Mingwu Aiza is a handsome middle-aged man. Although he is strong, he does not have much oppression.

And unlike those tall, burly, imposing manner and terrifying guys, Mingwu Aiza looks more like a cheetah ready to attack at any time, and looks extremely vigorous.

"Sword saint, I heard about you."

"Didn't expect you to be willing to teach your sword skills to the people of the Azer Empire, It was beyond my expectation."

Mingwu Aize looked at the sword saint who entered the side hall, and spoke in a gentle but majestic tone.

To be honest, this tone, to Qi Le's ears, fits well with the identity of Mingwu Aize's country lord.

But what shocked Qi Le even more was Mingwu Aize's cultivation realm.

There is no false powerhouse realm!

No wonder the royal family of the Azer Empire can suppress those sword saints. It turns out that it is not relying on power, but on military force.

Compared to those sword saints, Mingwu Aize is much stronger.

But only military force is enough to control the sword saint.

"Ming Wu country the main, these little things would not have said."

"I do not know you suddenly find me over for what, is it have anything to say it?"

Although Qi Le is surprised at Mingwu Aize’s cultivation realm, he is not surprised.

In fact, Qi Le had this guess when he knew that the Three Great Influences in this world represented the three gods.

Proxy wars, how can it be a small fight.

If there is no leader who can fully mobilize the entire force and let these believers fight each other.

The only consequence is probably to be continuously engulfed by other Two Great Influences until all the believers are eliminated in this proxy war.

This situation is naturally not what those gods want to see.

So among these Three Great Influences, there will definitely be a spokesperson of the gods.

This is what is called-the messenger of the gods.

To be honest, Qi Le has seen this kind of guy when he was in the northern mountain range-the spokesperson of the god of war.

Although all those guys were wiped out in the northern mountain range, they couldn't deny their strength.

Each one is a good player among powerhouse realm.

Then, the appearance of Mingwu Aiza is not surprising.

To be precise, I am afraid that in the Azer Empire royal family, every lord of the country has a powerhouse-level cultivation realm.

Otherwise, how can we suppress those families in the Azer Empire and those sword saints?

Moreover, since there is a powerhouse-level power in the Azer Empire.

Then in the Palace of the Dead and the elemental union, there should also be a powerhouse-level power.

These guys rarely take action, and basically perform the duty of an overseer. .

This is probably what the gods mean.

Let the powerhouse-level powerful as the supervisor, optimistic about this board, let those under your hand as pawns to play the game.

Whoever wins, the believers of this World belong to whom.

Simple and clear thinking.

But for the creatures in this world, it is cruel.

Because they don't know their destiny, they are all under the control of the gods they believe in.

It can only be used as a pawn to participate in this game. If you do not win, you will die.

Even a powerhouse-level powerhouse as a regulator may not be immune.

After all, there have been more than a dozen of the leaders of the Azer Empire.

So where did the previous country masters go?

Is it brought back by the gods?

How is it possible!

Of course, it was sacrificed in this game, or it was replaced as an exchange.

So Mingwu Aiza must know this, and know what his destiny is, so he will naturally want to win.

The lifespan of the gods, as long as the Supreme Throne is not broken, it is infinite.

The powerhouse-level power wants to compete with the gods in lifespan, that is impossible.

Then you can only win this game desperately.

And, it's not just Mingwu Aize who thinks so.

The regulators of the Elemental Union and the Palace of the Dead, those powerhouse-level abilities, I am afraid they think so too.

Thinking of this, Qi Le suddenly understood what Mingwu Aize meant to find him.

"Sword saint, you are willing to teach your sword skills to many people. This is no trivial matter."

"The Azer Empire depends on you to truly It's becoming stronger and stronger."

As Qi Le expected, Mingwu Aize brought up the matter.

There are many sword saint value one's own old broom, and Mingwu Aiza can't manage things that he doesn't want to disclose his sword skills at will.

Of course, it is not so wide.

Because of the expressly prohibited sword saint private fights, it is already very troublesome.

After all, many sword saints are grumpy, and it is common for them to have grievances.

But with the royal family of the Azer Empire pressing down, the hatred between the sword saints can't be vented, they can only be held back.

If they are forced to hand over their sword skills, it is estimated that they will bottom out and burst out directly.

This is by no means what Mingwu Aiza wants to see.

And more importantly, the gods will not intervene in the struggle between believers.

If these sword saints erupted their grievances, it is probably the thing that the Elemental Union and the Palace of the Dead most want to see.

When the time comes, the Azer Empire is about to be flanked by both sides and become the first Great Influence to be out.

Therefore, the emergence of sword saint is definitely a turning point for the Azer Empire.

This is also the main reason why Mingwu Aize summoned the sword saint.

Only by making the people of Azer Empire stronger, can the Azer Empire's chances of winning in this game be maximized.

"Rely on us?"

Qi Le understands what Mingwu Aiza means, but has no plans to take the call.

Because Qi Le will teach sword skills, just for the strength of Faith.

Who wants to do things that are not good.

However, when it comes to this matter, Qi Le has a new idea and is ready to change his plan.

You know, not everyone can learn sword skills.

An ordinary person without innate talent may not learn the essence even if he has studied for a lifetime.

Therefore, the spread of sword skills is only the 1st Step in Qi Le's plan.

As for 2nd Step, it naturally starts with products that everyone can use.

Only when an automatic vending point is opened can the most effective and fastest collection of strength of Faith.

Rather than the inefficient snobbery as it is now.

So now, in the Azer Empire, the Mingwu Kingdom Master who speaks the most useful is standing in front of Qi Le. Isn't it the best opportunity?

"Ming Wu Kingdom, spreading sword skills, relying solely on me to promote this kind of thing, in a short time, it is still too difficult."

So Qi Le first refused The proposal of Mingwu Aize.

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