After all, in troubled times, your own strength is the greatest guarantee.

There are free powerful sword skills, and easy to use elemental magic, of course you have to learn.

In this way, most of the strength of faith in this World will be included in Qi Le.

Anyway, it is the game between the gods, the dispute over the believers, the difference in faith, and it is not Qi Le that provoked the war.

What Qi Le did was just add a fire in it, and then better fish in troubled waters that's all.

As for the consequences, will the dispute between Three Great Influences end if Qi Le does not come?

So, after the Flame Sovereign played by Qi Le left the battlefield without concealment.

On the side of the Azer Empire, there is also a deliberate guide by the sword saint.

The battle between Three Great Influences was once again stalemate, falling into a weird balance.

The Palace of the Dead with great strength and great injury can be regarded as the only loser in the battle this time.

Under the pressure of the elemental union, the Palace of the Dead still chose to cooperate with the Azer Empire.

Only with this time's cooperation, the Palace of the Dead can no longer negotiate with the Azer Empire as an equal.

In order not to be the first to get out, even if the Palace Lord of the Palace of the Dead is angry, they can only recognize it.

Who made the Palace of the Dead, like the other Two Great Influences, there is no evildoer that can change the status quo.

The Azer Empire has sword saint, and the combination of elements has Flame Sovereign.

These two great talents, one developed the sanctuary potion of the elements, and the other followed closely from behind, developed the favor potion of the elements.

Then I suffered from the Temple of the Undead with nothing, followed by the Azer Empire and the unity of the elements, and both sides were angry.

It’s okay if I didn’t say it before, but now I’m speaking of which, it’s really a bitter tear.

Unfortunately, no matter how much suffering, I have to suffer.

At worst, it's just an experience of lying down.

As long as it can be turned back in the end, the hardship in front is nothing.

So the Palace Lord of the Palace of the Dead was indignant, after smashing a few branch halls, he stopped.

For a while, Three Great Influences seemed to have returned to the way it was before, and it didn't seem to have changed much.

But those who stay on the battlefield know that the relationship between Three Great Influences has changed.

In the defeat of the Palace of the Dead this time, the momentum has gradually declined.

This can be seen from the fact that the Palace of the Dead was beaten and retreated on the front battlefield.

The strength of the Palace of the Dead is already much worse than before.

This event excites the people who unite the elements.

The Azer Empire seemed very peaceful.

It's just that under this calm and tranquil, what kind of dark tide is surging, most people can't see it.

Even the three regulators of Three Great Influences can't understand the current situation.

After all, the supervisor cannot directly intervene in the disputes of believers, but can only watch from the sidelines.

Occasionally directing a battle, there is no guarantee that these guys can perform perfectly.

Over time, the main responsibility of these regulators has become to prevent losses within the forces.

And as much as possible to enhance the forces they are responsible for, the comprehensive strength they possess.

But the current situation is completely beyond the control of these three regulators.

The emergence of the shelter potions of the elements and the favor potions of the elements made the situation of giving tit for tat between Three Great Influences suddenly become incompatible as fire and water.

A large number of elemental magic, and the spread of various sword skills, let the elements unite and the power of the Azer Empire rapidly expand.

And along with it, there is the ambition of this Two Great Influences.

So the war will never stop.

There is a difference, but on the battlefield, the people of Three Great Influences are spare no effort or perfunctory.

However, under this weird calm, Qi Le, who was planning to leave this World and rushed back to the shop, suddenly learned another news, and he stopped going back. idea.

That is-the demonic beast in the demonic beast forest, for some reason, there has been an abnormal movement.

A large number of strong demon beasts that should have been entrenched in the depths of the demonic beast forest are migrating to the outskirts of the demonic beast forest.

The first thing I discovered about this news was the long-awaited sword saint in the forest of demonic beasts.

This is the simulation robot that Qi Le stayed on the side of the Azer Empire.

After sensing something was wrong, sword saint first contacted Qi Le, and then reported the matter to the Azer Empire.

So soon, Three Great Influences knew about it.

A riot broke out in the demonic beast in the forest of demonic beast!

This matter is not trivial.

Because of the special geographical distribution of this World, the Azer Empire, the Union of Elements, and the Palace of the Dead, the envelope of the Three Great Influences is just presented as a triangular demonic beast forest, which is divided into three regions .

So really, the demonic beast forest is in this world, occupying the largest area.

Only in the past, those powerful demonic beasts lived in the depths of the demonic beast forest, and would not come to the outside.

As long as you don't die, and you have to run to the depths of the demonic beast forest, there is no danger at all.

However, now, such a huge group of demonic beasts ran out from the depths of the demonic beast forest, if they wanted to attack Three Great Influences.

The consequences are simply unthinkable.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fragile balance between Three Great Influences will be instantly broken.

At that time, it will be a real four-way melee.

Demonic beast, the unity of elements, the palace of the dead, and the Azer Empire. Once the four forces collide, it is almost impossible to coexist.

Especially the demonic beast that ran out of the demonic beast forest, the attitude towards Human Race is absolutely the same.

Either you die, or I die!

And with the strength of the demonic beast group, even if you need to fight against three enemies, you will never be weak.

There is no way, Three Great Influences has spent so many years on the three main battlefields.

But the demonic beast in the demonic beast forest has been keeping a low profile and accumulating strength.

Until now, the Palace of the Dead was weakened due to strength great injury, and it suddenly appeared.

This kind of action is obviously purposeful. If it is not a coincidence, it is definitely someone commanding it from behind.

The ordinary demonic beast, there is absolutely no such IQ and strategy.

Even those powerful demonic beasts are only battle strength, not brain power.

So these demonic beast migration, organized, planned gathering, and finally divided into three forces.

Qi Le guessed something that even he himself couldn't believe.

That is, in this World, fighting for the gods of believers is probably not three, but four!

Do you accept the deity of the strength of faith of the demonic beast...

To be honest, there is really no race specified on the road to the realm of the king class.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2340: Hidden Gods)...

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