God of Shuratan

Chapter 2303: Ten trillion in compensation!

"Venerable Wuji, let's have some holidays with you before, look at—"

The younger brother of Venerable Yaoxian tentatively explored the tunnel.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The past is over. I am not a person who clings to the past. Besides, I haven't suffered a lot. But you can't mess around again in the future. There will be another time. You are welcome."

The younger brother of Venerable Yaoji and many of the experts secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Yang would just not investigate this matter!

As long as Qin Yang does not pursue it, there will be no problems.

"Venerable Wuji, rest assured."

"You and Daoist Luo Lingna are both superb. How dare we, prepare gifts to come over, just to resolve the conflict."

The eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye said one after another.

The cursing in their hearts bloomed, but they could only pick up nice words on their lips!

"Venerable Wuji, if there is nothing wrong here, we will withdraw first."

"Venerable Wuji, goodbye!"

Soon Venerable Demon Ye and the others left, staying here for a while, they felt that they would vomit blood.

Qin Yang looked at them, Venerable Chaos.

"Dear fellow daoists, Absolute Peak Manor can actually be entered silently by strong people. It seems that Tianzun Island and the other strong people may have reached the absolute level of strength. What do you think?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

"It is indeed possible!"

"Friend Qin Yang, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"Friend Qin Yang, we will help you investigate!"

Venerable Chaos and they spoke one after another, one by one angry, as if there were really other strong men doing things!

But IQ online experts will know that this possibility is extremely low.

There are many benefits to being a top level. If there is a strong person with a top level of strength, he has long become a top level strong.

Qin Yang nodded: "Thank you fellow daoists. Fellow daoists, my Great Peak Manor has been destroyed, and now there is still a Great Peak Manor empty. I don't know if I can give that Great Peak Manor to me first."

All the outstanding experts nodded without hesitation.

That one of the top manor does not belong to them either!

There was no need for them to offend Qin Yang because of this.

Besides, Qin Yang just took the initiative to say that the matter here may be caused by other hidden masters, and they have to give face.

Whoever stands up to oppose it, many strong men guess that he is the first to suspect that this is the case!

This kind of thing, even if there is no evidence, as long as everyone suspects you, the white may be stained black, and the loss of interest is certainly not small.

Make an analogy.

If Venerable Holy Light stands up against him, Qin Yang questioned, and the rest of the strong also doubted him. Many forces cooperating with Venerable Holy Light would have to consider the consequences of continuing to cooperate with Venerable Holy Light!

"Thank you fellow daoists."

Qin Yang arched his hands.

Venerable Yan roared in his heart, that was his absolute manor!

He didn't want Qin Yang to get this outstanding manor.

But he still has nothing to say. In theory, as long as he passes the assessment, he will become a top, but now that there is no assessment, he is not a top!

"Dear fellow daoists, please help, you will accept a little bit of thought."

Qin Yang talked about the space ring one by one and came to Venerable Chaos.

There are treasures worth about 500 billion in each space ring.

Venerable Primal Chaos and the others have seven great peaks, and they add up to 350 million, not a small number.

But I just got one billion worth of treasures, all by myself, this money is too hot!

Venerable Chaos gave them their treasures in public, and Venerable Chaos accepted them. In a short time, they will definitely not mess around.

"Friend Qin Yang, how embarrassed this is."

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Qin Yang, it is only natural that we are helping to investigate things like this here!"

"Friend Qin Yang, this is our responsibility!"

Venerable Chaos and they spoke one after another.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Dear fellow daoists, you don't have to decline, otherwise you just look down on me with this little caution!"

"The enemy is powerful, and you have to take some risks to investigate. I should give you some compensation!"

"Besides, this is the windfall that I just received."

"If it hadn't been for Lingna and I who had just become absolute tops, they would be too poor, and all of these would be nothing to everyone."

Venerable Lei Chai laughed loudly and said, "Brother Qin, then I'm not welcome. A treasure worth 500 billion is not a small amount of money. Brother Qin has a heart!"

"Friend Qin Yang, I have accepted it too, thanks!"

The rest of the top-level powerhouses have received it. 500 billion is really not a small amount of money even for the top-level level. The top-level powerhouses earn more, but there are many people below them, and they actually want to save five. Hundreds of billions will take a long time!

The rest of the strong are jealous, but what dare they say at this time?

far away.


