God of Shuratan

Chapter 2372: Doubt each other!

Chapter 2372 Suspect each other!

The leader of the Death Alliance met with the messenger of the Holy Alliance.

The two forces sent messengers to each other to facilitate communication.

"Friends in the sky, are you sure that the strong of your sacred alliance tracked and entered, and then lost contact, there has been no news?"

The leader of the Death Alliance said solemnly.

Venerable Longkong frowned and said: "Leader Yan, I won't make a joke about such a thing, nor will our Holy Alliance!"

The leader of the Death Alliance was named Yan Wansheng.

Originally he was not called by this name. He was not satisfied with his original name, and began to change his name to Yan Shengtian, and was severely taught by his father.

It was later changed to its current name.

Yan Wansheng said coldly: "Venerable Sky, the powerhouse of your sacred alliance has something wrong, absolutely nothing to do with our death alliance!"

Venerable Changkong frowned and said: "Leader Yan, it's useless for you to be angry with me. The problem now is that the leader doubts your Death Alliance!"

"Leader Yan, do you want to tell me that the 30,000 powerhouses of your Death Alliance got inside, and they were easily planted in the hands of the enemy, and then the powerhouses of our Holy Alliance did not notice anything, and fell into the pit? Lord Yan, this you Do you believe it?"

Yan Wansheng took a deep breath and said, "Venerable Changkong, don't worry for now, maybe it's just a little delay because of something."

Venerable Changkong nodded: "I hope so."

"Leader Yan, if the strong of your Death Alliance takes action, I hope that the strong of our Holy Alliance will not have any problems, otherwise our Holy Alliance will definitely take action."

After speaking, Venerable Changkong turned and left.


Yan Wansheng said coldly.


Yan Wansheng's order was passed out quickly, and his order was passed to the Qingyan Region in more than ten minutes, and there were also spies from the Death Alliance here!

The strong people of the Death Alliance here are sending messages everywhere, trying to contact the strong people of the Death Alliance, but they have failed!

The strong of the Holy Alliance also acted and failed.

When the time came the next day, Venerable Changkong came to Yan Wansheng again.

"Leader Yan, there is still no news after waiting so long, is it possible that it is normal?"

Venerable Changkong said.

Yan Wansheng shook his head, and it was the same for the powerhouses of their Death Alliance. Normally, it is impossible to stay out of contact for so long.

Even if things don't go well, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance will find a way to spread the news first.

If it goes well, it is even more unlikely that there has been no contact for so long.

Otherwise, even if things are done in the end, there will probably be penalties!

Venerable Changkong said: "Leader Yan, according to our latest news, the strongest of the Glacier League and the Wild Sword Sect has disappeared. Do you think this is normal? The Glacier League and the Wild Sword Sect are definitely not part of our sacred alliance. Secretly developing forces."

"Dare to ask Leader Yan, the Glacier League and the Wild Sword Sect, but are your Death Alliance secretly developing forces?"

Venerable Longkong still doubted the Death Alliance.

The same is true within the Holy Alliance.

In the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, even the Nether Palace, should not dare to attack the idea of ​​their sacred alliance, targeting their 30,000 powerful sacred alliances, this is a great challenge to their sacred alliance!

It's about to fight to death!

Yan Wansheng frowned and said: "Venerable Sky Sky, this seat can assure you that the Glacier League and Berserker Sect are definitely not the forces developed by this seat, and should and are unlikely to be the forces developed by the rest of our Death Alliance."

Venerable Changkong shook his head: "Leader Yan, don't be too full with these words. Maybe there are strong people within you who want to fight for your position and secretly develop a powerful force!"

Yan Wansheng said coldly: "So your Sacred Alliance is not the same? Although your Sacred Alliance entered later, who knows how many people your Sacred Alliance has passed. If more than 30,000, our people may be planted in your hands!"

"Venerable Changkong, even if your leader said that he did not do this, in fact, he can't guarantee 100% that there are no other strong people in your influence doing this!"

Regardless of whether it is the Holy Alliance or the Death Alliance, in fact, the opponent is most suspicious.

Because they are each other's biggest competitors.

The first echelon of superpowers has only the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, and the other three superpowers dare not easily offend them.

Get their 30,000 strong, the impact on the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance is not small, but it is not particularly large.

The Holy Alliance and the Reaper Alliance, both on the surface and in the dark, add up to more than ten golden teams, they also have super teams, many silver teams, bronze teams, and other forces attached to them, and the loss of 30,000 even them Less than one-tenth of the strength!

And if they want, they can also annex more forces in a short time.

I haven't done this so far, because I don't want to be targeted by a large number of forces!

Yan Wansheng took a deep breath and said, "Venerable Changkong, please tell your leader, this seat will send more powerful men to investigate there!"

