To be honest, if possible, Qi Le would rather collect the Treasure Map steps, it’s better to step down in Dragon City.

Instead of looking for a dojo and a dojo as it is now.

Wasting time not to speak, but also looked very aggrieved.

Unfortunately, this rule is probably set by the giant dragon holy king and has to be followed before it can't be cracked.

"Giant dragon holy king, what do you want to do, let me take a look."

Qi Le touched the golden dragon scales in his arms, His face turned straight, and then moved towards the nearest dojo.

Now that it has been decided, if you want to gather the Treasure Map, you must be the enemy of all dojos.

So the first step-"please" drop a dojo in Dragon City to help make a place, so there is no need to choose one by one, just use the principle of proximity and just take down a dojo. It's over.

Anyway, for Qi Le, those dojo Hall Masters are all impossible enemies.

Just crush it directly.

The only trouble is the dísciple in dojo. You have to think of a good way.

Really, why are there such boring rules? If you have to make a pawn and a pawn, you will be a general.

Speaking of which, the dojo in Dragon City is very open and bright.

The door is opening, and some dísciples are practicing rough boxing in the lobby. It is full of weak spot moves. Qi Le frowns.

But then again, Qi Le can't even see the weak spot moves, I am afraid it will not appear here.

However, that's the point.

However, the problem that puzzles Qi Le is that the cultivation base of these dísciples is too low.

Almost all of them are realms that accept Qi. Can a cultivator who is just starting out can come under these dojos?

Are these dojos so bad?

If they really want to compete for the Treasure Map, these dísciples of realm are not even cannon fodder.

What is the purpose of recruiting entry?

With such doubts, Qi Le walked into this dojo.

Qi Le didn't even look at the name. Anyway, it is a dojo that is about to disappear. The name is not important.

"Who are you? It looks a little strange."

"What do we do for dojo?"

Before Qi Le walked into the lobby, After crossing the threshold of the gate, he was stopped by a voice.

Turning around, I found a robust man sitting beside the gate, tall and mammoth, looking like a black bear.

Is this guy the gatekeeper in this dojo?

Qi Le scratched his head and said: "I'm coming over to dojo, something is wrong with you, um, where is your Hall Master?"

To kick the gym, or just look for it. Dojo's Hall Master is better.

No, it's not right, Qi Le is not here this time.

It should have come to dismantle dojo.

Then you should discuss it directly with the Hall Master of dojo.

Because of the requirement of kicking the gym, it did not say that all the people in dojo must be killed.

As long as all of them admit defeat, and then dismantle the dojo, and the flag outside is folded, it can be regarded as the destruction of dojo.

So what Qi Le thought was to discuss with Dojo's Hall Master and ask them to dismiss Sect's Disciples.

After all, Qi Le and these dojo lacking hatred and enmity are just trying to gather the Treasure Map.

Why bother to kill?

Doesn't that mean Qi Le has been infected by the violence of the Celestial Domain and has become bloodthirsty.

"What are you doing with our Hall Master?"

The robust man sitting by the gate looked up and down Qi Le.

I confirmed that this guy was not in Dragon City, after any dojo Hall Master, he showed a look of sudden enlightenment, he slammed his palm, and said: "Oh! You are here to apprentice a teacher. Right!"

When I came to dojo, there were not many things I needed to discuss with Hall Master.

Either other dojos came to play in the gym, or those ignorant guys want to apprentice.

I feel that if I find Hall Master, I can learn more.

So as soon as this idea appeared, the robust man waved his hand to Qi Le and said: "If you want to apprentice, you don't have to go to Hall Master specially. I just need to register for you. " " you people, ah, do not always think to find Hall Master, useless. " " worship into our dojo door, at first only be a Honorary Disciple, Put a name in our dojo."

"By the way, remember to pay 10,000 blood spar as an apprentice fee, and then you can go in."

Finished, Robust man also yawned and stretched his waist by the way. It seems that this kind of thing is commonplace.

"You still have to pay a teacher's fee?"

Qi Le was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to come over and discuss with the Hall Master of this dojo calmly.

I hope that the Hall Master of this dojo can wake up, dismiss the dísciple, and accept reality safely through the way of talking and making heart.

Who knew that he had heard such interesting news before entering the lobby.

"You are really interesting. You don't have to pay a teacher's fee, and you want to join our dojo sect ?"

"You don't want to go out to inquire, let's dojo this ten thousand blood The apprenticeship fee for spar is notoriously low."

"If you think it's expensive, you can go to other dojos to see, and come here again."

robust man Glancing at Qi Le, he said without surprise.

You know, the secret of Treasure Map has been circulating in Dragon City for many years.

The previous dojo can still fight for the Treasure Map because of the hope of achieving the position of Demon God.

But later, everyone discovered that it seemed like it was not a way to keep fighting like this.

There is a cost to open a dojo, so you can't always lose money.

So the Hall Master of a certain dojo thought of such a way.

Get some apprenticeship fee to subsidize the family.

When I came up with this idea, it was really incredible.

The Hall Masters of each dojo suddenly noticed that it turns out that you can earn blood spar by opening a dojo!

Think about it, every cultivator of the Celestial Domain is a big resource eater. If you want to achieve something, you need a huge amount of resources, and this is just a foundation.

The blood spar dojo needs to survive is naturally a Celestial number.

Even if it is to compete for the Treasure Map, you must have enough blood spar.

So, after the opening of the apprenticeship fee was opened.

In order to earn more blood spar, many dojos also let go of the threshold of apprenticeship.

Regardless of your innate talent level or potential, as long as you are willing to pay a full amount of apprenticeship fees, dojo is willing to accept you.

It’s just that there is no innate talent, no potential dísciple, it’s not worth the effort to cultivate.

To put it simply, those dísciples that make up the number of people are mobile cash machines.

In dojo, just teach them a half move.

Don't worry too much, just let them play freely.

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