If Pesha wants to experience a life-and-death battle, it is estimated that she can only run into the demonic beast forest.

But in the battle with the demonic beast, how can you mention on equal terms with these sword saint dísciple.

You know, the battle strength of the demonic beast and the cultivation realm of the demonic beast are inseparable.

The more powerful the demonic beast, the stronger the fighting instinct.

As for the weak demonic beast, no matter how strong the fighting instinct is, how strong can it go?

Unless it is the noble demonic beast of the bloodline, the abilities and fighting skills inherited from the bloodline of the elders.

But these powerful demonic beasts, are Pesha able to touch them?

So so far, Pesha's combat experience is actually very scarce.

It is not difficult to understand why Pesha is so concerned about every match of the Martial Dao tournament.

However, to be honest, if you really want to accumulate combat experience, in fact, going to the battlefield is the best way.

Because the sword saints of the Azer Empire are facing opponents, they are not their own.

It is the other two tri-legged ones-the Palace of the Dead and the Union of Elements.

So in the end, the opponent that sword saint's disciplines will face will also be the people who unite the palace of the dead and the elements.

Then going to the battlefield to accumulate combat experience is the best choice, there is no one.

What's the point of fighting with one's own person?

In fact, these sword saint dísciples, as long as the cultivation realm can stabilize in the swordmaster realm, they will be taken to the battlefield by their own Master.

If you can stabilize in the realm of great swordmaster, you will definitely go to the battlefield to fight for a while.

During the period of fighting, even their sword saint Master would not protect them.

That's the real life and death, and wealth is in the sky.

If they can walk off the battlefield alive, these sword saints will decide whether to teach them their trump card tricks.

This is a test of sword saint for their respective dísciple.

Similarly, Qi Le concluded that Pesha was absolutely impossible to win the championship.

Without personal experience of Life and Death Battle, one cannot truly understand how cruel the battle of life and death is.

Compared with the two sword saint dísciple who fought down from the battlefield, Pesha is still a bit tender now.

But it doesn't matter, because Pesha is still young and there is still time.

Qi Le also pondered, to see when to take Pesha to see on the battlefield.

Of course, unlike other sword saints, Qi Le is a discipline like Pesha and must be protected.

Other sword saints make their dísciple alive and dead, and wealth is in the sky. That's because they have a lot of disciplines. Even if one or two die, they don't feel so distressed.

After all, war is cruel, and accidents happen at any time, so how can you not die?

There is no way to get off the battlefield alive, it can only show that his ability is not at home, and his luck is not good enough.

But what does this have to do with Qi Le?

Let’s just have a discipline, and I don’t care about anyone who cares about it.

Youdao is one day as a master, and is the father for life.

Parents don’t feel sorry for their children anymore.


"Master sword saint, I don’t know if you have time, Lord Mingwu would like to invite you to come and meet."

In one day’s game After it was over, Qi Le was just about to return to his residence to rest, and the race team members came to him.

The attitude is very respectful and shows what I and the others come from.

"Lord Mingwu?"

Qi Le eyebrow raised, an interesting look appeared in his eyes.

There is a royal family in the Azer Empire, and the leader of the royal family is the Azer family that established this country.

Time flies, and the position of the country's lord has been passed down from generation to generation in the Azer family.

In this generation, the name of the lord of the country is Mingwu Aiza.

These things were also learned by Qi Le intermittently when he was in the Valan Empire.

Between expressly prohibited sword saint, private fights are absolutely not allowed, which is also the order issued by the Azer family.

And people in the Azer family will monitor the sword saint to prevent internal friction.

From this point of view, the royal family of the Azer Empire, that is, the Azer family, must surpass the Great Family of the Azer Empire in terms of power and status.

This is also a good thing.

Because there can be a supreme ruler pressing on it, the unity and stability of the Azer Empire can be maintained.

Otherwise, the Great Family will not accept each other, and the Azer Empire may have disappeared long ago.

After all, the impossible tempers of all sword saints are so gentle.

Just kidding, good at frontal combat, and always ready to fight the enemy sword saint, maybe a gentleman?

The fire is no exaggeration, the blood on these guys' hands is about to converge into ponds and lakes.

If there is a dispute, after several discussions, when there is still no result, it is also common to draw a sword to meet.

When the time comes bitter, it is also the people of the Azer Empire.

And now, there is a royal family of Azer Empire on his head.

Even if these sword saints quarrel no matter how fierce they are, they must maintain an apparent peace.

So from this point of view, Qi Le feels that the Azer family still contributes.

Then, facing the invitation of the Lord Ming Wu, Qi Le was also very interested to meet the true leader of the Azer Empire.

"Peisha, please go back first, Mingwu Lord has requested, so I will naturally go to see him as a teacher."

Qi Le arranges Pesha first, and then looks towards the event The person in the team said: "Then I will bother you to lead a way."

"Yes, please, Lord Sword Saint, please."

The person in the event team clicked He turned his head, and walked in front respectfully to lead the way.

This is not to fear the strength of the sword saint.

In fact, most of the people in the event group are from the Azer family, and they are not very afraid of sword saint.

The sword saint is different.

Willing to impart his sword skills to everyone without any requirements, this kind of broad mind is worthy of respect.

So even the people of the Azer family retain a respect for the sword saint.

The site of the Martial Dao tournament, and the palace of the Azer Empire, are only separated by a not too long distance.

Under the leadership of the event team, after a short walk, I came to the side hall next to the great hall of the palace meeting guests.

This is the place where the lord of the Azer Empire entertained guests in private.

The great hall next to guests is the place where guests are publicly received.

From the perspective of the brand-newness of the great hall, it is estimated that it has not been used for a long time.

"Master sword saint, the place is here, Your Majesty will be waiting in the side hall."

The race team members will be sent outside the side hall, but no more Go ahead.

This is the rule, where the host entertains guests, not everyone can enter.

"Okay, trouble you."

Qi Le clicked nodded and stepped in.

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