system: "Host, please wait...Snacks are ready to be drawn, the host, please continue to draw."

The prompt sound came quickly.

But the scene in front of Qi Le has not changed at all.

It is still the two intact golden eggs, an eggshell that shattered a table top, and the little hammer that Qi Le casually dropped on the table top.

Does this mean... continue knocking?

"You are too stingy."

Qi Le suddenly began to wonder whether the products in these three golden eggs were arranged by the system in advance. .

Damn black box operation.


The small hammer was raised and dropped.

Qi Le could only regard one of the golden eggs as the head of the system, and then fiercely knocked it down.

Golden's eggshell suddenly all split up and in pieces, and the snacks that appeared in front of Qi Le were another thing that made him very familiar.

The golden color and flat shape make Qi Le a little nostalgic.

Egg tart!

The fast food industry, the snack industry, and the dessert industry all have a silhouette of such a magical meal.

"It seems that I am one step closer to becoming a fast-food restaurant boss."

Qi Le said with emotion, and clicked on the details of the egg tart by the way.

Egg tarts: rich and delicious, unstoppable happy hour.

Long-term consumption of egg tarts will slightly increase the Martial Dao innate talent of the eater.

Price: A pair of 25 Spirit Crystals.

It is another top grade special effect, which can actually enhance the Martial Dao innate talent!

Qi Le's eyes straightened.

Innate talent and aptitude sound similar, but the real meaning is different.

It's complicated to explain.

But to put it simply, aptitude represents cultivation speed and affinity for Battle Qi and magic.

If there is no cultivation aptitude, it means that the affinity for Battle Qi and magic is zero, and the cultivation speed is zero, so naturally there is no way to cultivation.

The innate talent represents the speed and perception of learning martial skills and magic.

The higher the innate talent, the faster the learning rate.

In the words of online games, aptitude represents the speed of gaining experience.

The higher the aptitude, the faster you can gain experience and upgrade.

Innate talent represents the acquisition of skill proficiency.

The higher the innate talent, the faster the skill level will increase.

As for the potential that has not been mentioned here, it represents the upper limit of the level.

The higher the potential, the higher the upper limit of the level that can be reached.

However, without aptitude, everything is in vain.

Therefore, aptitude, innate talent, and potential are complementary to each other.

Without it, it's like a cripple walking.

It must not be far.

The previous mineral water can enhance the cultivation aptitude of the drinker.

And the egg tarts drawn now can improve the Martial Dao innate talent of the eater.

That is to say, the special effects of egg tarts are on the same level as mineral water.

But unfortunately, egg tarts can only enhance the Martial Dao innate talent. There is no way to enhance the magic innate talent. Unlike mineral water, it is suitable for everyone to drink.

Even if the ordinary person drank it, it was of great benefit.

No way, everyone needs cultivation aptitude.

And Martial Dao innate talent, before there is no cultivation aptitude, no matter how high it is, it is no good.

And even if you have a cultivation aptitude, if you are a magician, you don’t need Martial Dao innate talent.

But even so, it is impossible to deny the special effects of egg tarts.

This will again become one of the best sellers in the store.

The magician level does not require egg tarts, but the Battle Qi level is definitely in droves.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 931: aptitude, innate talent, potential)...

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