Heaven and Earth will complement each other with all creatures in the world, just to increase the power level of the world.

A king-level power, relying on the strength of faith of thousands of creatures to condense to the high throne.

The two seem to be unrelated to each other, but in fact they oppose each other.

Because the power level of a world wants to increase, what it needs is the increase of the overall power of the world's thousands of creatures.

It is not a problem that can be solved by one or two Peak powerhouses.

But this is what those king-ranking powers don't want to see.

If the cultivation realm of all the creatures in this world is raised, then who will believe in them?

So contradictions arise.

And there is still a contradiction that cannot be reconciled, simply is incompatible as fire and water.

After all, like the giant dragon saint king, there is such a great power for self-sacrifice. Looking at the ancient and modern, how many?

Based on this, although the strength of Faith is not very helpful to the will of Heaven and Earth, as long as it is sent to your side, the will of Heaven and Earth can also be fully accepted.

Anyway, it is the same level of energy as Heaven and Earth's luck, even if the attribute is wrong, it doesn't matter.

Digestion and digestion, even if there is some loss, it is nothing.

even more how "survive" is also an instinctive manifestation of the will of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, if it can weaken those king-class powers, or find some unpleasantness for those gods, instinctively, Heaven and Earth will also do it.

This point can be reflected in the body of the treasure.

Although I like Heaven and Earth's luck, but for the strength of Faith, he is always willing to come, and he hates the god of forging.

Then with this factor in it, Qi Le can find some help for himself when fighting against those gods.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend.

And this "friend" is more trustworthy than an average ally.

even more how Heaven and Earth The power of the will is not low, and the most important thing is not to worry about betrayal.

How can a guy who only has instincts think of betrayal?

As long as the interests are the same, that is eternal friends.

So the conclusion is very simple.

Turn the will of Heaven and Earth into an ally, and then exchange the luck of Heaven and Earth for the friendship of the will of the newborn Heaven and Earth.

At least let Heaven and Earth feel their kindness instinctively.

This is Qi Le's tentative plan, and it is also an inspiration from Zhubao.

It's really unnecessary to fight alone.

The next thing to do is to find a way to sell Summon Scroll to the entire summon world. First, take all the sources of this world's strength of Faith into your hands.

"By the way, system, do you have a way to modify the shape of the heart of summon?"

Half of thinking, Qi Le suddenly asked.

No way. At first glance, the appearance of the heart of summon is indeed a bit weird, and it does not conform to the aesthetics of normal people.

Countless demonic beasts collided with each other, the twisted shape, it is strange to look good.

system: "Host, the appearance of the heart of summon reflects the way of the god of summon, so if you want to change the appearance of the heart of summon, you can only destroy the heart of summon."

"Let's... forget it."

Qi Le didn't expect just to change the appearance, and even needed such "high-end" means.

"Then you can put a shell directly outside the heart of summon."

Since there is no way to change it directly, then try to cover it.

Qi Le intends to put the heart of summon directly in the Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott in order to better collect the strength of Faith.

Because the material of the heart of summon is similar to the casting jade plate, it can also speed up the acquisition of strength of faith.

And the Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott will eventually be inherited by Angel.

So it's not a loss no matter what.

One more thing, with the existence of the heart of summon, as long as the Heaven and Earth will condense of the summon world comes, it will instinctively shelter the area where the heart of summon is located.

In this way, the safety of Silver Moon City is guaranteed.

Of course, when Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott will become Silver Moon City is not certain.

But the problem is not that big.

system: "What kind of shell do you want the host to put on?"

"Let’s make it... the appearance of the giant dragon holy king."

Qi Le thought for a while before speaking out, and then he paused, and added: "Remember to scale down."

The dragon body of the giant dragon is thousands of meters away. Long, like a mountain range traversing, covering the sky and the sun.

This is considered to be done, there may be no place to put it.

system: "Host, do you think there is a problem with the IQ of this system?"

Regarding the sentence Qi Le suddenly added, system immediately expressed deep dissatisfaction .

"Not feeling, but affirmation."

Qi Le slapped his mouth without the slightest hesitation.


Heishui Kingdom, the master’s study.

The important matter of attacking the Flame Dragon Kingdom must have been instructed by the Lord.

Therefore, the result of the failure of the surprise attack on the Giant Stone Pass will naturally be passed back to the hands of the Lord at the fastest speed.

"Hundreds of thousands of horses were annihilated, and the Cyborg battle was killed ..."

"hmph! is just a giant stone pass after the demonic beast wave hits, so much effort. I didn’t take down the price!"

Coldly Snorted, the lord of the Blackwater Kingdom, threw the battle report in his hand on the desk.

The guard guarding the door suddenly trembled.

Under such a solemn atmosphere, I really don’t know who will be the next to suffer.

"The dragon scales that can catalyze the demonic beast's fierceness were not retrieved. The soldiers sent in the past were also killed in battle."

"The Flame Dragon Kingdom is really a good method. Ah."

Although in the battle report, the one who took the dragon scales was a mysterious powerhouse.

But the Flame Dragon Kingdom is a vested interest, so this account is naturally counted on the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

Blackwater Kingdom and Flame Dragon Kingdom were not able to deal with them. Now once this battle is over, it is really irreconcilable.

Therefore, the ruler of the Blackwater Kingdom will naturally not be reconciled to this result.


The sound of fingers tapping on the desk sounded rhythmically in the study.

A secret letter was also sent into the study at this time.

The messenger wore black clothed and couldn't see clearly.

After leaving the secret letter, he bowed and exited the study, hiding in the darkness again, without saying a word during the whole process.

"Finally here."

The lord of the Blackwater Kingdom stopped beating the table top and looked towards the secret letter in front of him.

Every Great Influence will have its own means.

It is very common to infiltrate your own chess pieces into the surrounding forces to obtain the information you need.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is that if the chess pieces are found, they will definitely end up in death.

Maybe, it will leak out your own information.

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