However, the power of the Life Law enchanting stone in the Divine Artifact is a real manifestation of Life Law.

In short, that is-as long as you enchant the Life Law enchantment stone for Divine Artifact, you can experience the power of Life Law firsthand.

Of course, this is true for any other one Law.

However, there is only one chance to experience, and only a moment.

It is the moment when the Divine Artifact is taken out of the equipment enchanting machine, and then the extra power in the Divine Artifact is sensed.

After that, it is impossible to perceive the specific display of Law Power.

Because all the Law Power is sealed in Divine Artifact.

However, just such a short time is actually enough.

You must know that suddenly enlightenment is a problem in many cases.

What God needs is an opportunity!

Even if there is no way to feel the existence of Life Law all the time, but with such an opportunity, it is worth trying for them.

As a result, in the Divine Kingdom of Life, the reputation of the "store with Store Manager" has become more and more famous.

From the perspective of the aboriginal people living in God World, the Divine Kingdom of life.

The shop opened by this Qi Store Manager is simply amazing.

Even the godly adults of aloof and remote in the past rushed to the chaotic area to the store with the Store Manager.

You must know that in the Divine Kingdom, apart from the main god who is in charge of the Divine Kingdom, the status of the god is the highest.

Under the gods are the gods who rush over to take refuge.

Moreover, this status in Divine Kingdom has nothing to do with strength.

As long as it is in the territory of the Divine Kingdom, then the status of being a god is higher than other gods.

Because what God represents is the face of the Lord God.

In Divine Kingdom, no matter which god it is, dare to take action against the god, that is, it is hitting the face of the lord god.

But these aloof and remote gods are now running to the chaotic area.

Is the store opened by the Store Manager so attractive?

It is a pity that the aborigines of God World do not understand the attraction of this opportunity to perceive Law Power for the gods.

After all, as the 5th floor of God World, the weakest existence.

It's an incredible thing to have a powerhouse-level power.

How can it be possible to understand the thoughts of those gods?

even more how, among the aboriginal people of God World in the sky, even if powerhouse-level powers appear, they will be absorbed by a certain god as an apostle to help develop believers.

At this time, this powerhouse-class power is even out of the 5th floor of God World in the sky.

Formally entered the 3rd floor level-became a glorious apostle!

Yes, in the eyes of the aborigines of God World in the sky, being able to become an apostle of the gods is definitely a matter of dignity.

Able to break away from the 5th floor level, cross the 4th floor level, and go directly to the 3rd floor level.

And the direct bloodline of this apostle can also become the 4th floor of God World.

What a glory!

This is probably also the best expression of "one person gains the way, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven" in God World.

An apostle, if the god he follows is immortal, he can protect his family's peace for at least hundreds of years.

Because of the powerful lifespan of the powerhouse class, the shortest lifespan is hundreds of years.

For some long-lived races, an apostle can appear, and even protect their family for thousands of years!

This is the reality of God World, the most real and cruel reality.

However, these things can't affect the life Goddess's gods, one by one, they ran to the chaotic area.

To strengthen your Divine Artifact, and then enchant your Divine Artifact with the Life Law enchanting stone.

After all, these guys are goddess of life, so how can they choose other enchantment stones?

This has brought a lot of growth to Qi Le’s income from the Stone of Faith.

Because the price of Life Law enchanting stone is not low.

In such a comparison, the gods of the element master gods seem to be much more diligent and thrifty.

Yes, that's right.

After returning from the gods who went to Qi Le's shop to test.

Not only the goddess of the life Goddess began to frequently run into the chaotic area, the gods of the element master god are no exception.

It even drove the idle gods in Divine Kingdom and began to run into the chaotic area.

This also led to this chaotic area nearby, which is rare to live up to.

The gods in Divine Kingdom suddenly swarmed into the chaotic area in large numbers. They were shocked that the gods who had been in the chaotic area asked for life did not dare to trouble these new faces.

No way, this number is too much, and there are some powerful gods among them.

If you rush over to make trouble, I'm afraid you will take your own life into it.

Then, when seeing the destination of these new faces, the gods in the chaotic area immediately understood.

It turns out that these guys came here for the "Store Manager Qi Store".

I have to say that the name "Qi Store Manager", in the chaotic area, is now quite famous.

If anyone fails to respond when mentioning "Qi Store Manager", then there is no doubt that he must be a newcomer.


"Qi Store Manager, I can't think of it, I really can't think of it."

"You have been the newcomer Store Manager that no one knew, until now It’s very famous and well-known, and it took only such a short time to do it. It’s too terrifying."

Selkaya picked up a solidified law stone from the shelf and walked quickly. At the counter, he said with emotion.

"I just opened a shop quietly, what's good for terrifying."

Qi Le casually replied Serkaya.

Then, looking at the shop full of customers, it was so crowded that it was almost impossible to put down their feet.

Fortunately, behind the counter is still quite empty, no one dared to squeeze to Qi Le's side, Serkaya also came to find some leisure.

"Open the shop quietly..."

Serkaya glanced at the law-solidified stone in his hand.

This is a new product brought out by Qi Store Manager. It was snapped up by customers in the store as soon as it came out.

Had it not been for the unlimited supply of the law of solidified stone, I am afraid it would have been robbed long ago, and it would be impossible to buy it by yourself.

"Can you take out these goods, is it really quiet to open the shop."

Thinking about it, Serkaya was a moment of sorrow.

Although for Serkaya, who is close to Dao Mark's perfect threshold, the effect of the law solidified stone is not great.

But if you can improve it a little bit more.

After all, it’s close, never arrives.

Serkaya did not really step on the threshold, there is still some room for improvement.

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