God of Shuratan

Chapter 2371: Annex two forces!

Chapter 2371 annexing two forces!

Sect Master Mad Sword smiled bitterly: "Friends, I found that we all fell into your pit, you sold us gold tokens, we gave you money, and then worked hard to recruit people to help you get the Tianhu Gang and get the team order Card, in the end our two forces were swallowed by you."

The leader of the Glacier League said helplessly: "We have paid for our efforts and sold ourselves!"

The Bodhi avatar smiled and said, "You two, you can't think so. If you work hard and see it in your eyes, will you lose your benefits?"

"Furthermore, if you join the superpower and become the top of the superpower, it is likely to be more comfortable than now!"

The Sect Master of Mad Sword and the lord of the Glacier League looked at each other and said in unison: "Friends, we have discussed it, we will join!"


The Bodhi clone nodded.

The Sect Master of Mad Sword and the Leader of Glacier quickly gathered the powerhouses of their own forces and brought them all into their own space treasures.

Then the Bodhi clone took them away. A few minutes later, the Bodhi clone and the Sect Master of Mad Sword arrived in the inner space of Prison Sky.

Sixty-five thousand strong Promise Gate gathered together.


They kept fighting and broke out terrifying attacks.

Qin Yang didn't have any problems with the space they were in.

"Two, talk to the rest of the strong in your power, and then let them go outside."

Qin Yang swept his gaze over the Sect Master of Mad Sword, and the Glacier League Master laughed.


The Sect Master Berserker and the Leader of the Glacial River nodded, and in the next second two powerful forces of 60,000 to 70,000 appeared outside.

About 20,000 of them joined the Golden Team, about 20,000 joined the Silver Team, and the rest only joined the Bronze Team. ――

Originally, only about 15,000 of these people joined the Bronze Team. The Sect Master of Berserkers got the new Silver Token, and some people joined the Silver Team!

If you count the number of people, the people from the Sect Master of Mad Sword and the Leader of the Glacier League are no less than the 65,000 people from Qin Yang Wuji Sect, but their strength is not as good!

Qin Yang's people are carefully selected, and the average strength is already much higher, and 20,000 of them have joined the super team, which has increased their strength by 40%!

"Everyone, from now on you will be my Promise."

"We Promise Gate is a super power and we have a super team token."

"If you can't join the super team, many can join the golden team!"

Qin Yang said quietly, he said that there was a Super Team token in his hand, and at the same time five golden tokens appeared in front of him!

The sixty-five thousand powerhouses of Promise Gate also noticed what happened to Qin Yang, and they saw the five gold tokens!

Qin Yang didn't tell them before!

"Everyone, these five golden tokens are still empty. They have not yet recognized their masters. They have performed well and have a chance to become the captain of the golden team!"

"By the way, let me tell you about the treatment. Our Wujimen base income is three times that of the other forces. Then if you enter the God of War list, your income can be doubled. If you enter the top ten of the God of War list, your income can reach three times the basic income! "

After Qin Yang finished speaking, the Wild Sword Sect and many strong men in the Glacier League were excited!

It didn't take long for many of them to join, and they didn't have much sense of belonging to the Wild Sword Sect and the Glacier League. The main reason for joining was to benefit!

Qin Yang provides more benefits, and Wujimen is still a super power, they are happy to join Wujimen!

The Sect Master of Mad Sword and the Lord of Glacier sighed in their hearts that they can only be faithful to allegiance in the future.

It is impossible to conspire to usurp the throne by relying on the original people.

Qin Yang continued: "Everyone, the Wuji Gate originally had a golden team. Among your new members, there are three golden teams, plus five golden team tokens in your hand. We can have nine gold teams by then. Team!"

"Join Wujimen, you will not regret it!"

The Sect Master of Mad Sword and the Lord of Glacier Kneel down on one knee.

"From now on, we will join the Wuji Sect, loyal to the sect master, and never betray!"

The two strong men spoke in the same voice.

"We will join the Wuji Sect from now on, loyal to the master and never betray!"

All the strong players in the Wild Sword Sect and the Glacier League knelt down, and tens of thousands of strong people shouted in unison. Few of them had any opinions!

Before coming out of the space treasure, the Sect Master of Mad Sword and the Lord of Glacier League had already told all of them about their current situation.

If they do not join the Promise Gate, they will have to be annihilated by the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance!

"I accept your allegiance!"

"Next, I will give you a thousand strong men in the Death Alliance, a thousand strong men in the Hydra, your task is to torture them severely, everyone must do it!"

