"Since there are no side effects, what will the giant dragon holy kings recondense this world to Heaven and Earth."

"Anyway, I will definitely meet those gods Yes, it is better to start first."

Qi Le thinks very clearly about this question.

That's how Condense comes from Casting Treasures, and it can be considered a lot of help when fighting against the Temple of Castings.

Then now there is no effect on condense a Heaven and Earth will.

"The only regret is that the giant dragon Saint Senior Wang went too fast. I didn't finish asking the questions, so I destroyed the dragon body."

Speaking of which, Qi Le couldn't help but sighed.

know yourself and know your enemy, can then emerge victorious in every battle.

But now Qi Le is confused. If it really starts to fight, you have to guard against those gods' hole cards.

system: "Host, if you are thinking about this problem, in fact, this system has just checked it by the way."

"en? What did you check?"

Qi Le almost didn't react.

system: "It's the giant dragon saint king you said, why is it so eager to destroy the dragon body."

Although the IQ of this system is not very high, but Always give surprises at critical moments.

Qi Le's eyes widened in surprise.

"Then have you found out something? What is the reason?"

Qi Le asked quickly.

If this reason is not asked, it is simply a torture of curiosity.

And it will bring fog to the current situation.

system: "The giant dragon saint king self-destructs the dragon body in order to release the power in the dragon soul fragments, block the position of this world, and prevent those with ulterior motives from being aware of the world coordinates."

Reconsolidating the will of Heaven and Earth, it is very likely that those gods will be aware of it.

Especially when the gods of summon have died, those gods will definitely find a way to get involved in this piece of Heaven and Earth.

As long as Heaven and Earth succeeds in cohesive will, it may not be long before a certain god’s messenger will come to proclaim the faith and take the opportunity to take away all the believers of the god of summon.

Then once again shattered the will of Heaven and Earth.

This situation is not impossible.

Because the summon world is different from the forging world.

Even if the forging world recondense the will of Heaven and Earth, it still belongs to the god of forging in name.

After all, the god of forging hasn't died yet, so no matter what happens, other gods won't make the idea of ​​forging world.

But the god of summon is gone.

Then the summon world is equivalent to a piece of meat on a cutting board.

At present, the summon world does not have the will of Condense Heaven and Earth, so the strength of Faith belongs to the state of diaspora.

In this situation, those gods who are greedy for strength of Faith can force a balance.

Because the situation where everyone wants to do it will almost always evolve into a situation where no one dares to do it first.

However, when Heaven and Earth's will re-consolidate and the strength of Faith is blocked, the situation will begin to change.

After all, eating less meat is different from eating no meat at all.

So the location coordinates of this piece of Heaven and Earth must be masked.

Otherwise, the battle that took place on the northern mountain range will definitely repeat itself in the summon world.

And the overall battle strength of the summon world may not even reach half of the northern mountain range.

It's obvious how it will end up.

"The self-destruction of the dragon body is just to hide the position coordinates of Heaven and Earth..."

Qi Le suddenly recalled the previous conversation, giant dragon A little movement of the Saint King-glanced towards the end of the sky.

Qi Le didn't care at the time.

But looking back now, I am afraid that at that time, the Giant Dragon Saint King had already noticed it.

The recondensation of the will of Heaven and Earth is abhorrent to any god.

So there must be no negligence.

"This kind of self-sacrificing spirit, I admit, I can't do it."

"Giant dragon holy king, can afford this title!"

Thinking of this, Qi Le was immediately in awe.

This is the powerhouse-level Supreme Peak. If you say you give yourself, you give yourself, without considering the consequences.

It is impossible to change to someone else.

Qi Le is more self-aware, and at most it can do if others didn't offend me, i will not offend others, or it is a win-win situation.

As for self-sacrifice...

Think too much.

system: "Apart from this, the giant dragon saint king self-destroys the dragon body, and there is another purpose."

system: "It is to use the Heaven and Earth energy it has Fortunately, to help Heaven and Earth in this world, it will be faster to condense."


At the last moment, we are giving ourselves and being willing to do things. Stepping stones.

Qi Le can be regarded as an insight, what is called a righteous person.

"Even in this matter, I have to help Heaven and Earth and recondense the will of Heaven and Earth, so that the kindness of the giant dragon Saint Senior Wang cannot be wasted."

The matter has been clarified, and Qi Le has nothing to complain about.

The giant dragon's self-destructing dragon body without the slightest hesitation is also out of trust in Qi Le.

I think Qi Le can do what it explains.

So Qi Le doesn't want to live up to this trust.

"The matter is over, let's go."

The purpose of coming here has been completed, and Qi Le does not intend to stay longer.

How to condense the will of Heaven and Earth requires a long-term plan.

According to system, the will of Heaven and Earth of this World is actually about to take shape, but it is still missing the most critical point.

That is enough Heaven and Earth luck.

In the past, when the casting jade plate was used to nurture the casting treasure, although it was a crooked beating, it also relied on a sufficiently majestic strength of faith and a powerful soul with suitable attributes.

And this time, although the steps are somewhat different.

Qi Le only needs to use the summon heart in his hand to transport Heaven and Earth Qi to Heaven and Earth will.

By the way, I will be familiar with Heaven and Earth's will to facilitate future actions.

For the follow-up matters, just let it go.

However, in the process of nurturing and casting treasures, what happened is not without any reference value.

At least, from the perspective of the formation of the treasure, the strength of Faith is not useless for the will of Heaven and Earth.

It’s just not as useful as Heaven and Earth’s luck.

After all, Heaven and Earth's will does not need to condense any supreme throne.

As long as the power level of the world is high enough, Heaven and Earth's will will have the corresponding power and be able to suppress the power of the king.

The relationship with strength of Faith is actually not that big.

Because the thousands of living beings shrouded in the will of Heaven and Earth depend on this world and their power will naturally be fed back to the will of Heaven and Earth to a certain extent.

Until the powerhouse-level peak realm, this connection can be cut off.

Completely break away from the limitations of Heaven and Earth's will.

This is also the case, it will be said that the king-level power is at the same level as Heaven and Earth's will in the cultivation realm.

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