As long as you are a Battle Qi class, you will long for your Martial Dao innate talent to become stronger.

The strengthening of Martial Dao innate talent means that the proficiency of the martial skill is improved, and the use and cooperation of the martial skill is stronger.

This, equivalent to, directly strengthens one's own fighting skills and enhances battle strength.

"My luck is really good today."

Qi Le immediately became happy.

The secret of the sky, yogurt, egg tarts.

Three of the four compensations are all very good things.

Especially the secret of the sky and the egg tarts, they can already be regarded as surprises.

"Let me taste the taste of this egg tart."

Although Qi Le doesn't catch a cold with sweet rice dumplings, he still likes egg tarts very much.

The egg tart provided by system is about half a palm-size, which is not very large.

But the price has reached twenty-five Spirit Crystals, two.

I have to say that in terms of cost performance, the price of egg tarts is indeed by far the most expensive of all snacks.

The reason for not just selling is probably because the system does not accept half a Spirit Crystal.

Gently take a bite, and eat half of the tart into your mouth.

Egg tart melts in the mouth.

The rich and sweet milk fragrance and the ultimate sweetness instantly occupy Qi Le's mouth, and then go straight to the brain.

The cream is delicious, the egg is delicious, and the butter is thick.

After baking, they are perfectly blended together.

The hierarchy is clear and intertwined.

After it melted in the mouth, it formed an incredible delicacy.

"This is too delicious."

Qi Le does not deny that he really likes to eat egg tarts.

But this time, Qi Le can guarantee that it is definitely not because he likes to eat egg tarts that he is partial in his evaluation.

But because the taste of this egg tart is really delicious.

The scent and sweetness are so strong that it cannot be removed.

Even if the egg tart has been swallowed, there is still an aftertaste in the mouth, which is endless aftertaste.

"No, I have to come some more."

Qi Le licked his fingers and felt that one egg tart was not enough.

In terms of cost performance, egg tarts are indeed by far the most expensive snack.

But again, it is by far the best snack.

Except for those pure carnivores, the deliciousness of egg tarts can definitely conquer everyone.

"By the way, system, there should be a new pet card, and send it to me too."

Qi Le wiped the fingers that he had licked clean, and then While going downstairs, he said in his mind.

The new pet card does not require Qi Le to draw.

However, even let Qi Le pump.

According to system's usual practice, I am afraid that Qi Le has to pick up a small hammer and smash the third golden egg.

system: "New pet card: Golden Winged Griffin. It has been updated. Please check the host."


Qi Le heard The name of the new pet card immediately became interested.

Griffin is a good thing.

There is a record in the history books collected by Desolate Origin Empire. In Ancient Era, some Great Influences have worked hard to form flying squad.

Of course these flying squads are all Heroic Rank powerhouses.

If you really have this kind of strength, you can also build a flying squad with a hammer, and you can just dominate the king directly.

So, the mount used by these flying squads is the griffon.

This is a flying demonic beast that looks similar to a male lion but has a pair of huge wings.

Relatively docile, but extremely aggressive.

After training, you can become a mount, and can greatly improve individual battle strength.

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