The first person to draw the Qiongqi pet card is the elf queen Tiana.

The woman who does not speak, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

"I didn't watch the promotional video, and I think the Qiongqi pet card is useful for me, so I will try it."

Tiana laughed and said, very Obviously, I am in a very good mood.

Just kidding, I just got the SSR pet card, but the prompt message hasn’t disappeared. Who is going to put this kind of thing on? It’s a bad mood.

"Don't you think so too?"

Lanci glanced at Serratl again.

"Almost, I still lack a sparring here."

Sairatel naturally clicked nodded, as it should be by rights said.

A little training of the Qiongqi pet card can achieve the battle strength of the powerhouse realm, and it can be used for a variety of purposes.

Even if it is a powerhouse-level power, it is impossible to refuse such a powerful SSR-level pet card.

For example, Tiana, as a standard auxiliary rank: Guangming magician.

Before the condense supreme throne and the achievement of the realm of the realm of the realm, you must be unable to get rid of the fate of support.

So being able to have a violent and offensive Qiongqi pet card can completely achieve the effect like a tiger that has grown wings.

Together, they definitely complement each other.

As for Serratel, the militant character of being an animal ear clan happens to be the same as Qiongqi.

Between the two, you can practice against each other and then become stronger together.

In this way, the Ancient Ominous Beast location tag of the Qiongqi pet card can also be used to its extreme.

As long as you can continue to fight and squeeze your own potential, you can continue to grow stronger and become more brave.

This combination is a perfect match.

After all, not everyone is qualified to practice against Qiongqi.

It is impossible for Qiongqi to fight with all his strength, but it does not improve Qiongqi's battle strength.

So it seems that it is in Ranqi's hands that the role of Qiongqi's pet card is not so great.

At least the two are combined, not so coordinated.

But what does it matter?

As long as Qiongqi’s battle strength is tyrannical, isn’t it enough?

So after a period of silence, Ranchi and Serratl went into the ranks of drawing cards again.

Draw and it's over!

You can't let Tiana take the lead alone.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is quite cruel.

There is a saying that the shipment rate of SSR pet cards is doomed to the impossible proliferation of this level of power.

You know, this is the power of the powerhouse realm.

Really use it, without Ranch and the others intervening, it can completely disrupt the order of the entire northern mountain range.

The situation in the Eastern Famine is even worse.

The lack of powerhouse-level power can completely make the owner of the Qiongqi pet card behave wantonly.

So even for consideration of order, the original owner of this force is impossible to be selfish people who have no overall view of the situation.

Of course, Tiana was lucky to get the Qiongqi pet card.

After all, Qi Le is a black box operation.

It is also impossible to send the first SSR-level pet card to a powerhouse-level powerhouse.

Doesn’t that seem like a lot.

But it is also because of Tiana’s cry out in surprise, which is enough advertising for the shipment rate of SSR pet cards.

So that the craze of drawing cards by all the people has extended a period of time.


Dragon Island.

A golden giant dragon with a length of one kilometer is lying on the highest mountain of Long Island.

My eyes are closed tightly, seeming to be asleep.

And under this golden giant dragon, there is also a complex array of Dragon Race magic carved.

It’s just that this Dragon Race magic array doesn’t move at all, just like a decorative pattern.

This picture is strange and coordinated.

This sleeping golden giant dragon, if it weren't for the dragon body, it would rise and fall slightly with breathing. When people come to see it, they might feel that this golden giant dragon has fallen.

And this Dragon Race magic array is the Land of Buried Bones of giant dragon.

But at this moment, I don't know what happened.

The sleeping golden giant dragon suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly raised the head of the dragon, and glanced at the end of the sky.

"Finally appeared, the breath of the Holy King Token!"

"Lanci, you stole the Holy King Token and escaped from Dragon Island. There has been no news for so many years, Why would you expose your whereabouts at this time?"

For a long time, the golden giant dragon stood up abruptly as if it had confirmed some information.

With wings spread out, the wind is raging.

The terrifying Dragon's Prestige moved towards all around, spreading away, suddenly aroused the sea area outside the Dragon Island, and instantly raised ten thousand zhang huge waves.

The shadow cast by the overwhelming waves can be said to cover the sky and the sun.

Carrying endless power, moved towards Dragon Island slapped.

At this moment, the other giant dragons on Dragon Island also spread their wings, seeming to respond to this golden giant dragon-like.


Looking at the huge waves coming, the golden giant dragon let out a roar suddenly.

The sound waves seem to be condensed in substance, mixed with Dragon's Prestige, turning into visible ripples of naked eye, moving towards all directions quickly spreading away.

"hong long long ——!"

In an instant, the overwhelming waves turned into mist.

"Damn fellow, you have also noticed the breath of the Holy King Token, right."

The golden giant dragon stared at the sea beyond Long Island, and said in a deep voice To.

"Yes, the bright dragon king, the holy king token should belong to me, so don't think about getting involved."

"I will get rid of Lanqi, Then took the Holy King token back from him."

In the sea, a gloomy voice suddenly appeared.

This grandiose sound seems to come from all directions, Heaven and Earth everywhere, making people imperceptible to the source of the sound.

The coercion contained therein is even more majestic, as if even this boundless sea area has been crushed.

This sound will come down, and the sea area outside Dragon Island is a terrifying huge wave that completely obscures the sky, moving towards Dragon Island fiercely.

The momentum is so great that it seems to sink Long Island in this endless sea.


Golden giant dragon coldly snorted, the violent Dragon's Prestige burst out suddenly.

Like the scorching sun hanging high in the sky, shrouded above the Dragon Island, moved towards the giant wave strikes.


The huge waves turned into mist, and Dragon's Prestige turned into nothingness.

The vertical pupils of the golden giant dragon are also full of anger.

But the sound from the surrounding waters has disappeared without a trace.

"Lanci, I hope you can keep the Holy King token......"


What happened to Dragon Island, no one know.

The days in the store are still so peaceful. If you need to draw a card, you should train in The New World Mode.

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