Demon Sovereign has personally experienced how the battle strength of the King of People is.

Naturally, Six Winged Wind Demon is impossible to be her opponent.

So, when the six-winged wind demon has fallen, how can he be able to fight the dragon god, the human king, and the human brat with the eight-arm Heavenspan?

So the eight-armed Heavenspan fell after the Six Winged Wind Demon, which is inevitable.

The development has been planned, and it is slowly advancing according to Demon Sovereign's prediction. How can it surprise Demon Sovereign?

"So, Demon Sovereign, are you ready to be buried by me again?"

"This time, I won't give you a chance to wake up again!"

Next to Demon Sovereign's words, the king said indifferently.

It seems to be stating a fact, saying something that will happen soon.

This is derived from the confidence of the King of Humans in his own strength, and it also comes from the fearless heart of the King of Humans.

"The king, my deity admits that you are indeed stronger now."

Demon Sovereign said in a deep voice, but soon he laughed again.

"However, this does not mean that the deity will be defeated in this battle!"

"King, don’t you think about it, the deity clearly thought of Given the current situation, why didn't you leave here?"

At this point, Demon Sovereign's voice paused.

It was also this pause, which not only caused Wang no response, but even Dragon God and Qi Le were stunned.

Although the Dragon God and Qi Le have not yet intervened in the battle between the King of Man and Demon Sovereign, they just guarded Demon Sovereign's retreat.

But Dragon God and Qi Le can still hear the conversation between them clearly.

So the sudden mention of this by Demon Sovereign made them stunned.

Yes, if Demon Sovereign really thought of this situation, why didn't you leave Zhongyu Shenshan before?

If it was Demon Sovereign who figured it out and decided to fight to the death here, he would not leave.

Qi Le would not believe it anyway.

As for the Dragon God and the King of Humans, it is estimated that they know Demon Sovereign better than Qi Le.

Of course, I believe it is impossible.

So, if this happens, there will be only one answer.

Demon Sovereign must have another purpose!

"You have no chance of winning!"

After a while, the king said aloud.

This is the absolute confidence in one's own strength, no matter what Demon Sovereign wants to do, there is nothing to fear!

"Yes, whatever Demon Sovereign wants to do, it is impossible by the strength of oneself to reverse the current situation."

Qi Le followed nodded.

Under the absolute battle strength, all means are just useless struggles that's all.

Even according to the worst plan, Demon Sovereign can now return to the peak state, and may not be able to leave from here.

Because Qi Le has been prepared for a long time, if he encounters an emergency, even if his body collapses, he must borrow the power of the system to keep Demon Sovereign here.

Finally, there is a chance to do it once and for all. Qi Le doesn't want to fight Demon Sovereign anymore.

Although every time, Qi Le can make a lot of money.

But it’s better to have fewer days of fear. It’s too uncomfortable to be heartbroken.

However, when the King of People said this, the playful smile on Demon Sovereign's face became stronger.

"The king, the deity knows that there is no chance of winning now."

"But, the deity has said that today's goal is to defeat you?"

Demon Sovereign said here, the smile on his face has become a bit hideous.

"What did you say!?"

Qi Le immediately raised the doubt.

But soon Qi Le reacted, and Demon Sovereign was right.

Because the fundamental purpose of Demon Sovereign's visit to the Central Region God Mountain this time is to destroy the seal formation of the Central Region God Mountain!

"Well, we all forgot about this!"

The Dragon God also came back to his senses at this time.

I was fighting the eight-armed Heavenspan before, and later witnessed the emergence of the King of Humans. I almost forgot the purpose of Demon Sovereign's trip.

Demon Sovereign came to the Central Region Mountain, originally not to fight the King of Man.

"Do you still want to destroy the seal formation of Zhongyu Shenshan?"

"No, you can't do it!"

Although the King of Humans does not look like Qi Le is like Dragon God, at first knows the purpose of Demon Sovereign.

But when Demon Sovereign said so, you can think of it after a little thought.

So I still return indifferently.

"How can I know if I don't try it."

Demon Sovereign didn't care about the indifference in the king's tone, but continued to say with a grin.

"Let's take a look, take a look at the battlefield outside the Central Mountain God Mountain, where, how many Demon Gods and Lord Gods have fallen!"

"These are the best The source of power!"

Before the words fell, above the sky, the blood mist that enveloped the blood-colored door suddenly changed.

Becoming thicker and thicker!

It is no longer like a blood mist, but like a bunch of bloody clouds that keep gathering.

As the scarlet clouds gather, the crimson color gradually occupies the entire sky, like a cloud about to rain heavily.

It’s just this time, it’s not dark clouds that dominate the sky, but weird terrifying blood clouds!

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored door turned back into a blood-colored orb again.

