God of Shuratan

Chapter 2302: Is this a gift for me?

"With Qin Yang's strength, there might be one or two bones left."

"I really look forward to the look of Lorina and the others!"

"Qin Yang's treasures should be left behind. If Luo Lingna forced her injury, she might vomit blood and die."

"It's cheaper for her to die by vomiting blood!"


The guardian family, the demon night family, the snake family, the black spirit family... a lot of strong people talked in secret, and they all looked excited.

Lorina and the others were nervous.

This tension is not all pretend.

Although Qin Yang said it was okay, but was attacked by more than 1,900 powerful dead men, maybe Qin Yang was actually seriously injured!


Venerable Chaos and their seven extreme strengths strengthened, and the defense of the extreme manor soon fell, and then the powerful defensive enchantment dissipated directly!


There are many powerful people here to watch the excitement, and a large number of powerful people instantly took a breath.

The Great Summit Manor has been completely destroyed at this moment.

The Great Peak Manor covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, and now there are huge pits in the manor, and the entire manor is already in the pit.

The place where the manor is located is thousands of meters short.

Some of these pits are tens of thousands of meters deep!

You must know that Jue Dian City is not an ordinary place, and the place where Jue Dian Manor is located is even more special. It is not easy for ordinary people to make a ten-meter deep hole here!

In the entire manor, the ground has been glazed, this is the extremely hard rock here that has been melted by the high temperature, and then condensed again!


The eyes of the seven Jue Dian were horrified, Ye Lao, Luo Lingna and the others were paying attention to the expressions of the seven Jue Dian, Venerable Chaos, and there was nothing unusual.

The enemy behind the scenes must be one of the seven best, but he disguised well.

"Friend Qin Yang was attacked by the enemy?"

"The entire Absolute Manor has been destroyed, and there are a lot of strong people attacking!"

"Judging from the traces, I'm afraid that there are about 200 strong men who blew themselves up. They should be dead men. Daoist Qin Yang estimates that there will be more fortunes."

"Friend Lorina, you are so sorry!"

Many of the Poison Flame Pill Sovereign spoke, and the Poison Flame Pill Sovereign had already spoken. In such a situation, he estimated that Qin Yang must be dead!

Su Xiyu and the others looked at the destroyed Absolute Peak Manor in horror.

Although Qin Yang had already heard that, seeing the situation here, they were still scared after a while, and their hearts were terrified!

If Qin Yang died here, what should they do?



Lorina and the others called out eagerly.

They just want to see Qin Yang immediately to make sure that Qin Yang is really fine!

"No one can survive such an explosion."

"Friend Luo Lingna, you should look for it, maybe you can find some relics of Fellow Qin Yang, and you can keep it for a thought in the future!"

A strong man is extremely happy.

"Wife, it's there."

At this moment, Qin Yang's smiling voice rang, he flew from below, his face was ruddy, his complexion was good, and he seemed to be nothing!

The strongmen who were waiting for the guardian clan were stunned for an instant, they stared at Qin Yang dumbfounded.

Many other powerful men looked at Qin Yang in disbelief.

"Husband, are you all right."


Luo Lingna and the others came to Qin Yang in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yang let them check and smiled and said: "It's okay. I didn't feel bad last night. I didn't stay here at all. I came here early in the morning to take a look. It was actually attacked by many powerful people and it was bombed. What a ghost!"

"I wonder if the murderer can come out and temporarily cut off the contact with the outside world, making you worry!"

Qin Yang's words reached his ears.

The powerhouse guarding clan, snake clan, black spirit clan, monster night clan and other forces were dumbfounded, Qin Yang was not here last night?

Then their people blew themselves up here and burst into loneliness?

Thinking of those powerful dead men who died, many of them were so depressed that blood would squirt out!

"Husband, it's fortunate that you avoided it."

"What forces did it, must be investigated."

Luo Lingna was murderous.

Qin Yang nodded, and he looked at the seven superpowers: "Seven fellow Taoists, this matter is very serious and needs to be investigated carefully. I don't know what you think?"

Venerable Chaos and they nodded solemnly one by one.

Venerable Lei Punishment said in a deep voice: "It is indeed necessary to strictly investigate this matter. This is too bad. If we are dealing with the rest of us, we may not have the luck of Daoist Qin Yang. We may be blown to pieces! Relatives and friends! Subordinates will die a lot!"

"Yes, it must be investigated!"

Venerable Xuanying frowned.