Knowing the situation here, the eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye sprayed out blood, and he suffered a heavy loss this time.

He took out a very precious treasure.

Now that Qin Yang still takes their money as a favor, it is unreasonable!

"My fellow daoists, I have checked here, and there is nothing to find, so I have to ask fellow daoists to take a look here."

"I want to recover my strength, so I will withdraw first."

Qin Yang smiled and said, he and Luo Lingna left soon, they first took over the original manor of Venerable Yaoxian.

Entering the Great Peak Manor, Qin Yang's expression immediately became gloomy.

Although he has obtained a lot of benefits from the guardian family and other forces, he has deducted 35 trillion yuan from people, and he still has 65 trillion yuan, plus the treasures obtained before, enough for Qin Yang and the others to practice for a long time!

But Qin Yang was still upset.

He wanted to slaughter all the powerhouses of the Guardian Clan, Snake Clan, Black Spirit Clan, and Monster Night Clan!

"Xiao Qin, they will definitely find trouble again!"

"At that time, I will find another chance to clean them up. Now is not a good time!"

Ye Lao Dao.

Qin Yang took a deep breath and nodded: "Lao Ye, I know. If today's affairs are all dealt with on the surface, their forces will definitely be unlucky, but if our human race fights with them, we will also There is a huge loss."

"It's the rest of the forces, they may be greasy!"

Old Ye smiled and said, "Xiao Qin, you are not dazzled by hatred, very good!"

"And you also used this opportunity to cut a lot of meat from them. They lost a lot of dead men and lost so much money. It is them who should be depressed!"

"With so many resources, we must first align our strength. Once the strength is up, everything is easy to say!"

Ye Lao was actually worried that Qin Yang would act impulsively.

That's great for a while, but the strong human race inside doesn't know how much they will die, they won't be winners!

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Unfortunately, one of us has died. I hope he can come back to life by then!"

Xing Jiang said: "Palace Master, we practitioners, fighting against the heavens, against the earth, against people, death is a normal thing. When such a big thing happens, we only have one death, which is already very good."

"Thanks to Palace Master, you have improved our strength!"

The rest of the powerhouses encouraged Qin Yang one after another, and the death of one person in the training world is indeed not a big deal.

Moreover, the dead person still has a lost chance of resurrection.

Qin Yang waved his hand: "It's OK, everyone, don't need to say, although I am a little depressed, but my psychological endurance is not so bad!"

"Everyone knows the current situation. Those dead men should not exceed half of the dead men they have, and they have many other strong men. The enemy's strength is very powerful. Don't slack off!"

"Lao Ye, we will continue to practice separately, but we also have to arrange a strong formation outside the manor. This kind of thing will be enough once. If this happens again, then we deserve it!"

Elder Ye nodded: "Xiao Qin, there are very powerful array wizards here. You can find some and let them arrange layers of arrays outside the manor. Even if some of them have problems, it is impossible for all of them to be used. has a problem!"

Qin Yang nodded, he had just received a large sum of money, and it would not cost too much to ask someone to arrange some powerful formations!

"Lao Ye, this will trouble you."

"I will handle it."

Ye Lao smiled. He lived a long time and knew a lot of strong people. Soon twenty powerful formation masters came over. They were all Tianzun-level figures, and their combat power might not be very strong, but their formations were very strong. Awesome.

Twenty powerhouses were divided into two groups, each group of ten people, and ten more powerful formations were built outside Qin Yang and their two Absolute Summit Manor. At that time, even the absolute powerhouses would definitely not easily sneak in. !

If there are many strong people attacking together, the ten-layer formation will not last long, but that kind of movement is too much!

Moreover, after destroying these formations, there is still the defense of Absolute Peak Manor. There are also formations in the manor, which can buy a lot of time for Qin Yang and the others, enough for Qin Yang and the others to finish their training and get ready!

"Qin Yang was in the manor at the time?"

Somewhere in Absolute City, a supremely strong man murmured to himself, he actually didn't believe what Qin Yang said, that Qin Yang was not in the manor at the time!

When the Absolute Summit Manor where Qin Yang was previously located entered the different dimension, he believed that Qin Yang should be inside.

After Jue Dian Manor fell into another dimension, it should be impossible for Qin Yang and the others to get out of it.

But if Qin Yang was inside, why was Qin Yang alright?

Even if only two hundred experts blew themselves up, it would be terrifying, Qin Yang shouldn't be alive!

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