After all, the Qiongqi pet card has the characteristics of becoming stronger in Vietnam.

If you can fight forever, it's not that there is no chance to reach the legendary realm.

So strictly speaking, the content in the promo is not a lie.

In this regard, Qi Le is still quite rigorous and must not ruin the reputation of the products in his store.

And the promo this time, after Qiongqi appeared, it was actually nearing its end.

The following content is to show Qiongqi's unparalleled battle strength.

Between the gestures, the sky and the earth are cracking, and the situation changes.

A roar containing fierce power can make the ten thousand li void, collapse on the spot, and wherever it is affected, there is no life to survive.

This makes many customers who watch the promotional video feel terrified and excited at the same time.

Because the stronger the battle strength displayed by Qiongqi, does it mean that Qiongqi's pet card is stronger.

When it is drawn, the strength that can be enhanced is more.

It's a pity that these guys didn't even think about whether they might be able to draw it out at this moment of enthusiasm.

For SSR pet cards, the shipment rate can only be lower than that of SR pet cards.

Then look back at the holding rate of the SR-class pet card.

That is really sad for the listener, and tears for the listener.

The desperate shipment rate really crashed countless people.

On the other hand, the promo video was placed at the last second, but the outcome was not completely decided.

After all, the main role of the promotional film, or for, promotes two new pet cards, not for storytelling.

So what is the result, just leave it in suspense.

And the last picture is also fixed in the sky full of shadow hunter, emerging from the darkness, moved towards the huge size of Qiongqi, launching the final attack.

the one to emerge victorious, let’s listen to the decomposition next time...

I almost made those customers brain congested with anger.

The next time the promotional video has a hammer, this is completely utterly appetizing.

"Qi Store Manager, you can't be kind enough to do this."

Others dare not complain about this with Qi Le, so Lan Qi got to Qi Le's side and complained. One sentence.

"Tell me, what happened to the final result?"

"The final result?"

Qi Le looked at it contemptuously Lan Qi said, "Don't you think it yourself."

dignified A powerhouse-level powerhouse, in a battle, the strength of the two sides has been compared, and it is still impossible to calculate it. Words of victory or defeat.

That would be too useless.

"Calculate by yourself, isn't it too boring? You must have an attitude of watching the recorded images when you watch the recorded images."

Lan Qi spread his hands and said in a conclusive manner. .

Lanci must have the calculated ability.

But this is the same as watching a movie. Spoilers are always wrong. Without that sense of expectation, what movie would you watch?

"What you said is very reasonable, so if I tell you the ending, it must be wrong."

Qi Le clicked nodded with great approval and continued Never mention the ending of the promo.

"Tsk, it's boring."

Lan Qi didn't get the answer he wanted, so he shook his head and left.

Rather than continuing to stalemate with Qi Le, it is better to look at the new pet card.

To talk about the previous pet cards, Ranchi is really not rare.

Shanna will go to draw pet cards, which is also due to the cuteness of these pets.

But this time is different.

The Qiongqi pet card, even if it is a whiteboard, has a battle strength close to the powerhouse realm.

Moreover, as long as there is an awakened Qiongqi pet card, it is a real powerhouse-level realm battle strength.

This is simply a battle strength that even Ranchi cannot ignore.

And with the characteristics of Ancient Ominous Beast, as long as the battle continues, Qiongqi will continue to grow stronger.

Whether it is used as a sparring partner or as a helper, it is an excellent choice.

So Ranchi will not pretend to be reserved.

The pet card that should be drawn is still to be drawn.

Even as a giant dragon of a powerhouse realm, Lanqi will not be so arrogant that he feels invincible in the whole world.

Just like the Qi Store Manager in front of you, that is what you can't reach.

"SSR-level pet card?!"

"My Heavens! Why is it an SSR-level pet card!"

"Spirit Pet of Flames I can’t get both the item card and the ice Spirit Pet item card. I actually want to get the Qiongqi..."

"Forget it, let’s wash and sleep."

"Brothers, are you ready for Spirit Crystal?"

"Our pet card research Guild, and never admit defeat!"

"Weird, you guys are even SR-level A guy who can’t get a pet card, why do you think you can get a Qiongqi pet card."

"Who? Who was talking just now!?"

"It's still there now!" What are you talking about, brothers, it's starting to draw cards!"

When the pet card swap machine showed the shadow hunter pet card and the Qiongqi pet card, they have been added to the card pool.

The shops on both sides are boiling.

Whether it is the customers of Donghuang, or the customers of the northern mountain range, they are all waiting for this moment.

Countless Spirit Crystals seem to flow back to the sea, and the pet card swap function on the moved towards Membership Card is gone.

Looking around, there are people holding Membership Cards and mutter incantations in their mouths everywhere.

"Hey, when did Serratul come here?"

"Yo, Ranchi, you are there too."

On the way to draw the card , Ranchi and Seratl met, and then looked at the Membership Card in their hands, lost in thought.

"Didn't you not draw a pet card before?"

Serratel took the lead in asking the question.

"Don't talk nonsense, this sentence is what you said, I used to accompany Shana to smoke."

Lanqi hearing this, immediately retorted.

Then the two fell into a puzzle and embarrassment.

After all, those past pet cards, Serratl and Ranchi are also indifferent.

Even if it is an SR-level pet card, growing to Peak is only a half-step powerhouse-level realm.

Compared with their powerhouse-level abilities, there is no comparability.

And Serratel and Ranchi are not so different in battle strength, so they say that they don't draw pet cards.

But now it seems that what I have said will eventually become a slap on my face.

The true incense law, that is what the law says.

"You got it! I got it!"

"SSR-class pet card- Qiongqi !"

It's in Serratul and Ranchi When the two fell into silence, a voice of incomparable surprise suddenly sounded in the store.

The sudden appearance of the sound made Serratel and Ranchi glance at each other and stood up abruptly.

There is no other reason.

Because of the master of this voice, the two of them are really familiar.

"Tiana, why are you in the store?"

"When did you come here?"

Lanqi stared at the hand Holding the Membership Card inside, the silhouette with an extremely surprised expression, said bitterly.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2095: The First Winner)...

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