Going further is the so-called inner area.

But in the infinite battlefield, the so-called inner and outer areas are completely default things.

So Qi Le can't be sure, he can only judge by his feelings.

After all, although there are many gold prospectors in the Infinite Battlefield, most places are still deserted.

At a glance, there is no one inhabited.

I was looking for someone to ask, but I couldn’t find it.


But at this moment, a terrifying roar sounded.

The sound wave carries the shock wave, sweeping across, like a battle axe, terrifying incomparably.

The scream of splitting the air sound can already prove how powerful this shock wave is.

"Is this the welcome ceremony after crossing the region?"

Qi Le bit a verdant fruit in his mouth, watching the shock wave hitting him , Did not appear panicked at all.

In front of Qi Le who is always on guard, any sneak attack is invalid.

This is also an infinite battlefield for danger lurks on every side. How could Qi Le be defenseless when crossing regions.

So when he noticed the attack, Qi Le responded accordingly.

Suddenly punch!


In an instant, the sonic boom sounded like a dragon.

There was a bang, resounding through Heaven and Earth, and also turned into a terrifying shock wave, welcoming it.

The confrontation at this time is more like a temptation before the attack to determine whether the opponent is his own prey.

After all, the inner area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield is not like the outermost area.

Those who can come to this place, not to mention they must be veterans, but they are absolutely impossible.

So the methods used to deal with newcomers are destined to be unusable.

And the gold prospectors who have the courage to go further to the inner region are, in a sense, geniuses who have absolute confidence in their own strength, so they should be more careful before fighting. Up.

In case the object you provoke is really Tianzong genius, wouldn't it be trouble for yourself?


Soon, I heard a loud noise.

Two shock waves undoubtedly collided together, shattering the surrounding void and spreading to the ground.

Centered on the location where the two shock waves erupted, a semi-circular depression was directly created on the ground.

"Does it match ?"

Qi Le eyebrow raised, looked towards the place where the attack came.

The punch just now, of course, is Qi Le's full strength, which is at most two points of strength.

It's just a temptation to judge the strength of the opponent, how can it be possible to expose all of his strength?

However, Qi Le is not clear about how much effort the other party has used.

But judging from the situation just now, even if the opponent is strong, they are still within the tolerance range.

So Qi Le has nothing to fear, and walks directly in the direction where the opponent may appear.

Then, I saw a black bear that looked like a hill.

At this moment, I was staring at Scarlet's eyes and looking at Qi Le.

"Not a gold digger?!"

Qi Le was a little confused at this moment.

Because he can distinguish clearly, the black bear in front of him is really not a cultivator of a certain race.

For example, demi-human such as Bearkin Clan.

It is a genuine demonic beast!

"Does the demonic beast also appear in the infinite battlefield?"

Qi Le has not really thought about this question before, but now, it seems that he has given the answer directly .

That is-it will appear!

But it’s right to think about it later, in the infinite battlefield, there is no rule that demonic beasts are not allowed to appear.

In fact, the door to the Secret Realm that enters the infinite battlefield also appears randomly, and its location will often change.

Then there will be demonic beasts who will come in by mistake, which is understandable.

But it is different from those gold prospectors who have a purpose and take the initiative to enter the infinite battlefield.

Those demonic beasts just broke into here unintentionally, their own strength is not necessarily very strong.

However, under the guidance of instinct, I will also be very interested in those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and then start devouring those heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are beneficial to myself to strengthen my own strength.

Slowly develop.

Maybe in the infinite battlefield, the number of demonic beasts is still small, but it is not uncommon.

Only in the outermost area, the number of gold prospectors is the largest, which reduces the living space of demonic beasts.

Naturally, I won’t see it.

Those senior gold diggers hunting newcomers will not show mercy when facing demonic beasts.

On the contrary, in the inner area, the number of demonic beasts is more than that.

One of the reasons is the demonic beast that can survive in the inner zone. If nothing else, the battle strength must be tyrannical!

It's like the black bear Qi Le has encountered now.

If you lose the outermost area, it is probably invincible.

However, the brain of demonic beast will always act according to instinct, and the instinct will become stronger, so naturally it will not go back.

