Qi Le stretched hard and sat down on the bed.

When he was about to lie down, he gave a stern look, then stood up abruptly with a serious expression.

"Hey, it's weird, how come this kind of feeling suddenly appears?"


Skydome God World, some place to the north. point.

Tonight, we welcomed two different guests.

One person, with picturesque eyebrows, smooth, soft and glossy skin, and devastatingly beautiful.

One person, with a dignified but gorgeous appearance, a pair of purple pupils is beautiful and charming, although elegant and poised, but with a unique majesty and hostility.

If Qi Le is here, you can probably recognize it.

These two people are what Qi Le once encountered-Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun.

"Ziyun elder sister, God World of the sky as Zhubao said, should be here."

After Bu Yuyan came out of the junction, she looked around curiously.

Zi Yun hearing this is also nodded, said: "It should be true. The Law Power here is very rich, and the stability of the space barrier is terrifying. It should be the legendary God World."

But speaking of this sentence, Zi Yun has no bottom in her heart.

After all, both of them are here for the first time in God World, who knows if they have gone wrong.

When Qi Le left, he left the cast jade plate to Zi Yun, but Zhubao noticed it.

Then, as the relationship became more familiar, Zi Yun also learned a lot from Zhubao.

One of the most important things is the existence of God World in the sky.

When the forging world was controlled by the forging Divine Palm, Heaven and Earth broke their will, and Heaven and Earth was out of luck.

Naturally impossible, powerhouse-level power appears.

However, after Qi Le recast the will of Heaven and Earth in the forging world, and even got out the forging treasure, the condensing speed of Heaven and Earth in the forging world has greatly increased.

Moreover, under the conscious resource tilt of casting treasure.

Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun have also become the first batch of powerhouse-level peak realm talents.

I have to say, with the support of Heaven and Earth's will, or more accurately, it just opened the back door.

The speed of getting stronger is simply ridiculously fast!

Bu Yuyan never dare to believe that she can actually become stronger, even to this height.

When thinking of this, Bu Yuyan couldn't help but recall Qi Le.

Bu Yuyan has always known that she can go to this day and is inseparable from Qi Le's help.

So Bu Yuyan has always wanted to find Qi Le, and hope to see Qi Le again, so that she can thank her well.

It’s best to make Qi Le accept her devote one's life to ……

Then, in this case, Bu Yuyan was fooled by the treasure to the sky. God World.

In fact, Zhubao simply didn't know where Qi Le had gone, but simply rebuilt the road of heavenly ascension, and then fooled Bu Yuyan to take a trip.

After all, the stronger the creatures between Heaven and Earth, the more benefits Heaven and Earth will get.

The premise is that the guy who has walked the road of heavenly ascension is not a thankless wretch.

Obviously, Bu Yuyan is not like someone who can do this kind of abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal.

However, when she learned that Bu Yuyan wanted to go to God World in the sky, Zi Yun also proposed that she could go with her.

At any rate, he is also a person with a cast jade plate, and he has a better understanding of God World than Bu Yuyan.

I don't know where the treasure was found.

However, Zi Yun will go to God World in the sky. It's just that for Zi Yun, the forging world is no longer interesting.

After walking on Peak, what you get must be loneliness and loneliness.

So Zi Yun also wants to pursue stronger power.

Then going to God World is a must.

So the two hit it off. On this day, they embarked on the road of heavenly ascension and came to God World.

speaking of which, Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun are also lucky.

In the aspect of collecting strength of faith, with the help of forging treasure, it saves a lot of things.

After all, in the forging industry, the Bu family has long been the dominant family, and Bu Yuyan, as the patriarch of the Bu family, is not incomprehensible to be worshipped by others.

And Zi Yun is probably also covered by Bu Yuyan's light.

The strongest battle strength in the forging world, the strength of faith that can be obtained is naturally a lot.

Coupled with the help of casting treasures, the process of two people's promotion to the realm of the realm was surprisingly smooth.

I have to say that Heaven and Earth's will to help open it, that's really awesome.

This is no longer as simple as Child of Destiny.

This is exactly the real daughter of this plane.

For all the benefits, of course, you must first come close to your daughter, and the others will stand aside.

Otherwise, Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun would not be so easy to walk the road of heavenly ascension, let alone go to God World in the sky.

"Listen to Zhubao, Qi Le may be in God World in the sky, and I don't know how to find him."

Bu Yuyan's fingers entangled with each other, showing The entanglement in the heart.

"Find it slowly, you can always find it."

Zi Yun comforted.

Anyway, the time to conquer a king-level power is worthless, and you can always find it if you keep searching.

However, Zi Yun can quickly adapt to this situation, probably due to the Zidian Lingjiao itself being a long-lived race.

However, when the two are talking, someone will always come out untimely.

The etiquette of God World in welcoming newcomers has always been poor.

"After waiting for such a long time, is it finally our turn to join the newcomer? That's really good."

A werewolf with hair, fangs in his mouth and sharp claw on his fingertips.

The werewolf race is a kind of Beastman, and it can be regarded as an intelligent race.

For Beastman, when he can speak with his fist, he never makes sense.

When fist talk doesn't work, then naturally there is no need to make sense.

"You are?"

"Is this the way God World welcomes newcomers?"

Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun heard this voice After that, he immediately turned his head and looked at it.

I saw about a dozen people, or humanoid creatures, standing not far away.

Because those guys are of almost different races, they also have things like sharp claw, fangs, and horns.

For Bu Yuyan, different races are still very rare.

After all, there are not too many races in the forging world.

In all Bu Yuyan's eyes, the look that appeared the most was curiosity.

On the contrary, Zi Yun's eyes suddenly became vigilant, looking at the werewolf who was leaning over, and acting defensively.

"You can think of this as God World's way of welcoming newcomers, because every newcomer comes in this way."

The werewolf looked at the two people in front of him, It was like looking at two lambs to be slaughtered.

The devastatingly beautiful faces of Bu Yuyan and Zi Yun seem to be nonexistent in the eyes of this werewolf.

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