After all, Qi Le will come to Dragon City, just to find the trace of the giant dragon holy king.

So, just ask if there is a giant dragon before, that is the best way.

Even if it is just some rumors, it can be regarded as a clue.

"hmph, you have already asked this level, do you still want to say that you don't know about Treasure Map?"

"You can pretend to be like you , It’s really the first time I’ve seen you."

Who knows, after hearing Qi Le’s question, the mockery on Passerby’s face suddenly became stronger.


Qi Le hearing this became even more confused on the spot.

What the hell is this? Can't you even inquire about the giant dragon's news in Dragon City?

"Hehe, you are still pretending, you are still pretending to pretend to be pretended to be pretended to be reinstalled!"

"Since you are willing to pretend to be pretended to be, then I will accompany you to pretend it."

Passerby looked at the expression on Qi Le's face and struggled hard again, and then found that there was indeed no way to break free.

The hand that this guy puts on his shoulder is like a mountain, pressing firmly on him.

There is simply no way to get rid of it.

Passerby suspects that if it weren't for this guy's show mercy, he would not be able to survive the next second.

"Whatever you say, I don't know or I don't know."

"However, I still suggest that you answer my question first."

Qi Le feels that he and this passerby are simply not on the same line.

But listening to his tone, he should know the news of the giant dragon.

If this is the case, you can't let him go easily.

"Okay, you want to know, then I will tell you."

After Passerby struggles to no avail, I probably know it too. If I don’t answer the question properly, I guess I can't leave.

So after thinking twice, I chose to compromise.

"In our Dragon City, there is a broken Treasure Map. As long as we can gather all the pieces, we can get a complete Treasure Map, and then find one according to the Treasure Map. Complete keel!"

"As long as you refining that keel, you will definitely be promoted to the realm of Demon God!"

"Now, do you understand?"

The introduction of Passerby was simple and clear, and it also made Qi Le understand what the vigilance in these guys' eyes was going on.

Was it because you were afraid to snatch the dragon bones that belonged to Dragon City?

A joke, the realm of trifling Demon God, is it worthy of Qi Le's heart?

This is probably the reason why those Demon Gods disdain to come to Dragon City to take the Treasure Map.

The realm of Demon God is indeed a huge temptation for the cultivator of the realm of immortal bones.

But for the real Demon God, it is no different.

Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.

It’s okay if you want it, or you don’t, it’s okay to just drop it in your hand, but it’s definitely not worth the effort to come over and get it.

That's why it created the Dragon City like this.

However, to be honest, Qi Le, the realm of Demon God, is not rare, but Qi Le really wants to dig out this keel.

Who knows if it will be the keel of the giant dragon.

Wait a minute, the keel of the giant dragon?

No way, did the giant dragon saint king fall in the celestial domain?

"The keel, so that's how it is, it turns out that there is such a thing."

Qi Le loosened the hand holding the passerby, and then touched his chin , Seems to be thinking about something.

The passerby saw this and just wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Le's hand rested on his shoulder again.

"I ask you, what Treasure Map is this, and where is it?"


Passerby was silent.

After a long while, I asked a little bit hesitantly: "Do you really know this?"

"If I know, I will ask you to do it What?"

Qi Le asked back.

This guy is really interesting. Is it because my brain is sick? I asked you knowingly here?

"What you said makes sense."

Passer-by was silent again, thinking that he might indeed have misunderstood something.

Maybe he is not a passerby, but the guy who blocked the road on the other side is the passerby.

Or are you all passersby?

"Did you see the triangular flags?"

After a while, passerby reached out and pointed at the flags that were flying in the wind.

"I saw it, but what does this have to do with the Treasure Map?"

"Are those flags the fragments of the Treasure Map?"

Qi Le point Nodded.

Those flags, Qi Le just noticed when he arrived in Dragon City.

"If you want to say that, it's actually the same. Those flags represent dojo."

"A flag is a dojo."

Passersby Jia silently nodded, and then continued.

"In every dojo, there is a fragment of Treasure Map. As long as the dojo can be destroyed, the fragment of Treasure Map will appear."

"You still have to do this. It's really troublesome."

Qi Le couldn't help but say a word when he heard this.

As a result, passer-by's voice also paused, and then sighed again.

"I really believe now that you really don't know about Treasure Map."


Qi Le glanced at the passerby .

"I'll explain it to you in detail."

Passerby scratched his head, sorted out his thoughts, and continued to speak.

"The fragments of the Treasure Map are not in the dojo, but will automatically emerge after the dojo is destroyed."