Some senior gold diggers who have been wiped out fighting intent but survived by chance may also return to the outermost area from the inner area, struggling on whilst by hunting newcomers at death's door go down.

And most of the information circulating in the outermost area about the inner area is also spoken by these guys.

It can also be considered as a psychological preparation for those senior gold prospectors who want to go further.

But for Qi Le, these are not important.

More importantly, this black bear should be cleaned up first.

It happens to be able to study the general strength of the gold prospectors in the inner region.

Because this black bear can live in this place, it represents its strength, and it certainly won't be the bottom.

If it is really the bottom strength, it would have been hunted down long ago.


The black bear roared again.

Among the scarlet's beast pupils, there are some obvious killing intents.

It seems that relying on the power of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, there is no way for the demonic beast to obtain the corresponding spiritual wisdom.

But it doesn’t matter, pure power is better for testing.

Qi Le's face is calm, indifferent to the black bear's roar.

That huge body like a hill is indeed full of oppression.

But Qi Le is able to condense even a larger body of the law, can you care about the difference in body shape?

However, after this roar, the black bear saw the prey in front of him, and he was not afraid of himself at all, and suddenly aroused his anger.

In the next second, I took a palm.

A black bear as tall as a hill, and the paws slapped over it are also huge.

Almost almost the size of Qi Le.

Screaming, and after Qi Le casually moved two positions, he patted fiercely on the ground.

"hong long long ——!"

With this palm, the big earthquake trembled, like a slight earthquake.

The crack followed the edge of the bear's paw, and the moved towards spread around, but stopped at Qi Le's feet.

"The power is okay, the speed is a little bit worse."

Qi Le commented in his heart, and then in the next moment, it was leg raised.

With a sound of "peng", he kicked the black bear, which looked like a hill, and flew for tens of meters before hitting the ground heavily, dragging out a huge trench. .

It’s like plowing a field.

But Qi Le knows that his own kick actually did not cause any substantial damage to this black bear.

This guy's skin is rough, flesh is thick, and defensive power is amazing. He has been greatly improved thanks to the feeding of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Even the normal full strength attack of Demon God can hardly hurt it.

It is indeed the demonic beast of the inner area. If you lose the outermost area where Qi Le had been before, it is estimated that no one can deal with it.

And the only shortcoming of this black bear is probably its speed, it can't match its power.

But this is not a big problem.

Anyway, this black bear's skin is rough and flesh is thick, and ordinary enemies can't do much damage to it.

To put it in a very vivid way, someone hit this black bear for dozens of times, and it is not as high as the damage of this black bear with a paw.

But if you accidentally get a paw from this black bear, you will probably stop cooking on the spot.

It's really a remarkable combat feature.

"áo hǒu ——!"

At this time, the black bear kicked out by Qi Le also got up from the ground.

Another angry roar burst out, turning into a substantial sound wave, like a ripple, moving towards spreading around.

Sure enough, such a full-blown voice really didn't hurt.

"From this black bear, nothing can be tested."

Qi Le stroked his chin, thinking in his heart.

Most demonic beasts are no better than those cultivators. In Qi Le's eyes, the details of these guys can easily be seen.

So judging from the current situation, there are only a few things that can be analyzed.

This black bear can live so well, you can imagine the strength of the surrounding gold diggers.

However, just when Qi Le wanted to end the battle, a shout rang in the distance.

"I found it!"

"I heard the black bear's voice!"

"This time, we must solve this black bear!" " " If you really can get rid of that black bears, so many days we ambush, it was worth. " " this is the first bear the Expect DID not even hide this The place is here!"

Listening to these voices, Qi Le was still stunned.

What's the matter?

Why is there still hunting in the infinite battlefield?

There is a saying, the guy who is qualified to come to the place of Infinite Battlefield, even if he doesn't eat, he won't die.

Although it is said that physical training is a fan, but for the powerhouse in the realm of Demon God, this sentence is not true.

However, Qi Le is a little confused.

But being able to meet a living person is still very lucky.

At least I can ask them where is the trading market in this area.

This incident was also said by Hou Da, and it was also the intelligence that circulated from the inner region.

The trading market basically exists in every area. Although the number is not large, anyone can go to it.

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