Then it fell into the hands of Demon Sovereign.

"Perhaps, the deity would also like to thank you for killing the Six-winged Wind Demon and the Eight-Armed Heavenspan."

"If not for their deaths , the deity wants to condense this time's attack , I don’t know how long to wait."

Demon Sovereign, holding the blood-colored orb, his eyes drifted over Qi Le and Dragon God.

said with a little teasing: "Human brat, this deity really did not expect that you could have expected the appearance of Demon God in advance, but because of this, it gave the deity a chance!"


"Otherwise, where are so many fallen Demon Gods and Lord Gods?"

" You-- !"

Qi Le frowned, I just wanted to say something what.

But suddenly I noticed something bad in my heart, and quickly looked up.

The sky has been covered with bloody clouds, and the suppressed blood light is spilling down, which is extremely weird.

At this point, Qi Le also wants to understand.

Demon Sovereign's plan, it is simply not that easy to break the trick.

Because this is a serial plan!

If the invasion of Demon God is not prevented, the seal formation of the Central Mountain God cannot be kept.

However, if the invasion of Demon God is prevented like this, then Demon Sovereign can collect enough energy to condense a more powerful attack to directly destroy the seal formation of the Central Mountain!

And the fall of the eight-armed Heavenspan and the six-winged wind demon is the best nourishment in the condensed attacks this time!

In short, no matter what Qi Le does, Demon Sovereign's plan can continue.

Demon Sovereign, who can start from the ancient catastrophe, die two lives, and still stand on top of Peak, is really not that simple!

Maybe it was the previous failure, which made Demon Sovereign an extra preparation.

But anyway, this time, Demon Sovereign succeeded!

"King of Man, are you ready?"

"Come and welcome this, a grand rain of blood!"

Demon Sovereign said Here, he opened his arms suddenly and laughed wildly.

As if he was echoing the words of Demon Sovereign, a bloody thunder was also slashed from the sky.


Then in the next moment——


A bloody Rain, from the bloody clouds in the sky, fell to the earth, to the sacred mountain in the middle region!

Under the scouring of the rain of blood, even the black red mist covering the top of the mountain in the Middle Territory has become thinner.

Already, I can’t stop it!

The rain of blood has fallen, and if you try again at this time, it won't help.

Demon Sovereign waited for the best time and got everything ready before telling the story.

In fact, there have always been two ways to destroy the seal formation of the Central Region Mountain.

One is the formation eye that destroys the seal formation.

That is the throne of the King of People.

It's just this method. Under the current situation, it is naturally impossible to use.

The King of Humanity has already regained consciousness and wants to destroy her throne. Isn't that courting death?

Then, apart from this, there is also a second method.

It is to destroy the energy cycle of the entire seal array!

The biggest difficulty in achieving this step is that the seal formation left by the king is a whole, and it is impossible to achieve the purpose of destroying the overall energy cycle by simply destroying a certain part.

You must directly attack the entire seal formation.

But the entire seal formation is directly engraved on the sacred mountain of the middle region, covering most of the mountain range.

Want to attack the entire seal formation at once, easier said than done.

This is also the second-hand preparation left by the king.

Take the Central Territory Mountain as the carrier, engrave the seal formation, gather the momentum of Heaven and Earth, form an energy cycle, endless!

Before, Demon Sovereign used the corpses of those Demon God to really shake the foundation of the seal formation.

However, this level of destruction is not fundamental to the entire Seal Array, and it is also impossible to disintegrate the entire Seal Array on the spot. It must be accompanied by a follow-up attack.

That's why Demon Sovereign is now in action.

That is, the attack that Demon Sovereign condensed before is precisely to complete the subsequent attack.

Only when the Dragon God and Qi Le stopped it in time, it evolved into what it is now.

Qi Le broke the Demon Sovereign of the 1st move, beating somebody at their own game directly, and started his second-hand preparation.

Demon God, who came through the temporary channel summon, is simply the nourishment used by Demon Sovereign to condense a more powerful attack!

The so-called abandoned child!

This is also in line with the character of Demon Sovereign, in order to achieve the goal, you can by fair means or foul!

But what Qi Le and Dragon God didn't expect was that even the eight-armed Heavenspan and the Six Winged Wind Demon were among the abandoned sons of Demon Sovereign at first, and they have never changed.

No wonder Demon Sovereign would say that when the eight-armed Heavenspan appeared.

Because Demon Sovereign was at first, I didn't care about the life and death of Eight-armed Heavenspan.

In other words, Demon Sovereign simply thought about the fall of the eight-armed Heavenspan, in order to complete his next actions!

That is now the blood rain that has spread to the entire Central Mountain God!

This is another corrosive attack, just to corrode the large seal engraved on the Mount of the Central Region!

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