"This is in the Dragon City. Rules, so if you want to get the Treasure Map, you have to do this."

"Based on the fragments of the Treasure Map, build a dojo."

"Then it’s between the dojos." Duel, which is commonly known as Kick Hall."

"Every time you destroy a dojo, you can get a piece of Treasure Map fragments, until all other dojos are destroyed, and the last dojo that remains will be able to Gathered the Treasure Map."

"This is also the reason for the constant battles in Dragon City."

"Everyone wants to gather the Treasure Map and get the dragon bones." , And then promoted to the realm of Demon God."

"The battle between dojos, of course, will not be less."

Said the passerby.

I co-authored for a long time and said that the reason why Dragon City is so notorious, or is it your own cause?

Qi Le rubbed his brows with a headache.

It seems that it is not that easy to get a complete Treasure Map.

With such troublesome rules, it's no wonder that those Demon Gods never even thought about coming to Dragon City.

There is a saying that Qi Le didn't want to come if it wasn't for the trace of the giant dragon holy king.

But now, it's coming if it doesn't come.

"What do I do to kick the gym? Can I just go straight to it?"

Qi Le then asked.

"Kick the gym?"

"Do you want Treasure Map now?"

Passerby glanced at Qi Le, and then asked.

Immediately afterwards, it was shrugged and said: "If this is the case, forget it. Only kicks between dojos will be counted as kicks within the rules, otherwise Treasure The fragments of the Map will not appear."

"And because the number of fragments of the Treasure Map is limited, the number of dojos in Dragon City is also limited."

"If it is due to the battle between non-dojos, which leads to the destruction of dojo."

"Then this position will be vacated."

Hear this, Qi Le’s His eyes lit up suddenly.

"Make it available?"

"Yes, make it available."

Passerby clicked nodded, and then fell silent for a while.

He raised his head suddenly, as if he understood what this guy wanted to do.

I definitely want to destroy a dojo, and then occupy that position, continue to play as a dojo.

So, after a long silence, Passerby still patted Qi Le on the shoulder with his backhand.

said: "After the successful establishment of dojo, there are other rules that need to be followed."

"Dojo Hall Master, when you kick the hall, you can only target Hall Master."

"If you want to deal with sect disciple, you can only let the dísciple in the dojo shoot, you know."

"And the Treasure Map fragments will only fall into the hands of Hall Master. ."

Qi Le understood this immediately.

There is only one Treasure Map and only one keel.

The cultivator who has the opportunity to be promoted to the realm of Demon God wants to be a Hall Master. Who wants to be a dísciple?

These rules are just taking advantage of the selfishness of those cultivators.

Then it created the current situation.

In Dragon City, there is still a dojo gathering, and no one can gather the Treasure Map.

The cultivators of the Immortal Bone Realm are vying to become the Dojo Hall Master, while the cultivators of the hopeless Demon God Realm choose to worship in the dojo, and under the careful teaching of Hall Master, they devote themselves to cultivation.

Then, continuously kick the hall, continuously fight.

The dísciple in dojo is almost becoming a consumable.

However, when it comes to this, Qi Le thinks it might be a good idea to open a dojo by himself.

Anyway, the dojo in Dragon City was originally tangled and complicated. After so many years of confrontation, it consumed a lot of dísciple.

No wonder it will change Dragon City into what it is now.

Now, it's time to change.

"Okay, I know what you said, now it's okay, you can go."

Qi Le waved his hand and let go of the passerby.

The questions that should be asked are all finished, and now it should be the official kick-off time.

No, it should be the time to build dojo before kicking the stadium.

"Ai, you have to take a trip to the muddy water. There is no other way. I can only wish you good luck."

After the passer-by is released, first make sure this The guy no longer put his hand on his shoulder, and then ran away immediately.

Leaving Qi Le alone, standing alone on the street, silently looking at the sky.

I thought to myself.

"Giant dragon holy king, it is really not easy to find your trace."

"The special rules for collecting this Treasure Map will not be the giant dragon holy king. Wang set it up himself."

Qi Le suddenly thought of this probability, and after careful consideration, he suddenly felt that it was extremely possible.

That's all, I still don't want this.

First find a dojo with fate and clear out their position.

Because the number of fragments of Treasure Map is limited, the number of dojos is also limited.

Therefore, dojo without Treasure Map fragments is not recognized within the rules of Dragon City to find Treasure Map.

In this regard, Qi Le can only express helplessness.

Such troublesome rules are extremely unfriendly to him as a lazy person.

Isn’t this impossible?

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