After the King of Humans awoke , Demon Sovereign wisely gave up the practice of destroying the King of Humans.

Instead, I chose second, which is more difficult to achieve.

Use this rain of blood as a medium to attack the entire seal formation and destroy the energy circulation in it!

And if you want the condense to spread to such a huge attack, the killing caused by the Demon God that ravaged the Divine Territory before is obviously not enough, and even the Demon God itself is also the same. .

After all, the number of resurrected Demon Gods is limited, and the attack on Divine Kingdom was also prevented in time.

Later, he was forced to enter the chaotic area and was surrounded by many main gods.

In this situation, Demon Sovereign naturally has to find another way.

Because of this, when the Scarlet Gate opened, even Qi Le and Dragon God were deceived by Demon Sovereign.

I thought Demon Sovereign really planned to use the power of these Demon Gods to destroy the seal formation of the Central Mountain Gods.

Of course, the current situation is actually not bad.

It's just that Demon Sovereign has taken advantage of the power of these Demon Gods, and there has been a slight change that's all.

Not only did these Demon Gods work for him, but also blocked the main gods who came to the Central Mountain Mountain, and even borrowed their lives!

All the Demon Gods and Lord Gods who fell on this battlefield are the source of Demon Sovereign's power!

"You are really a lunatic."

Qi Le stared at Demon Sovereign, used Law Power to form a shield, and pushed away the falling blood rain.

The terrifying and corrosive blood rain, although Demon Sovereign is used to destroy the seal formation, it is by no means only destroying the seal formation, it should have the same lethality as terrifying!

"Many thanks, the deity has never denied this."

Demon Sovereign has a smirk on his face, and with crazy eyes he glances at Qi Le, Speaking of it.

When the obsession is deep enough, you can probably be called a lunatic.

But Demon Sovereign never regrets his actions.

"Now, it's your turn."

"Come and see, how about it, against the blood rain of the deity!"

The rain of blood had long been unstoppable and had fallen on the sacred mountain of the Central Region.

Demon Sovereign said this at the moment, but he was mocking that's all.

Isn’t it a pleasure to watch the enemy feel desperate?

"Then let me try it."

However, the tone of the king is still calm and composed that disappoints Demon Sovereign.

This kind of tone that was so calm that there was almost no emotion, even Demon Sovereign, who was still laughing, suddenly felt a little irritable.

The former king of man is like this, as if he was in control no matter what happened.

Even at the moment of the final death, it is no exception!

"The deity wait and see!"

"The law of reincarnation-reversal!"

With the low voice of the king, there is a vast and boundless voice Power suddenly emerged.

As if Heaven and Earth is about to undergo drastic changes, the space has undergone fierce shocks, and the earth is trembling.

"hong long long ——!"

The terrifying loud noise seems to come from the depths of the earth, and it seems to return from the end of the sky.

Even the eternal sacred mountain of the Central Region began to tremble obviously.

At this moment, even the Demon God and the Lord God who were fighting fiercely stopped involuntarily, and looked at everything around them in horror, completely wondering why this happened.

The majestic power slowly descended, swept in with unparalleled power.

The coercion is so strong that even the Demon God and the Lord God can’t help turning pale, almost falling to the ground.

"This force is beyond imagination."

Although Qi Le can withstand this coercion, she also perceives that this coercion is How tyrannical.

"The perfection of the law of reincarnation mastered by the King of Humans is absolutely impossible only about 90%."

"Judging by the intensity of coercion, it must be close to Perfection!"

"Even, it is very likely already Perfection!"

The realm of the main god is to constantly improve the Law Power that you have mastered until Perfection Realm.

This process is long and difficult. The more you go back, the more difficult it is to perfect the Dao Mark rule.

And the higher the level of Dao Mark, the more difficult it is to perfect it.

I want to perfect the Law Power I have mastered to Perfection Realm.

The master god who can do it, since ancient times, can be counted on one's fingers.

Let alone being like the King of Humans, it is possible to perfect Law Power, one of the highest ranks, into Perfection Realm. This is simply impossible.

But the King of People did it, and it showed it perfectly.

"It's really terrifying, this power is already close to the Peak state of the King of Humans."

The Dragon God not far away also sighed.

If we say that since the popularity of the King of Man, I have seen the existence of King of Man in the Peak state, and he is still alive now.

Dragon God, must occupy a place.

And Demon Sovereign, it should be counted as one.

So after hearing the dragon god’s sigh, Qi Le suddenly turned his head and glanced at the dragon god. The expression on his face seemed to confirm with the dragon god: Are you really right?

Isn't this the Peak status of King King?

