Because of the equipment enchanting machine, many gods attracted to them, after discovering the law of solidified stone, they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Because among these gods, there is only one step away from the perfection threshold of Dao Mark, very few.

In general, it is far away from that daoist sect threshold.

There is no way, the laws that God masters for oneself are not based on one's own will after all.

Therefore, the gods cultivated by the main gods are much slower than ordinary gods in perfecting their own laws, Dao Mark.

In this case, the law of solidified stone is simply the best and most suitable treasure.

Isn’t it trifling a thousand faith stones, buy it!

If it weren't for the limited use time of the law of solidified stone, it would slowly dissipate after getting it.

I am afraid that these gods who are in order to enhance their strength will start to stock again.

This also makes Qi Le understand one thing.

Those are these gods, they really don’t treat faith stones as faith stones.

In this way, Qi Le can feel more at ease and squeeze the stone of faith from their hands more vigorously.

I really don't know what kind of mental state those gods will be after they learn Qi Le's thoughts.

But what about it? It’s not about buying.

That's why Serkaya feels that opening a store with Store Manager is really not a quiet place to open a store.

Every commodity can set off a craze among many gods, attracting countless gods to run into chaotic areas.

Is this still quiet?

I really don’t know what the purpose of Qi Store Manager is.

Every time he thinks of this question, Serkaya feels confused.

Is Qi Store Manager really a successor recognized by the King of People? Why doesn't it feel like it at all...

I ran to God World and opened a small shop, but what was improved was the power of many gods in God World.

No matter how you look at it, I feel like I'm playing against the king of people.

If we continue to develop like this, it will be more and more difficult to fight God World in the future.

So under the support of this kind of thinking, Serkaya quickly contacted the followers of the other kings he had encountered over the years.

However, Serkaya did not reveal the identity of Qi Le.

Instead, they said that they found a good thing, let them come and have a look.

After all, Serkaya is willing to believe in Qi Le. Believing in Qi Le's identity does not mean that other people are also willing to believe.

So, let them come to the store to take a look and improve their strength.

Of course, this is what happened several days ago.

As a follower of the King of People, besides not forgetting the concept of King of People, the most important thing is to strive to improve your own strength.

If you want to fight against the entire Sky God World, you don't have strong strength. That's impossible.

So after receiving the news from Serkaya, the followers of King of People also came to Qi Le's shop one after another.

However, they are the only ones who know their identities.

No one of the other customers in the store knows about this.

The King of People is a taboo in God World.

Even Qi Le, Serkaya did not deliberately introduce him who the followers of Renwang are.

In case the news is accidentally leaked out during the introduction, then there will be a major event.

Maybe it will be wiped out.

Qi Le also expressed understanding, or simply doesn't care.

Because before Qi Le came to God World in the sky, he simply didn't know that the king was in God World in the sky, and he still had his followers.

Therefore, Qi Le has never calculated this extra power from beginning to end.

It's better to avoid the process of communicating identities.

It is the followers of the King of People. After reading the goods in the store, they complained about Serkaya one by one. Why didn't you tell them earlier that there is such a good thing here?

As for Qi Le, the Store Manager's attitude, no matter what the reason is, it is considered polite.

This makes Qi Le's first impression of the followers of these kings of people much better.

No matter what, knowing courtesy and courtesy always makes people more comfortable.

This is also fortunate that Serkaya did not tell Qi Le's identity to the followers of these kings. Otherwise, there might be a grumpy guy who came out to question Qi Le.

Why sell these precious commodities to those gods?

Don’t you know that these gods are enemies of the King of Man?

If this question is asked, with Qi Le's temper, it is estimated to be frowned, and he will be kicked out.

The plot after that, if you think about it, you can almost think of it.

With conflict, how can the relationship be better?

This kind of philosophical discrepancy is simply a non-adjustable problem.

To be honest, Serkaya also has this kind of question in his heart, but he has not asked it in his heart.

Because Serkaya believes in the vision of the King of Humans, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you choose Qi Store Manager, there must be some truth in it.

So even if I had doubts in my heart, I chose to wait and see the changes.

After all, the current situation, no matter how bad it is, it won't be much worse.

If Qi Le knew what Serkaya was thinking, he might give a thumbs up to show his approval.

Just kidding, senior Store Manager Qi Le, plus the black heart system, when did you suffer?

On the surface, these gods are rapidly becoming stronger because of the merchandise in the store.

But, how fast can Qi Le become stronger?

even more how, this is still the thousands of absolutely customers who came to the store, helping Qi Le become stronger alone.

The speed of getting stronger is no exaggeration, it is simply appalling.

Just Qi Le impossible said it.

This is Qi Le's biggest secret.

You can directly use the faith stone. If you say it, you don't have to wait until 2nd day. It is estimated that in the next second, a certain main god will fall from the sky and then take Qi Le away.

If these main gods discover Qi Le's body of law again, I am afraid they will be able to swallow Qi Le directly.

So, watching the changes is the best choice at the moment.

Qi Le is still developing now, those followers of the king still want to make things happen?

But there is another thing, which is quite interesting.

That is in Martial Dao Divine Kingdom, those Martial God gods, after ignoring the equipment enhancement machine and equipment enchanting machine, after all, they ran to Qi Le's shop.

Mainly body refinement, and rarely use the gods of various Divine Artifacts. The demand for equipment enhancement machines and equipment enchanting machines is indeed very low.

This is also the customer group that the equipment enhancement machine and the equipment enchanting machine cannot cover.

If there is no demand, there is no consumption.

However, after the law solidified stone came out, there was no such thing.

It is possible that there is no demand for Divine Artifact.

However, is there no need for the completeness of Dao Mark?

That is impossible!

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