God of Shuratan

Chapter 2002: Empty glove white wolf

"Kill, don't let them run away!"

"Stop them!"

The monsters flee desperately, and Qin Yang chased them frantically behind them, killing them all with red eyes.

In their eyes, all the monsters that can enhance their strength are attribute energy.

"Hua Qingyin, stop the fastest monster of the Heavenly King level!"

Qin Yang's transmission commanded that Hua Qingyin practiced the time rule. She rushed to the forefront, surpassing all monsters. Gradually, she caught up with the fastest monster. This monster is not the strongest, but The speed is indeed the fastest.

"Time Cage!"

Hua Qingyin shot, and the fastest monster suddenly became extremely slow. Hua Qingyin's strength was stronger than it, and it wanted to get rid of the difficulties!

"Six-headed Heavenly King level monster, don't let it go!"

Qin Yang reported that he was also close to a monster at the moment. His speed was only slightly slower than Hua Qingyin. You must know that he has particularly strengthened the "speed" attribute.

The monster Qin Yang overtakes is the strongest!

"Space imprisoned!"

Qin Yang's space law was used, and at the same time, the old black became bigger, and he slapped the monster at an extremely fast speed.


The monster roared, spitting a beam of destruction from its mouth. This was purely composed of destructive power. Qin Yang's spatial confinement was immediately broken by it, but at this time Lao He had already smashed it, and this monster was inevitable.


Old Hei slammed the monster's forehead heavily, and immediately made the head of the monster who had just attacked with all his strength dizzy.


Xiao Jing also appeared at this time, her strength was already extremely strong, and when the witch dragon technique was used, a powerful restriction appeared on the body of this monster.


While the monster was trying to break free from Xiaojing's restraint, Qin Yang controlled Lao Hei again.

Qin Yang and Xiao Jing are both extremely strong. They are facing each other. In addition, Qin Yang is stronger than this monster. Qin Yang’s defense was broken by Qin Yang and he suffered some injuries, but this guy reacted. Very quickly, it immediately strengthened its defense!

"Space imprisoned!"


While holding on to prevent the monster from running away, Qin Yang kept grabbing the old black and bombarding it.

If you use the different pupil of the right eye, Qin Yang would definitely be able to take it away in an instant, but many powerful people are paying attention to him, and Qin Yang does not want to expose the existence of the different pupil of the right eye.

From the rest of the strong, Nangong Sheng and Xiang Yi joined forces to stop a monster, which is only a four-star heavenly power level.

Nangong Sheng and Xiang Yi are both five-star half-step natural births, they can't run away.

Dao Lingxue, Jian Chen, Huntianji, and many other powerful men stopped the remaining three Heavenly Dao level monsters. These three Heavenly Dao level monsters were also stopped, and all the other monsters were no longer there. Fleeing to the seventh district, they must save their leader!



Thousands of monsters and Qin Yang and the other close to the 9,000 strong were torn together. The number of monsters was even less, and there was no cooperation. The strong cooperation between Qin Yang and the others was quite good. The time passed by every second, the monster They keep decreasing!

In two minutes, Qin Yang controlled Lao Hei and smashed it hundreds of times, each of which exploded with extremely strong power. The monster he attacked was indeed strong, and he carried it for so long.


Qin Yang hit hard again, and this monster was finally knocked down by Qin Yang, but it didn't die, it just passed out in a coma!


Putting this monster away, Qin Yang quickly came to Xiang Yi and the others. Xiang Yi and the others will quickly solve this monster, but if one is not good, it may explode!


Qin Yang and Xiao Jing shot at the same time. This monster was killed by Qin Yang and the others before it exploded. They had already captured the most powerful monster at the Heavenly Dao level. They had also captured two Heavenly Dao level monsters alive. Nothing.

"Get the Hua Qingyin side together first."


Qin Yang ordered that they all rushed towards Hua Qingyin. Qin Yang, Xiaojing, Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, equal to four five-star Heavenly Dao level powerhouses to join, Hua Qingyin here is not a five-star half-step Heavenly Dao level. In less than a second, Qin Yang directly solved the goal!

"Brother Qin, we don't need you Qin Mang here, you help the rest."

Dao Lingxue said loudly.

"Here too."

Jian Chen raised his voice.

Some of the targets they dealt with were only three-star half-step Tiandao level, but Qin Yang and the others had done it, they had not done it yet, and his face was a bit ugly.

"Help the rest of the people solve the monsters!"

Qin Yang ordered.

The remaining thousands of monsters were half dead at this moment, and as Qin Yang and the others joined, the remaining half died at an accelerated rate.

In the end, when Qin Yang and the others solved all the remaining monsters, Jian Chen, Dao Lingxue, and Hun Tianji finally solved their goals.

"Brother Qin, you are great."

