speed!

In a quarter of an hour, the powerhouse of the Death Alliance arrived at the headquarters of the Holy Alliance first.

At this time, Yan Wansheng had already received news that the headquarters of their Death Alliance had been destroyed, and it was the Holy Alliance that did it.

A large number of powerhouses in the Death Alliance have red eyes!

"Everyone, the strong of the Holy Alliance will definitely be coming over."

"Everyone burns vitality and uses forbidden techniques. We must win the headquarters of the Holy Alliance in the shortest time!"

Yan Wansheng said sternly, "Listen to the people of the Holy Alliance, if you dare to sabotage indiscriminately, and dare to lower your gains, all of you are dead!"


In the next second, hundreds of thousands of strong players from the Death Alliance appeared. All strong players used powerful forbidden techniques to burn their vitality to attack.

The Grim Reaper Alliance originally had a thousand more silver teams, and the attacks that have erupted now are extremely terrifying!

There are only tens of thousands of strong defenders in the headquarters of the Holy Alliance. With such a terrifying attack by the Death Alliance, the defense of the Holy Alliance quickly collapsed.

The strong in the headquarters of the Holy Alliance also wanted to escape, but also failed!

The first thing the strong from the Death Alliance came over was to block the space.

"Damn, how come the strength of the Death Alliance is so strong."

"We're just afraid that we won't be able to support the return of the leader!"

The tens of thousands of strong people within the Holy Alliance panic.

If they escaped early, they could actually escape, but they had misjudged the strength of the Death Alliance.

Originally, they thought, as long as they survived until the rest of the strong from the Holy Alliance returned, the strong from the Death Alliance would have to leave, because after all, this was the territory of their Holy Alliance.

It may not be able to hold it now, which is embarrassing.

"Everyone resisted desperately."

"Burning vitality must also support it."

"As long as the leader and them return, we will be victorious, otherwise we will be captured alive by Yan Wansheng and they will probably die."

"Moreover, if we surrender and let Yan Wansheng and the others occupy us, our Holy Alliance will be greatly defeated, and we cannot bear this responsibility."

"Our family will not survive then!"

The holy alliance roared.

The rest of the strong defended desperately, but after two or three minutes, their defense was about to collapse, and they could only support one more minute at most.

In such a short time, the rest of the strong in the Holy Alliance should not be able to return.

One second, two seconds...

The strong man in charge of the Holy Alliance is extremely entangled, whether it is an order to destroy the headquarters is a question.

Without destroying, their headquarters is likely to fall into the hands of the enemy.

If it is destroyed, what will happen to the rest of the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance rushing back?

"Attention everyone, implement the destruction plan."

The strong man in charge of the Holy Alliance finally gave the order, and the strong man of the Death Alliance will come in in half a minute!


There were also earth-shattering explosions in many places within the Holy Alliance.

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