Besides the excitement and excitement after the war, a senior gold prospector suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, I remember."

"The werewolf family seems to have left a lot of treasure troves!"

This sentence immediately made everyone present startled, and then showed a sudden realization.

"Yes, those werewolves do have a treasure trove. Many heavenly materials and earthly treasures are stored in the treasure trove!"

"That said, we got it this time , Not only lifespan, but also the collection of the werewolves."

"What is the collection of the werewolves?"

"These things are not all they grabbed from us. Did you go!"

"Yes, we are just getting back what belongs to us."

"Then go!"

"You should know where the werewolves are based."

"Of course you know, everyone will follow me."

"Joke, this kind of thing, is it? Just you know, don’t we all know?"

"Follow you, shall we pick up your leftovers to eat?"

"Since everyone knows, that’s fine I’m done."

"Let’s go to the treasury to get back our things. We can only get our share."

"Agree, that’s it. Do it."

With the end of the discussion, many senior gold prospectors also began to act.

If you want to eat alone, it is impossible, so you can only split it equally, otherwise no one will accept it and you have to fight again.

So everyone dare not fall behind, lest they lose their share.

However, among this group of surviving senior gold prospectors, only the big faces of monkeys are a bit strange.

"The main station werewolf family ......"

"adults who would not be one step ahead, to the treasure trove of family werewolves to evacuate it."

Until then, Hou Da suddenly remembered this incident.

Then it became clear at once. The adult asked himself where the main place of the werewolf clan was and what it was for.

It turns out that the adults thought of this early in the morning, so they left early?

It really deserves to be the peerless power coming out of the inner region. I think it is thoughtful.

The ability of the goose to pluck its hair really makes people asked of being inferior.

It's just that at this time, no one noticed the change in the face of the monkey.

What everyone thinks is to find the treasure house of the werewolf clan early, and then start to carve up the heavenly materials and earthly treasures inside.

Such a Great Influence, over hundreds of years, the accumulated collection must be massive.

Even if it is evenly divided, everyone can get a lot.

That's why it's strange not to be excited.

However, following the many senior gold prospectors, the Monkey King who went to a certain treasure house, what I thought was--

You may be happy too soon.

However, even if it has been anticipated, what will happen, Monkey University dare not take a step forward.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be too obvious? It is clear that I am telling these senior gold prospectors that I know the inside story.

So I can only slowly follow the battallion team and try to make myself inconspicuous.

Until those cheering excitedly, excited senior gold prospectors came to the door of a certain treasure house of the werewolf clan.

"Huh -?"

"how is this going?"

This shocking scene immediately gave many senior gold prospectors a bad premonition.

I ran into the treasure house in a hurry and felt cold on the spot.

"It's gone!?"

"The collection of the werewolf family, all gone?!"

"Who did it? Actually put a whole The treasure vault has been emptied!”

At this moment, countless senior gold prospectors with a surprised face roar towards the sky in the empty treasure vault.

The anger in my heart broke out three zhang high instantly!

Then he turned his head and started glaring at the other senior gold prospectors around him, feeling that no one was right.

"Which damn guy is it!"

"Now hand over the things in the treasure house, we can still forget the blame!"

"If you let We found out who did it, and the end will definitely die!"

"Hurry up, stand up!"

"Our patience has its limits, don't let it Let's do it!"

A group of senior gold prospectors roared in the treasure treasury, burning with anger, as if they would explode at any time.

The monkey who knows the inside story, after seeing this picture, has no choice but to roar together.

The truth is impossible to say, and it is impossible to say it in this life.

Otherwise, with the anger of these guys, the consequence must be to harm Chi Yu and kill his own three brothers.

Let this matter become a secret forever.

Besides, that adult must have already left here at this time.

The deeper areas of the Infinite Battlefield are no longer within the reach of senior gold prospectors like them.

There is a more dangerous and cruel battlefield there!

Without sufficient strength, simply cannot survive.

However, after a roar of helplessness, another calm senior gold prospector thought of something.

"No, no!"

"Let’s go to another treasure house!"