Dao Lingxue sighed lightly. He thought he had reached the level of a five-star half-step heavenly path, and the gap with Qin Yang should not be much, but Dao Lingxue found that he was thinking too much in the first battle.

Qin Yang even had a battle pet.

And the battle pet also has the strength of the five-star half-step heaven.

"Brother Qin, thanks to you again for this battle! Otherwise, we must have suffered heavy casualties in the blew of the monster before."

Jian Wuchen solemnly said.

Many powerhouses thought of the detonation of monsters before, and many powerhouses were afraid. If many monsters blew up in the second round, they would definitely die many. Two or three thousand deaths is a small number, and four or five thousand deaths are entirely possible!

And if so many died, many others were also injured, and they would suffer heavy losses in the attack of the monsters behind.

"Vice-Leader Qin, we owe you another favor."

Hun Tian Ji said, although she has cut countless men, but her character is not bad, basically she will pay back the favors she owes!

Only this time, Hun Tianji felt that Qin Yang's favor was really bad.

Time and time again, Qin Yang owed too much favor.

"Thank you, Deputy Leader Qin!"

A large number of strong people said in unison.

Qin Yang's status in the hearts of these powerhouses is definitely higher than that of Feng Linxian, the leader.

Shangguanjie Shangguan Yan looked at Qin Yang. They were itching to hate them. Qin Yang helped them, but they would not be grateful. In their opinion, Qin Yang should help them before he was a strong human. If Qin Yang After helping them, they are stronger, this time they can also kill many monsters and perform better!

"You are welcome."

Qin Yang waved his hand and said, "Gather all the monsters together. It is the old rule. After refining the attribute energy, distribute it to everyone!"

Because the six monsters of the Heavenly Dao level were stopped, all the other monsters did not run away. The 8,000 or so monsters behind, the basic corpses were preserved, plus the monsters that blew up and were resurrected at the beginning, a total of 10,000 Backing monster corpse.

It took about ten years for Qin Yang to fix these monster corpses, and distribute many attribute energy to the rest of the strong.

Of course, Qin Yang gained more.

The total amount of attribute energy obtained by all the other strong people is only one-seventh of the attribute energy obtained by Qin Yang!

In the different space of Qin Yang's right eye, a large amount of attribute energy has been accumulated.

"Master, Shangguanjie, Shangguan Yan and the others are here again."

Hua Qingyin sent the message to Qin Yang. Here, Qin Yang, the last group of strong men who received attribute energy has just left, Shangguanjie and Shangguanyan are stuck here.

Qin Yang frowned, these two guys still didn't give up.

"Let them in."

Qin Yang said indifferently.

Shangguanjie Shangguan Yan is the arrogant of the Shangguan family anyway. They have a bad attitude and Qin Yang can not give the attribute energy, but if they don't see it, they will not give the Shangguan family face. When the Shangguan family comes to Qin Yang, it will be difficult to refute.

Soon Shangguanjie and the others entered the hall.

"Vice-leader Qin, we were a bit wrong about the previous matter. Come over and make a payment for you!"

"You must have a lot of attribute energy. We want to ask you to borrow some attribute energy. If we leave the Golden Dragon City at that time, we will definitely compensate you!"

Shangguanjie said solemnly.

The two have discussed, and first bow their heads to get the attribute energy, so that the strength is improved, and the chance of leaving alive is much greater.

As for revenge, after leaving the Golden Dragon City, they have the opportunity to take revenge with the help of the family.

"The deputy leader of Qin, who is also a human race, can you help me?"

"There are only a few people in our human race. Do we have to fight each other?"

Shangguan Goose Road.

Qin Yang sneered in his heart, is he going to fight each other?

"Sorry, there is not much attribute energy, so I can't lend it to you."

"Otherwise, the same human race, I must lend it to you!"

Qin Yang's expression was genuine.

"Qin Lin, how can you not have much attribute energy! You have already obtained a lot of attribute energy, and you can definitely drop some attribute energy when you deal with those corpses!"

Shangguanjie was annoyed.

Qin Yang shook his head: "No, there is no, you know, I don't just need energy, my pet needs, Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, Hua Qingyin, they all need energy boost! Sorry, you two, can’t help. Get on you!"

Just now Qin Yang asked Xueling to do the fortune-telling, Shangguanjie and Shangguan Yan and the others still harbor murderous intentions against him!

It's strange that Qin Yang would help them improve their strength in this situation!

Shangguan Yandao: "Qin Lin, we have already talked to some of the other strong men. We will trade out powerful treasures with you for attribute energy! If we do not obtain attribute energy to increase our strength, we will die here by the time, our Shangguan family absolutely I won't let you go."

"Where are the powerful treasures?"

Qin Yang sneered.

Shangguanjie said solemnly: "Qin Yang, as long as you give us attribute energy and leave at that time, our Shangguan family will naturally give you powerful treasures!"


Qin Yang sneered, after all, the two of them just wanted to empty the glove white wolf.

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