God of Shuratan

Chapter 2383: The outbreak of war!

Chapter 2383 War broke out!

"An unexpected deal like this!"

Many powerhouses of the Holy Alliance gathered together to discuss, each of them looked extremely solemn.

The two transactions add up to three hundred immortal coins, which is an extremely huge sum of money, and you can buy a lot of things!

"Have you found out any news? Is there any change in the Death Alliance?"

The leader of the Holy Alliance, Raines, said with a sullen face. He looked at his deputy leader Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan shook his head. There was no special discovery for the time being.

"Deputy leader Zhou Yuan, you have to say something!"

Zhou Yuan frowned and said: "Leader, the Death Alliance summoned many strong men from other places back to the headquarters, and many strong men at the headquarters disappeared. Coupled with large transactions, I suspect that they have received a lot of team tokens. ."

"It's possible that they bought it from other strong people, and other strong people sold things to the Death Alliance, the purpose is to make the Death Alliance fight with us!"

"If this is the case, our 30,000 people may have something to do with the powerhouse who gave things to the Death Alliance, that is to say, it has something to do with Venerable Wuji."

"Another possibility is that the thing was originally obtained by the Death Alliance. Venerable Wuji is a member of the Death Alliance. The Death Alliance deliberately made some tricks to confuse the rest of the forces. In fact, they did not pay three hundred immortal coins at all!"

Rains said: "If there are these two possibilities, the Death Alliance will attack our Holy Alliance with a high probability?"

Zhou Yuan nodded slightly: "Leader, I'm afraid that is the case. If the Death Alliance spends a lot of money to buy things, he will have to pay back. Moreover, our Holy Alliance is the old opponent of the Death Alliance, and the Death Alliance is also afraid that the rest of the forces will Sell ​​things to us!"

"If things belong to the Reaper Alliance, the strength of the Reaper Alliance is much stronger than we estimated, and it will definitely deal with our Divine Alliance!"

The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance originally came from two worlds. There is no problem in killing each other. It is not like this before!

Of course, most of the time there is basically a tie!

"Deputy leader of Zhou Yuan, what advice do you have?"

Zhou Yuan's eyes showed a crazy look: "Leader, if the Death Alliance acts, I guess they will act soon, and they will be mobilized on a large scale to get the best results at the very beginning! I think his goal is definitely Our more important stronghold!"

"We secretly transferred most of the people away, transferred them back to the headquarters, and then all of our headquarters left, and we hid near the headquarters of the Death Alliance!"

"As long as we get the news that we have been attacked by the Death Alliance, we will destroy the Death Alliance headquarters in the shortest time possible and kill everyone who remains in the headquarters of the Death Alliance!"

"If the strength of the Reaper Alliance has risen a lot at this time, our strength should be lagging behind. They focus on attacking a certain point. Even if everyone in the headquarters is decentralized, it is impossible to ensure the safety of each stronghold."

"We can only switch from defense to offense!"

"Leader, everyone, if the Death Alliance did not target us, we did not take action. We just went around for a while, even if the power of the Death Alliance knew about it, there would be no big problem."

There is a lot of discussion among the strong people in the hall. Zhou Yuan’s plan is still a bit risky. If this is the case, there will be no strong people at the Holy Alliance headquarters. If there are forces at this time to attack the Holy Alliance headquarters, there will be great losses. !

The headquarters of the Holy Alliance is equipped with a large number of formations, and there are many such things as celestial cannons. Arrays and other things can’t be removed first, and the celestial cannon needs a lot of time to install. It's not good to go.

What if nothing happens?

"Everyone, show your hands to vote!"

Rains said solemnly, "Agree to take a step forward in the offense!"

Zhou Yuan and other half of the strong stepped forward.

Rains frowned.

Zhou Yuan coughed lightly: "Everyone, let me say that there are only two transactions at the moment, but if we don’t fight with the Death Alliance, there will definitely be a third or even fourth transaction. Strength will be stronger."

"And the more money they spend, the more they will want to make it back!"

"It's like they are sharpening the knife. Are we going to give them a cruel blow when they sharpen the knife, or wait for them to sharpen the knife and kill it and fight back?"

Some strong men took a step forward, and two-thirds of the strong men agreed to take the initiative to attack the plan!

Farnes nodded: "Since most of the strong agree, let's implement this plan! The order is sent out, and in the next period of time, all the strongholds of the Holy Alliance will implement a random defense plan. Any stronghold may secretly increase. Many strong people."

"If any force has a plan for the Holy Alliance, it is best to dispel such thoughts!"

"The headquarters of the Holy Alliance has entered a state of strict prohibition. Except for some strong people, the headquarters of the Holy Alliance prohibits everyone from entering and leaving!"

