How could Qi Le sell such a good thing as Soul Refining Demon Orbs?

Isn't that the brain caught in the door?

Without saying a word, directly begin to conclude the astral contract.

This thing is actually very simple, as long as you put your own soul breath into the soul-refining magic beads.

As a pure masterless object, Qi Le doesn't even use his energy to erase the spirit of the previous owner of the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

Because it dissipated automatically long ago.

This is no wonder, before Qi Le has not identified the Soul Refining Demon Orb, this thing can automatically swallow the dead.

It turns out that all methods are passive skills.

Presumably, the Soul Refining Demon Orb still has the function of self-repair, but the system is not listed.

In fact, after reaching the legendary Quality -, if it is not a product produced by system, just looking at the information introduction can no longer accurately express the power of these treasures.

even more how Soul Refining Demon Orbs don't need to be repaired by the system, so I can repair them by myself.

"This trip to the Fairy Demon Battlefield is really worth it!"

Qi Le couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

With the Soul Refining Demon Orb, Qi Le is more confident in the future wars.

Through the battle to raise the battle, the stronger the battle becomes, the true portrayal of the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

And there are no side effects, this is the strongest place.

I just don’t know who the former owner of this soul-refining magic orb is. If there is no body, Qi Le really wants to thank the former owner for keeping such a precious and powerful Demonic Artifact. Come down.

It's just that as a soul-refining magic orb that requires soul binding, if the former master is not dead.

It is estimated that Qi Le will not be the turn to conclude the astral contract.

"Really didn't expect, there is such a good thing left in the battlefield of fairy and devil."

"It seems that I was too negligent before, taking advantage of today I’ll look for this opportunity carefully."

After collecting the soul-refining demon beads, Qi Le is ready to continue searching in the fairy demon battlefield to see if there are other good things that can continue Let him pick it up.

However, this thought was quickly interrupted by a nasty voice.

system: "Host, please dispel your unrealistic thoughts."

system: "The rules of the fairy battlefield purchase channel have not changed. Only one item can be selected at a time. ."

"You are very annoying, do you know?"

Qi Le's movements stopped for a while, and then he replied casually in his mind.

system: "Host, if you don't want to refine the soul demon beads, you can continue talking."


This damn two The pen system has learned to threaten people. Where did it come from?

But, is Qi Le such an easily threatened person?

Yes, of course it is!

"You must have heard it wrong, system, I was complimenting you for being cute just now."

"Who wouldn't like a system that is so generous and humorous like you? , It must be blind."

Qi Le has a profound grasp of the principle of "a real man, capable of bending and stretching".

As long as you have something in hand, it's nothing to say a few good things.

system: "It’s good for the host to know it. In fact, this system thinks so. It seems that the host’s vision is still fine."

"Of course, I can meet you This excellent system is my luck."

Qi Le has started to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

But this Erbi system just likes to listen to this kind of words. As for the truthfulness, let's talk about it again.

It's just a pity that even after a cordial and friendly conversation, the system still didn't break the rules.

The rule that the fairy battlefield can only bring out one item at a time, it seems that there is no way to change it.

Although it's a pity, Qi Le didn't take seriously either.

If it doesn't work, it won't work.

Anyway, after getting the Soul Refining Demon Orb, this trip is worth the fare.

at worst It will be nice to come again next time, Qi Le now has the most, and that is time.

As long as you enter the fairy and magic battlefield again and again, one day you will be able to empty out the good things inside.

Back in the store, Qi Le suddenly found that God World seemed to be a little different.

"This feeling...No way."

After returning from the fairy demon battlefield, Qi Le really understood the power of the soul refinement demon orb.

God World is the dwelling place of the gods. Even in between Heaven and Earth, Law Power floats to stabilize this world.

Qi Le didn't feel much before, after all, the Law Power floating around doesn't have offensive.

If you don't care, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a more High Rank energy.

It’s just that this energy cannot be used, it is completely formed automatically by God World in order to stabilize this world.

However, Qi Le only discovered after having the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

Why is the skill of "refining all the ways" possessed by the Soul Refining Demon Orb is a passive skill.

Because of this soul-refining magic orb, it was able to swallow the Law Power of God World floating between Heaven and Earth and refine it.

Although the speed of swallowing is very slow, it is indeed swallowing.

accumulated over a long period of time, the resulting improvement cannot be ignored.

"There is even this kind of ability. The value of the Soul Refining Demon Orb is greater than I thought."

Qi Le couldn't help but sigh, it was good morning. He directly concluded a soul contract with the Soul Refining Demon Orb, otherwise he still couldn't feel this powerful ability.

If accidentally sold out, wouldn't it be a loss to vomit blood.

To be honest, it is just the ability to continuously swallow the Law Power floating between Heaven and Earth.

The value of the Soul Refining Demon Orb has been fully manifested.

As for devouring souls and the like, it is purely accidental.

Qi Le is not a militant, and it is impossible to provoke wars and disputes for this kind of thing.

Therefore, the passive skill "Exhaustion of all methods" has become the most important ability manifestation at this moment.

Thinking of this, Qi Le's mood suddenly improved.

Becoming stronger is the first major event of the Skydome God World. You can get Law Power for free. Who doesn't want it.

Especially Qi Le, in the case of having the body of law, for any Law Power, it is always the one who comes.

And with the help of system, Qi Le is promoted, and there is no bottleneck at all.

The only requirement is the unimaginable strength of Faith.

But now with the Soul Refining Demon Orb, I can directly refining Law Power, which is obviously a step faster than collecting strength of Faith.

It's just that the speed at which the Soul Refining Demon Orb swallows Law Power is indeed a bit slower.

After all, this is not the job of refining the soul demon beads, it is just a small function attached.

But no matter how slow it swallows, it is also going on all the time.

Qi Le has nothing really strong want.

It was originally a surprise, but it would be nice to have it. What kind of bicycles are needed.

"I don't want to think about it, sleep."

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