In other words, if the demonic beast can condense to the high throne, it can also ascend to the king-level realm and become the so-called god.

It's just that it's not a good thing to become the god of the demonic beast in the fight for believers.

Because of the strength of faith of demonic beast, it is not so easy to take.

The first point is that the strength of faith produced by the demonic beast is very thin.

After all, I believe in this thing. For the demonic beast who has no spiritual wisdom and advocates weak are prey to the strong, it is too difficult to understand.

Demonic beast's awe of powerhouse is only derived from the nature in the bloodline.

That is to respect the weak are prey to the strong law of nature.

In order for demonic beast to produce strength of faith, in addition to deliberate guidance, chance is also essential.

Because of this, even if the base of demonic beasts is extremely large, it is still very difficult for the strength of faith of demonic beasts to cause qualitative changes due to quantitative changes.

The only benefit is probably that the believers in the demonic beast, once they identify the gods they believe in, they will basically remain unchanged for a lifetime.

But it is precisely because it is extremely difficult for demonic beast to produce strength of faith.

At least Qi Le can't get the strength of faith from the demonic beast now.

So the gods who can obtain these strength of Faith can be counted on one's fingers, and each one is promoted by demonic beasts.

So that Qi Le selectively ignores this kind of gods, and has not thought about this aspect of things.

But who would have thought that in this World, I could meet the gods among the demonic beasts.

That's really "good luck".

"Fortunately, I stayed here for two more days, otherwise the layout of staying here will be ruined by these demonic beasts."

Guessed the truth. Qi Le said to himself with a lingering fear on his face.

Although Qi Le never felt that there were only so many gods.

But now even the gods of demonic beast are mixed in. The tangled and complicated relationship between these gods has made Qi Le nodded.

But this is no way. Who would have thought that the god of demonic beast could be mixed in, but he could be so patient and could dormant for hundreds of years without any movement.

It seems that they are the previous three gods, and simply don't want to play with this god of demonic beast.

That's why this group of demonic beasts have stolen their homes now.

when the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it's the fisherman who benefits.

The demonic beast's IQ is not very good, but the strategy of the god of demonic beast is something.

Unexpected offense is really a bit unexpected, and it means to attack it unpreparedly.

If no one stops it, it is really possible that the Three Great Influences will be overcast.

But now, Qi Le hasn't left yet.

"It took so long to lead the ignited flames of war into a balanced situation. How can you destroy your demonic beasts."

Qi Le made the decision immediately , To fight this group of demonic beasts back into the demonic beast forest.

Anyway, Qi Le cannot collect the strength of faith of demonic beast.

Of course, you can't let these guys do bad things.

As for the extermination of demonic beasts, it is totally unrealistic.

What a huge area of ​​the demonic beast forest and how many demonic beasts live in it.

Want to wipe out all, that is simply impossible.

At most, these demonic beasts are scared, until they dare not come out.

However, it is not easy to do this. After all, demonic beasts are basically a rib, and spiritual wisdom is not very high. After you have faith, you will not worry about yourself. 'S life and death.

Speaking of this, as a believer, demonic beast is a very good seed.

It’s just that you don’t have a good brain and you can easily lose your life.

But this is not a question Qi Le needs to think about.

What Qi Le should think about now is how to strengthen the power of Three Great Influences so that it can fight the demonic beasts that popped out and maintain the current state of checks and balances.

Don't worry about that side of the Palace of the Dead. They are the best at fighting this kind of large-scale battle.

The endless stream of undead creatures is not bad compared to the offensive of the demonic beast tide.

Even after entering the battle, the hall of the dead can use the corpse of the demonic beast as a sacrifice to summon the undead creatures.

Maybe the demonic beast attack this time can become a palace of strength and great injury, and a chance to rise again.

On the contrary, the Union of Elements and the Azer Empire must be extremely cautious when facing the demonic beast tide.

If one is not careful and fails to block the demonic beast tide, then the trouble will be big.

The Palace of the Dead is definitely the first to laugh out loud.

This is probably the reason why the demonic beast tide appeared at this time.

Because the palace of the dead, the most feared demonic beast group, just returned with a big defeat, Peak battle strength suffered most of the casualties.

At this time, we can attack Three Great Influences to the greatest extent and strive for more space for the survival of the demonic beast.

So, mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

As for who is the "Oriental", no one can guess.

Qi Le is quite unexpected anyway.


"The demonic beast swarms are coming out, and at the same time the elements are uniting with me, and the Azer Empire and the Palace of the Dead are launching a raid together?"

"Damn it, why is it at this time!"

Not long after I defeated the Palace of the Dead, I have already negotiated tactics and are preparing to attack the magisters of the Azer Empire. They learned about the demonic beast. After the news of the tide, everyone's faces became a little ugly.

Why does the demonic beast tide appear at this time?

Without this demonic beast that got in the way.

Then if the united elements insist on attacking the Azer Empire, then the Azer Empire can only fight.

At that time, the Azer Empire's plan to delay time was completely bankrupt.

Unless the Azer Empire is willing to continue to withdraw its troops, let the unity of the elements slowly erode the territory of the Azer Empire.

In this way, in order to digest those occupied territories, the elemental union must also be garrisoned by manpower.

Until the battle front between the two sides is getting longer and longer, and when the united forces of the elements are insufficient, this cannibalization will temporarily stop and give the Azer Empire a little buffer time.

But it is obvious that the Azer Empire is not the kind of Great Influence that can hold its breath.

If you are really softened in the face of the elemental union, then the Azer Empire's face will be even more?

Do you want those sword saint faces any more?

But now, the sudden wave of demonic beasts has broken the next plan of the element union.

How else would you say, human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

"Now is not the time to think about this. As long as the elemental blessing potion is still there, our advantage will not be reduced."

"Even if the Azer Empire is demonic The beast tide escaped, and it is impossible to have such good luck."

"The most important thing for us now is how to deal with the next demonic beast tide."

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