The Holy Alliance is a behemoth, and Farnes's order was sent out, and the entire Holy Alliance immediately took action.

One by one, 70% of the people disappeared, and I don’t know if they were turned into secret guards or they have left!

Except for the high-levels of the Holy Alliance, even the person in charge of a stronghold doesn't know if there are many strong people in his stronghold secretly!

"Random defense plan?"

"Old tricks."

Yan Wansheng chuckled. In the past warm seasons, the Holy Alliance had adopted such a defensive plan. Such a plan could make the enemy afraid to act lightly.

Because of the heavy target, it is very likely that many powerful players have been added, and the attacking party may fall into a powerful trap and lose a lot.

"Leader, the plan of the Holy Alliance, shall we change the action plan?"

"No, our Death Alliance is stronger now! Even if all the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance are in one stronghold, we are not afraid!"

Yan Wansheng's eyes flickered, he had chosen a goal and was ready to act at any time.

Martial law is imposed on the Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance is also under martial law.

Although the two sides have not yet fought, many strong men have already felt that the storm seems to be coming.

Holy Alliance, God Light Fortress.

Here is the entrance to a powerful secret realm, which produces many good things, and is one of the very important strongholds of the Holy Alliance.

The Holy Alliance has a golden team, five thousand super team strong, and silver team, bronze team 20,000 people, and 30,000 people who have not joined the team are guarding here.

The number of powerhouses in the Holy Alliance is over 60,000!

This is the goal Yan Wansheng chose. He quietly arrived here, and then he informed his other powerful people in the space treasure of the action goals.

"You appear, limit the space teleportation here for the first time, and then destroy the Divine Light Fortress in the shortest time, kill or capture all the strong inside it alive!"

Yan Wansheng said that he was confident.

In addition to leaving a golden team, leaving the super team with 10,000 guards at the headquarters, he brought all the other strong players.

Super team 60,000 people!

Eight golden teams, six to seven thousand people.

One thousand and one hundred silver teams, 900,000 people!

There are not as many strong Bronze Teams as there are Silver Teams, but there are hundreds of thousands!

The total number of powerhouses dispatched by the Death Alliance has reached 1.7 million, and Yan Wansheng, the leader, personally leads the team!

After destroying the Divine Light Fortress, Yan Wansheng's plan was to use the might of a big victory to destroy several powerful strongholds of the Holy Alliance, and finally a large number of strong men besieged the headquarters of the Holy Alliance!


In an instant, a hundred and a hundred thousand strong people all appeared, and many of them used forbidden air treasures to prevent the strong ones here from escaping, and also prevent the strong ones from other places from quickly coming to support through the teleportation array!


The attack of the 1.7 million strong from the Death Alliance blasted towards the Shenguang Fortress.

According to Yan Wansheng's estimation, they could break the defense of the Divine Light Fortress within ten breaths. Before the strong from the Holy Alliance rushed over, they would definitely be able to solve the strong here!

Even if the Holy Alliance has many strong people here to support, they can definitely break the defense and enter the fortress within five minutes.

The powerhouses of the sacred alliance gather, and then rush over, it will take more than a quarter of an hour to do anything, they have already fixed the powerhouse here to leave!


Yan Wansheng frowned. The defense of the Shenguang Fortress was much weaker than estimated. Don't take ten breaths, they might be able to break the defense here after three breaths!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Behead Zero!"

The guardian of the Shenguang Fortress hurriedly said, Zero, not from their team, but from the super team!

No. Zero usually does not participate in any actions. Only when a great crisis occurs, will No. Zero be killed to let the Holy Alliance leader know!

The Death Alliance is attacking, and the strong energy fluctuations here, the news will surely reach the Holy Alliance soon, but the news of Killing Zero is faster!

On the Reaper League side, Rains was hiding.

A large number of powerful people of the Holy Alliance are in his space treasure, and there are hundreds of thousands of them!

It's just that many of them didn't even join the Bronze team, and the overall strength is naturally much weaker than those strong in the Death Alliance!

"Shenguang Fortress Zero is dead."

"The Death Alliance attacked the God Light Fortress."

Rains's face changed suddenly. He was in control of the super team, and this zero was added to his super team, and he could receive the message immediately after death.

"Attention everyone, the Death Alliance has declared war on our Holy Alliance."

"The Grim Reaper Alliance attacked the Shenguang Fortress, everyone will kill with this seat!"

Rains's angry voice sounded in the treasure space, and the hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the Holy Alliance received news.

In the next second, all the one and a hundred thousand strong of the Holy Alliance went outside, and their attacks immediately rushed to the headquarters of the Death Alliance.

The headquarters of the Reaper Alliance only had 20,000 defenders.

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