God of Shuratan

Chapter 2001: Decisive battle in District 6!

"Leader, if we entered the sixth zone before, we would have suffered heavy losses. The death of half of the people was definitely the best result, but it should be fine now."

"Yes, our strength has increased a lot, and the strength of the monsters has decreased by 30%!"

"Thanks to the deputy leader Qin!"

The strong people spoke one after another, and their expressions were still relatively relaxed.

During this period of time, the strength of many powerhouses has indeed increased a lot, Dao Lingxue, Huntianji, and Jian Chen have all reached the level of the five-star half-step heaven.

Feng Linxian said, "Everyone, even so, let's not be careless, the monsters are still very strong! And the dead monsters inside can be resurrected. We don't know how much it can be resurrected at the moment!"

"We must solve the battle with minimal casualties!"

"It's best to have zero casualties!"

Dao Lingxue shook his head: "Leader, it is unlikely that there will be zero casualties this time. After all, there are still 17,000 monsters strong, and there are six half-step Heavenly Dao level monsters! The deaths are less than five. Hundreds are pretty good!"

Jian Chen also said: "Before they took the initiative to attack us, we set up many traps, occupying the geographical advantage, this time it is the monsters occupying the geographical advantage!"

Feng Linxian said: "Anyway, let's try to reduce casualties! This time we don't pursue quick wins, we will fight steadily!"

"We can occupy an area first, then build a defensive position in that area, and gradually expand!"

The strong nodded, this is a lot slower, but it should be able to kill a lot of people.

As time passed, Qin Yang and the others discussed a complete action plan.

Then Qin Yang and the ninth thousand strong were hidden, and silently went to an entrance of the sixth area, where there were powerful monsters guarding them, but Qin Yang and the strong ones had many methods, and the powerful monsters here were not the first. Time to find Qin Yang and their approach.

——Although Qin Yang and the others solved the monsters that had left the city in a short time, the monsters in the sixth area still underestimated Qin Yang's strength!

They actually didn't know that Qin Yang and the others killed monsters, and then they could get attribute energy **** to quickly increase their strength.

"Everyone, follow the plan and kill!"

Qin Yang's voice rang in the minds of all the strong, and Feng Linxian, the battle commander, directly handed it over to Qin Yang.

The rest of the strong have no objection.

Qin Yang's strength is there, Xiang Yi and the others are also strong, and Qin Yang can be said to be kind to all the strong inside.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Qin Yang and the others rushed to the gate of the sixth district. The gate was not closed, and there was no strong barrier preventing Qin Yang and the others from entering the sixth district!

Qin Yang and the ninth thousand strongest rushed into the sixth zone like a billowing torrent.


The roar of the monster immediately sounded, and many monsters guarding this side immediately rushed towards Qin Yang and the others. There were no monsters at the level of the half-step heaven, but there were monsters with the level of the half-step heaven.


Qin Yang grabbed Lao Hei and passed by with a brick, and a monster with a strength of about two stars and a half-step Heavenly Dao level immediately blossomed.

Xiang Yi, Nangong Sheng, Hua Qingyin, Dao Lingxue, Jian Chen, Huntianji, and Feng Linxian also burst out tyrannical powers one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the monsters with half-step Heavenly Dao level strength were directly beheaded by Qin Yang and the rest!

Qin Yang and the others wanted to receive the space treasure, but they failed!

"Smash their bodies!"

Qin Yang shouted violently.

If they can receive the space treasure, they may not be able to resurrect in the space treasure, but if they can't be collected, it is better to break them, so that they will consume more power when they come back to life.


Many powerful people responded, and the corpses of the monsters Qin Yang killed were immediately torn apart by the tyrannical force and turned into tens of thousands!

"Enemy attack, support immediately!"


The monster powerhouses in other places immediately slew Qin Yang and the others.

"Stay steady, don't expand."

"Kill the enemy in this area!"

Qin Yang said loudly.

Although the time was short, Qin Yang and the others rushed in and killed quickly. A hundred kilometers around the city gate was already occupied by Qin Yang and the others. In this area, thousands of powerful monsters died.

Occupying this area to fight is good for Qin Yang and the others. They will not be attacked by the enemy!


A large number of powerful monsters rushed over frantically, the world seemed to be collapsing, and the aura was extremely terrifying.

Many monsters killed by Qin Yang and the others quickly came back to life!


In front, on the left, on the right, a large number of monster powerhouses quickly rushed over in three directions, and six and a half-step Heavenly Dao level monster kings rushed over.

"Master, be careful of the monsters' self-destruction!"

Xue Ling's voice suddenly rang in Qin Yang's mind.