"This seat will thoroughly investigate to the end!"

"Whether it is your sacred alliance or other forces, this seat will definitely find out. Don't let this seat know that Venerable Wuji is yours!"

Only one Venerable Wuji has risen in the ranking recently, and both sides suspect Venerable Wuji, and they suspect that Venerable Wuji is the other's strong!

"it is good."

"Our Holy Alliance should also send strong people!"

Venerable Changkong said solemnly.

Soon the Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance sent strong men, and this time they sent many more strong men!

The Bleach League Super Team has a total of 70,000 people and sent 20,000 people. The Golden Team has sent three more, more than 20,000 people. The Silver Team and the Bronze Team add up to 50,000 people, and the total number is over 90,000. This is extremely terrifying. A force of!

The Holy Alliance sent more powerhouses, reaching a huge number of 100,000!

The suspicion of the Holy Alliance for the Death Alliance is heavier than the suspicion of the Death Alliance for the Holy Alliance. This time a deputy leader of the Holy Alliance leads the team!

In half a day, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance of the Holy Alliance rushed to the Qingyan Region, and they rushed to the place where the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance disappeared.

They are the treasures of Qinyang space that entered here.

And before entering, they told their observers who were here.

"There is no trace of fighting."

"There is no secret realm here."

"There are only two possibilities for such a situation. One is that our people have entered the realm space, and there is a big battle inside, but there will be no traces on the outside; the other is that there are many strong people inside, and our people dare not. The resistance is immediately captured alive."

A strong man in the Holy Alliance analyzed.

The deputy leader from the Holy Alliance was respected as the Supreme Zhou Yuan, and he nodded: "Improvements are not so easy to have. There is a high probability that there are a lot of strong people hiding here!"

Boundary artifacts are too precious, and very few powerful ones will bring them in.

And even if you get something like this, you don't want to recognize the master. Higher-level artifacts have higher autonomy, and it's easier to recognize the master, but the high-level artifacts are so rare.

The strongest force to enter this is the five-star world, and there is no one in the six-star world, and the higher realm is far away from them.

Even if a power obtains a higher level device, how can it be brought in?

What to do if it is lost!

All the treasures in it add up to less than one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the higher realm!

"Brother Zhou Yuan, if the boundary device is excluded, then there must be a lot of strong people. Even if it is twice as strong as ours, it is impossible to leave all our strong ones."

The captain of a golden team in the Holy Alliance said.

Zhou Yuan Zhizun’s eyes flickered. According to the judgment of their sacred alliance, even if the Venerable Wuji had secretly absorbed a lot of powerful people, it should only be 50,000 or 60 thousand. With 50,000 or 60,000, how could it be possible to win the 30,000 of their sacred alliance people? What's more, if the powerhouse of the Death Alliance also had an accident.

Venerable Wuji’s people have to deal with their 60,000 strong!

"I want the 30,000 strong of our Holy Alliance to surrender directly. It is impossible without the strong above 100,000." The captain of another golden team said, "According to the information we got from our investigation, the strongest of the Ice League and the Wild Sword Sect is the most Did not participate in the beginning!"

Zhou Yuan Zhizun frowned and said: "Everyone, there is a small question. If it was done by the Death Alliance, why did they not take away the Wild Sword Sect, the powerhouse of the Ice Alliance in the first place?"

"Brother Zhou Yuan, they may have done this deliberately, just to let us know that the Glacier League Mad Sword Sect has nothing to do with them!"

"The strong here are not developed by them!"

Zhou Yuan Zhizun nodded slightly. After everyone's analysis, he was more suspicious of the Death Alliance.

Those who can mobilize more than one hundred thousand powerful people to prevent them from noticing it is the Death Temple, because there are more powerful people in the Death Temple!

Like Netherworld Hall, Nine-Headed Dragon, and Cangyu God Dynasty, if so many powerful people are mobilized, they will definitely be discovered!

Nether Palace, they may not have the courage to do so, if they are found out, the anger of the Holy Alliance will be extremely serious!

At the beginning, they had some doubts whether the strong inside would cause trouble.

When they get here, they know the situation here, they know that internal problems should be eliminated, and it is impossible to mobilize so many powerful people inside without being discovered!

The distance is not too far, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance gathered together, and they also secretly analyzed and got the same conclusion!

The other party is probably doing something wrong!

"Brother Zhou Yuan, if this thing is done by the strong guys of the Death Alliance, the biggest possibility they actually want is not to kill, but to seize the treasure!"

"Our 30,000 strong have a lot of treasures. If they get all of them, the Death Alliance will have a lot of funds!"

"If we can't resolve this matter, it is likely that our Holy Alliance is behind the beginning of the Death Alliance!"

The top powerhouses in the Holy Alliance look solemn!

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