"They can't die within one month. After one month, all of you need to take action to kill them all!"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

He was talking about a thousand strong men of the Death Alliance, and a thousand strong men of Hydra appeared. Among them was the Death Alliance, and Hydra was very important.

"Elder Madsword, Elder Glacier, you can take them with you."

Qin Yang looked at the Sect Master of Mad Sword, the lord of Glacier League and the others said, "You are the elder of the Wuji Sect first. If you perform very well and have strong strength, then you will have the opportunity to become the Deputy Sect Master of the Wuji Sect! There is only one deputy master who is practicing."


Elder Madsword and Elder Glacier nodded and said, somehow they became the elders of the Wujimen, this was already the upper level of Wujimen.

Moreover, they control the golden team, which will be the real power elders in the future.

Soon the newly joined strong men took action, and one month was enough for all of them to torture the two thousand strong men Qin Yang had brought out!

With such a vote, Elder Madsword and Elder Glacier knew that a large number of newly joined powerhouses would quickly return to their hearts.

Because of this, they have no way out!

As time passed, Qin Yang rushed to the headquarters of the Glacier League. There were five thousand people left at the headquarters. Qin Yang naturally took these five thousand people away, and then Qin Yang went to the headquarters of Mad Sword Sect. There are also five thousand people from the headquarters of the Mad Sword Sect!

Another ten thousand strong joined.

Moreover, Qin Yang also put away a lot of good things in the headquarters of the Glacier League and the headquarters of the Wild Sword Sect, including many Tianjing cannons.

Celestial Cannon attack, the power can reach the ultimate level!

From the Tianhu Gang, the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance, and the Hydra, Qin Yang actually got a lot of celestial cannons. In addition to selling gold tokens, he also got some. There are already thousands of doors!

This thing is not good for mobile use, it is basically fixed use.

Usually press at the headquarters, press at your own residence.

Qin Yang didn't have a fixed residence before, and the space treasures were not easy to use, so such things were useless. Now the Prison Sky space is very stable. You can arrange these. If the enemy chases in, you can surprise the enemy!

Thousands of cannons with the most powerful attack power, if they attack together, they will be effective!

And Qin Yang has money, he can buy more!

A Tianjing cannon costs about one trillion yuan, and a hundred cannons cost just one immortal coin.

Qin Yang has more than five hundred immortal coins, if you smash them all on this, you can buy tens of thousands of Tianjing Cannons...

Of course, it's impossible to hit it all.

There are not so many Tianjing Cannons to sell!

"The original sixty-five thousand strong, and seventy-five thousand newly joined, the total has reached 140,000!"

"It won't be long before the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance should be able to get news."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart, he quickly moved away.

In the Death Alliance, the leader of the Death Alliance had indeed received the news, but the news he received was not that the Death Alliance strongmen were arrested or killed.

For the time being, the news he got was that they lost contact!

In addition to the 30,000 powerful players in the Death Alliance, there are also observers secretly. They are members of the Super Team and are close followers of the leader of the Death Alliance. If those powerful in the Death Alliance have important actions, they need to talk to them.

They will not intervene in action, just observe!

The strong of the Reaper Alliance sneaked into the space treasure to act. Before the action, the observer was contacted, and then lost!

For the time being, observers don't think that something happened to the 30,000 strong in the Death Alliance, but he has an obligation to report this news!

"It shouldn't be long before you can figure out which force is funding the Glacier Alliance and Berserker Sect."

The leader of the Death Alliance said secretly in his heart.

The opponent may be a powerful force that has already appeared, or it may be a force that acts secretly.

The temporary loss of contact is normal in the eyes of the leader of the Death Alliance, he believes in the strength of the 30,000 strong in his own power!

——Those strong, only two captains joined the superpower, and the other strong ones did not, so even if 10,000 or so strong died, the leader of the Death Alliance did not notice that the two golden team captains of the Death Alliance did not die. !

"My lord, something is happening."

At this moment, a strong man hurriedly entered the hall where the leader of the Death Alliance was.

"What's the matter?"

"My lord, the messenger of the Holy Alliance on our side has contacted, and the Holy Alliance has sent news that the 30,000 strong people of the Holy Alliance on the Qingyan Region have lost contact!"

The face of the leader of the Death Alliance changed slightly: "How do their people act? Is the loss of contact normal or abnormal?"

"My lord, there is an abnormal loss of contact!"

"Their people tracked the target's clone and found that the target's space treasure had invaded it, and there was no contact behind it!"

The leader of the Death Alliance frowned.

"My lord, they know that our people have entered first. Listening to the other's tone, they suspect that our Death Alliance is doing a ghost, and they mean to question us!"

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