"In case there is something in another treasure house , Then don’t we have a loss!"

"Yes, you are right, let's go!"

"Can't let those guys eat alone!"

As soon as these words came out, the senior gold digger who was still roar towards the sky just closed his mouth instantly.

Then he hurried to the location of another treasure house.

Youdao is not to suffer from lack and unevenness.

If everyone does not have one, then the heart will naturally be balanced.

But if some people have it, and some don't, those who don't have an impossible balance in their hearts anyway!

Seeing this scene, Hou Da, Hou Er, and Hou San looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly.

Don't ask, other treasure troves must be like this.

That adult asked all the locations of the werewolf clan.

How can it be possible to abandon a certain treasure house alone.

And the facts are exactly the same.

The veteran gold prospectors who went to other treasure vaults were also angry.

Then when I saw the senior gold prospectors coming from other places, I suddenly glared at me and asked directly: "Are you going to come and take the things in the treasure house first? Now?"

Fortunately, everyone was still a comrade before, so there was no direct fight.

But after the two parties had the right message, something was wrong.

"All the treasure vaults are empty?"

"Who is it that emptied so many treasure vaults?"

"Damn it Guy!"

"To be able to empty so many treasure troves in such a short time, it must have been a plan!"

"If you don’t say anything else, just say hiding Where to put so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the treasure house is a big question."

"But who will do it?"

"We I have been fighting with the werewolves before, and it is absolutely impossible to have time to empty the treasure trove!"

A group of veteran gold diggers raging to the sky, trying hard to recall the previous battles, what they have missed local.

Suddenly a different voice came out.

"Actually, not all the treasure troves have been emptied."


As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent for a while. .

Then soon, it became noisy again.

"What did you just say?"

"Are there any treasure troves that have been emptied?"

"Quickly, quickly, take us there , I finally don’t have to go on an errand for nothing today."

"Although the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of a treasure house are missing a bit, at least there are still some gains."

"I thought it was true that all the treasure troves were emptied."

After experiencing the rage, they saw some hope, and many senior gold prospectors became excited again.

After all, compared to the situation where there is nothing, there are some gains, which is already a very good result.

It’s just be that as it may, but--

"However, you guys are happy, it seems a bit too early."

"Ah, this... …"

When these words came out, there was another silence.

Then after the silence, it remained silent as before.

All the senior gold prospectors present were silent, waiting for the guy who was talking, what to say next.

"In the treasure vault that was not emptied, there were twelve Blood Spirit Fruits left, and one more sentence."


"Everyone, you have worked hard."

These last words are like the fuse that lit a barrel of explosives.

All senior gold prospectors have started a new round of roar towards the sky, or yelled at them.

Because of this sentence, the irony is too strong.

But what does the remaining twelve Blood Spirit Fruits mean?

No one can understand.

Except for the three monkey brothers, they knew that these twelve Blood Spirit Fruits belonged to the adult.

What it means is very simple-take all of your own things for all the things of the werewolf clan.

"Fair" deal!

It's just a pity that this group of senior gold prospectors will always be impossible to find the culprit.

Even if they can think of this after they calm down, they can think of who left the field first in the battle with the werewolves and had the opportunity to run to empty the treasury of the werewolves. It doesn't help.

Because of Qi Le, I left this place a long time ago.

"I don't know how they would react when they saw the twelve Blood Spirit Fruits."

Qi Le, who was on his way, was eating from the werewolves I took out the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the treasure house, thinking in my heart.

These things are all good treasures.

If the value is not high, it will not be included in the treasure house by the werewolves.

Now, all Qi Le is cheaper.

Speaking of which, Qi Le always finds it strange.

That is the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the infinite battlefield. As long as they are edible, they seem to taste good.

I don’t know how it evolved. I feel it’s really suitable to be used as a snack.

So on the way Qi Le, eating these heavenly materials and earthly treasures is definitely not suffering, but a kind of enjoyment.

Perhaps among those senior gold prospectors, there will also be people who like food. Work hard for this delicious bite.

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