Resonate with Heaven and Earth with coercion, gather the momentum of Heaven and Earth, and unite the brilliance of Heavenly Might!

What a terrifying power this is.

You know, this is God World, not the Low Plane.

If you want to do this, there is no doubt that it must be an existence standing on top of Peak, the realm of the Lord God!

And the King of People has achieved this now, but it is not in Peak status.

How strong is the king who was in the peak period?

It is no wonder that by the strength of oneself, it can contend against the surviving Lord God and Demon God of the entire God Realm.

Although the last battle of the King of People, the real situation should be a three-way melee.

But don’t forget.

How are the three camps in the three-way melee distributed?

Since the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, the main god who survived the Divine Territory is one camp.

Demon God, who remains in the Divine Realm and has not escaped yet, is another camp.

And the King himself is one camp!

In such a situation, the King of People can still by the strength of oneself, leaving all the participants in the other two camps in the Central Mountain, how tyrannical this battle strength is!

How terrifying!

Now, the King of People is also preparing by the strength of oneself to fight against the blood rain that has spread to the entire Zhongyu Mountain.

In this, the power of countless fallen Demon Gods and Lord Gods is condensed in the battlefield below.

It is the power of Six Winged Wind Demon and Eight-Armed Heavenspan!

This is Demon Sovereign until now, a hidden ability.

It is also the ability that was unexpectedly obtained during the period of being buried in the mountain of the Central Region-gathering Death Power!

Otherwise, Demon Sovereign is a blessing in disguise.

"Shoot, King of Man, let the deity see if you can create miracles again!"

Demon Sovereign also sensed this mighty sea-like pressure , This vast and boundless force could not help but shout loudly.

Just like the King of People has absolute confidence in his own power.

Demon Sovereign does not have any doubts about his methods.

This is the peak matchup, and the victory or defeat is in one fell swoop!

"Samsara is reversed!"

The vast power is like a huge wave under pressure.

The slap on the mountain in the middle domain seems to be evaporating the falling blood rain.

The terrifying force that rises up into the sky is also striking the blood-colored clouds above the sky, trying to cut off the source of the blood rain.

There is no problem with this offensive method.

But how could Demon Sovereign's method be so simple?

Under the scouring of the blood rain, the body of the Central Mountain Divine Mountain shattered, revealing the large seal formation hidden in it.

The formation mark engraved into the mountain should have disappeared.

But at this moment, it completely appeared on the mountain show.

The blood rain was still falling, and the scarlet rain fell on the ground and merged into the formation mark of the seal array.

The power of corrosion is taking effect, constantly destroying the formation mark of the seal formation, and also disintegrating the role of the seal formation.

And the scarlet clouds in the sky showed no signs of being washed away.

Because the power gathered in it is too huge!

"Law Condensation-Thousand Stars!"

Qi Le, upon seeing this, also began to gather Law Power and turned into sword light fills the whole sky.

"Get out!"

A short edict.

The sword light fills the whole sky suddenly flew out, and the target was the bloody cloud above the sky.

Regarding the law of reincarnation, Qi Le relies on the tyrannical body of the law, and has some understanding.

So at this moment, the law of convergence, Flying Sword, will naturally not conflict with the attack of the King of People.

Before the battle between King of Humans and Demon Sovereign, Qi Le was not easy to intervene because it was not clear what kind of thinking the King of Humans would think.

But now it is different. Once the seal formation of the Central Territory Mountain is destroyed, the entire Divine Territory will be affected.

Although Qi Le doesn't care about the life and death of those gods very much.

But I definitely don't want God Territory to fall into deep water.

So do it when it's time to do it!

"hmph, that's all in vain."

Demon Sovereign glanced at Qi Le, just sneaked, and didn't mean to stop him.

To some extent, Demon Sovereign's confidence and arrogance are definitely Peak's.

I believe in my own methods and are not afraid of any opponents.

It also facilitates Qi Le's offense.

The Dragon God is numb at this time. I want to help, and there is no room for me to intervene.

The law of power is indeed powerful, but when combined with the law of reincarnation, it is not that easy to use.

So I can only watch.

With the addition of Qi Le, the bloody clouds seem to have been washed away.

However, the formation mark engraved on the sacred mountain of the Central Region also began to show continuous damage and became more and more fragmented.

The seal formation, which had already ruined a certain foundation, showed its fragility in this brief moment.

The effectiveness of the lockdown has also become lower and lower.

If this continues, I am afraid that the bloody clouds have not completely dissipated, and the seal formation will have been destroyed.


At this moment, the most peak of the Central Mountain.

The man king sitting on the throne, the original calm and composed face also showed some fluctuations.

The frowning eyebrows made her majestic even worse.

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