"Qi Le, what did you do when you went into the warehouse by yourself... Hey, the person following you... who is it?"

Qi Le showed up, Ann Kyle leaned forward.

Then he looked at Gu Yuan behind Qi Le with a look of astonishment.

Why did one person go in, but two people came out?

"Miss Angel, hello, my name is Gu Yuan. When I was in danger, I was saved by Mr. Qi Le."

"So I am here After learning the news that Mr. Qi Le will come here, I waited here, hoping that Mr. Qi Le would give me a chance to repay me."

Gu Yuan said in a straightforward manner according to Qi Le’s explanation. .

Although the tone is a bit blunt, the content is reasonable.

Repaying kindness is not uncommon, especially for nobles who don’t like to owe favors to others.

It’s just that there are different ways of repaying the gratitude that’s all.

However, like the one in front of me, I don't know where to chase and repay me. This is really the first time Angel met.

To say something eager to repay, that would be too impatient.

"Hello, Lord Gu Yuan."

Angel stabilized her emotions and replied with a bow.

However, Berrott, who was standing on the side, looked at all around in astonishment, and then turned his gaze to Gu Yuan.

"With such a tight defense set up around here, how did you get in?"

This is a very serious question.

The Summon Scroll warehouse, but the origin of Berrott, if it can be so easily sneaked into by unknown people, then it will be a major event.

Although it was "my own" who sneaked in this time, it may not be the same next time.

" Tight defense? Don't be kidding."

Gu Yuan shook the head expressionlessly when he heard Berrott’s question.

"Just because of the people arranged here, it is worthy of being a tight defense? You should take a closer look."

"Magic: Perceptual barrier!"


As Gu Yuan spoke, lifting his left hand upwards, his magic power instantly condensed and turned into a gleam of light covering himself.

Perception obstacles, one of the general magic, the main effect of covering body shape and breath.

For the weak creatures with perception, the effect is almost equivalent to invisibility.

It’s just the magic of perception obstacles, once it is shot, it will automatically dissipate, so it is usually used to sneak in.

And for the perception is acceptable, or for creatures who are more sensitive to magic fluctuations, the effect will be greatly reduced, so few people use it.

It's a tasteless, tasteless, tasteless general-purpose magic.

However, there are drawbacks.

The magic of perceivable obstacles can be regarded as a magical skill in the world where the magic inheritance of the summon world has almost completely disappeared.

If it is only used to sneak in and inquire about the news, there is no disadvantage in the past.

So, as Gu Yuan completely shrouded the perception barrier magic on himself.

Berrott suddenly realized that the person in front of him had disappeared out of thin air!

"This, this...what is going on?!"

Such a weird scene made Berrott's eyes widened and he couldn't even speak. said.

Even Angel, who learned a lot of magic knowledge with Qi Le, was shocked along with him, and then looked towards Qi Le with a look of confusion.

"This is just a very simple little magic. What are you so surprised to do."

Qi Le looked towards the two with some puzzles.

Although this is not the first time I have seen this rare and strange expression, Qi Le will find it strange every time I see it.

Isn’t it common sense for a magician to be familiar with the effects of various general magic?

Wait, you are not orthodox magicians?

Excuse me.

"A simple little magic!? This magic that can disappear out of thin air is just a simple little magic?"

Berrott was once again shocked by Qi Le's speech .

To be honest, although Berrott thinks at first, Qi Le is a very powerful mysterious powerhouse.

But it is absolutely unexpected that such a powerful magic is actually just a simple little magic in Qi Le's eyes.

Perception barriers are almost equivalent to invisible effects.

If used for assassination, the deterrence displayed will definitely make countless people sleepless.

It's a pity that Qi Le is not clear about Berrott's thoughts.

But even if it is clear, Qi Le will probably only smile instead of commenting on it.

Use the magic of perception obstacles to assassinate?

What a joke!

Is this to make magician transfer to an assassin?

There is a saying, the real level of assassin, among the martial skills that can be learned, there are so many powerful martial skills that can be used to conceal one's own breath.

And it's not like perceptual obstacle magic, which has so many disadvantages.

It's just that Berrott is in a state of knowing nothing about magic, so he feels that perceptual obstacle magic is powerful.

"Yes, this is indeed a simple little magic, but it is enough to deal with you people."

Gu Yuan did not know when he lifted his perception barrier Magic appeared in front of Berrott's eyes.

Then he affirmed Qi Le's statement indifferently.

"Qi Le, can I learn this magic too?"

Angel stared at Gu Yuan. After watching for a while, she turned her head and asked Qi Le.

"Do you want to learn perceptual barrier magic?"

"It's not necessary, it's not very useful."

Qi Le glanced at Angel, very Seriously shook the head.

The current Angel will feel that Protector Diety is strange, because Angel's current strength is too low, and the gap with Gu Yuan is too big.

If Angel’s perception can be a little stronger, you will find that the perception obstacle magic is actually not that magical.

Because in front of a powerful perception, the perception barrier is simply useless.

So Qi Le has never used this magic, and does not intend to teach it.

If you are a real warrior, you should be straight ahead.

"By the way, you don't need to be so surprised. I will bring Gu Yuan over, and I want him to stay here to help guard this Summon Scroll warehouse."

Slightly After Angel's sorrowful gaze, Qi Le turned his head and spoke to Berrott.

This is the topic of returning to Fiefdom this time.

"What? Will Lord Gu Yuan stay here?"

Berrott took a deep breath and looked towards Gu Yuan in front of him, trying to relieve the consternation in his heart.

Berrott doesn't know what Gu Yuan's strength is.

But judging from the magic that just disappeared out of thin air, you can guess that Gu Yuan's strength is definitely not weak.

As for how strong it will be, it is unknown.

So suddenly I heard Qi Le say that Gu Yuan might stay here to help guard the Summon Scroll warehouse.

It is strange that Berrott is not shocked.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2036: Perception Barriers)...

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