Venerable Primal Chaos is murderous: "Doing such a thing in the top city, this is something that all of us top powerhouses cannot tolerate. If it were not for the good luck of Qin Yang Dao, Daoist Qin Yang would have died at this moment. Must be investigated thoroughly!"

Other Jue Dian also spoke.

Qin Yang frowned secretly, he didn't see anything unusual in the expressions of these superpowers!

People at the top level are indeed unlikely to be easily seen through.

"Everyone, who are you?"

Qin Yang's gaze fell on the powerhouses from the Guardian family and other forces. Many of them came over. The strange beasts were pulling treasure chests one by one, and there were indeed many treasures in the treasure chests, including Dali's Tianzun coins and elixir. , Ling mine or something!

Many other strong men around have weird expressions.

There was something like this in Qin Yang, these forces brought gifts abnormally, and the children felt that they were afraid of something wrong.

Ye Lao Chuanyin: "Xiao Qin, now is not the time to completely tear your face with them. There are still unknown powerful enemies. These forces are also very powerful. If we are okay, our human race will be terrified. Hit!"

"You are the eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye? Tell me what you are doing here."

"What's here, doesn't it have anything to do with you?"

Qin Yang's gaze fell on the eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye, his heart trembled. If they found out that the thing was done by them, it would be very bad!

Originally, if Qin Yang and the others died, there was no clue left here, nothing happened. Only Luo Lingna and the others could shake the sky?

Measure the strength of the two sides, the powerhouses of the highest level may be on their side, and Luo Lingna and the others are done in one fell swoop!

But Qin Yang didn't die!

The situation is quite different!

The supreme powerhouses who might have supported them will not stand up to support them at this moment. The time is short. Even if the seven supreme people want to target the human race, they must not have discussed it. At this time, who dares to take the initiative stand out?

Shoot the bird!

"Venerable Wuji, don't get me wrong."

"We are here to give gifts."

"We went back and thought about it. Father did it first. You can't blame you for killing your father. The mistake is on our side. If we can't recognize the mistake, we will continue to find trouble, and when is the time to report the injustice. "

"So we intend to apologize and turn a fight with you into jade!"

Venerable Yaoye's eldest son said sincerely.

"We Monster Night Family alone, we felt a little embarrassed to come over, so we contacted Venerable Yaoxian’s family. We didn’t expect them to have this idea, so we simply asked the Black Spirit Race, Snake Race, Guardian Family, etc. Powerful people, I didn't expect everyone to think that Venerable Wuji you are powerful, and you all have such thoughts."

"So we made an appointment to come here together!"

Many strong people have weird expressions, this is a lie.

Qin Yang glanced over: "Everyone, is that right?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Senior Promise, this is the truth!"

"The attack here has absolutely nothing to do with us. We just came to apologize."

The rest of the strong spoke one after another.

The seven absolute peaks are staring, and the rest of the strong are staring. If things here are judged to be theirs, they will be in great trouble. If they fall, it means that there are many forces. get the benefit!

The rules are there, and no one at the top level will definitely stand up to protect them!

Many powerful people were staring at the eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye with excitement. Venerable Demon Ye felt as if they were being targeted by countless evil wolves!

"In these boxes, are you gifts for me?"

Qin Yang glanced across the many boxes indifferently.

There are hundreds of various treasure chests, and each one contains a lot of things. The treasures in each treasure chest are worth hundreds of billions on average.

The total value of hundreds of treasure chests is more than ten trillion!

It was originally judged that Qin Yang was dead, and these forces took out these treasures to show everyone their "sincerity", but Qin Yang was alive and well.

If Qin Yang didn't strictly investigate the matter here, none of the seven powerhouses at the top level would stand up and investigate carefully. Together, these forces are very strong.

The strong from the other races and other forces will not stand up and demand strict investigation.

The eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye, they knew that Qin Yang could not pass this catastrophe!

"Yes, these things are gifts for you."

Venerable Yaoye's eldest son said, his heart was bleeding.

Many other powerhouses are also dripping blood, a treasure worth ten trillion yuan, each of them has produced a lot!

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "I feel your sincerity, then I'm not welcome, and I am willing to believe that the things here have nothing to do with you."

Qin Yang waved his hand, and all the hundreds of treasure chests disappeared!

The eldest son of Venerable Demon Ye waited to cry, Qin Yang killed their people, and they actually brought out so many treasures.

You have to accompany a smile on your face!

How heartbreaking!

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