Qin Yang's expression changed. They didn't consider this issue. The monsters can be resurrected, and they will not fear death!

"Everyone, be careful of monsters blew up!"

"Special collective blew!"

"Those with powerful defense treasures are ready to use them at any time."

Qin Yang sent the message to all the strong.

The hearts of all the strong were shocked.

There are over 17,000 powerful monsters, among them around 8,000, attacking frontally, on the left and right, there are four or five thousand powerful monsters respectively. Qin Yang only has a few seconds to send the message, and Qin Yang and the others on their left have four or five thousand powerful monsters. An extremely terrifying breath exuded from his body.

"Blow, they want to blew!"


Qin Yang reminded that many strong men had left a mind and prepared for this. When they noticed the abnormality, a large number of strong men quickly used their defensive treasures, and thousands of layers of defense barriers appeared in Qin Yang. To the left.


Thousands of monsters suddenly exploded, and their self-destructive power reached two or three times the power of their simultaneous shots, which was equivalent to 10,000 or several thousand monsters attacking at the same time.

Qin Yang's thousands of layers of defense were all torn to pieces.

However, after all, there are thousands of layers of defenses. These defenses still bought Qin Yang and the others a loss of time. This time is not even a tenth of a second, but for Qin Yang and others of this level, Enough for them to rush far.

When the monster exploded, all the other monsters retreated violently, and Qin Yang and the others quickly moved away without being stopped by the strong monster.


The incomparable violent power smashed from behind Qin Yang and the others, some of the strong ones who escaped slowly were directly swallowed by the violent power, and hundreds of strong ones died.

"Be careful, son, and there!"

Xue Ling reminded hurriedly.

"Attention, everyone, there is likely to be a self-destruction attack!"

Qin Yang immediately reminded the rest of the strong.

Many powerful monsters on Qin Yang's right rushed towards Qin Yang and the others.


Qin Yang tried to receive Feng Linxian from the space treasure. Qin Yang tried and failed at first, but at this moment, Qin Yang successfully received Feng Linxian from the space treasure, probably just a few thousand monsters. 'S blew affects the rules of heaven and earth here!

"Attention everyone, don't resist, I will receive you in my space treasure!"

Qin Yang’s voice sounded in the minds of the rest of the powerful. Qin Yang and the others were not very scattered. The total number was only about nine thousand. In an instant, all the nine thousand powerful men disappeared, and thousands of monsters rushed over. A terrible aura was already coming from his body.


Qin Yang directly entered the void mica.


As soon as they entered, an extremely terrifying explosion appeared. This time, there was no barrier blocking them, and the area Qin Yang and the others had just been in was completely destroyed.

However, the attack went in all directions, and the Void Mica was hidden in a different space. This explosion had no effect on Qin Yang in the Void Mica.

"I'm a good boy."

"Fortunately, the two batches blew separately!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he could see the terrible scene outside in the void mica.

If the left and right batches blew themselves up at the same time, Qin Yang and the others could not hide in this way. It would be possible for three to five thousand deaths.

Qin Yang and the others ignored the point of self-destruction before.

One second, two seconds...

Ten seconds passed, the violent power from the outside world gradually subsided, and many dead monsters began to resurrect, but most of them showed no signs of resurrection!

Two batches of self-destructed, nine thousand monsters died, it is impossible to resurrect that many!

The monsters blew themselves in two batches. I guess they didn’t expect Qin Yang and the others to react so quickly. If Qin Yang and the others had a lot of casualties in the initial self-detonation, and then they were in chaos, the rest of the monsters all rushed over, Qin Yang and the others would have been casualties. Big.

"Get out!"

When Qin Yang went outside, the nine thousand strong men in his space treasure also went outside immediately, and they were shocked.

In the self-detonation just now, huge changes have taken place around.

"Don't froze, kill!"

"Many monsters can't be resurrected. Their chances of resurrection should be gone. Kill them all!"

"Be careful not to damage the body!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "Our number is no less than them now. Don't die a lot of people in this situation, it's a shame!"


A large number of the rest of them immediately formed a battle formation and rushed out.

Qin Yang and the others were originally stronger than the monsters inside, but now Qin Yang and the others have a crushing advantage.

As time passed, the monsters died out.

The six-headed monsters of the Heavenly King level have not died yet, and their hearts are furious, but at this time they have no possibility of a comeback!

"We must withdraw or we will all die."

"Withdraw, withdraw into the seventh zone!"

The six monsters of the heavenly king level quickly reached a consensus. There are still seven to eight thousand monsters alive. They all received orders and quickly retreated to the seventh area.

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