The ability to build a city-state in your own hands, and it is also a world-famous city-state, this is definitely a beautiful talk that can be passed down through the ages.

A great honor that is enough to be a glorious ancestor, to be included in the genealogy, and even to extend to the next generation.

Just looking at it now, it's really far behind.

At least in terms of the area of ​​Fiefdom, compared to a city-state, it is not enough to see.

You must know that in the Flame Dragon kingdom, Fiefdom, which really fits the size of a large city-state, is a duke, or even Fiefdom, which is pro-King level.

And Angel's family, the highest has only reached the earl.

It’s not even close.

"It's a good thing to have this ambition, then let's go to the Summon Scroll warehouse first."

Qi Le nodded with a smile, and then walked forward.

In fact, since Angel and Qi Le returned to Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott, they were recognized by the aborigines of Fiefdom.

Berrott naturally also knew the news.

So when Qi Le and Angel came outside the Summon Scroll warehouse, Berrott didn't know where he came from.

"Father, I'm back."

"Welcome back, Angel, and Qi Le."

Berrott smiled to the two People say hello.

Because in Berrott’s eyes, Qi Le is not a messenger, but a mysterious powerhouse.

It’s just that everyone has their own secrets, so Berrott never thought about asking Qi Le’s purpose.

After all, the magic contract has been signed, no matter what, Qi Le is also impossible to harm Angel.

"Berot, Fiefdom has developed pretty well these days, right."

Qi Le looked at the Summon Scroll warehouse and asked casually.

The Summon Scroll warehouse is the most heavily guarded area in the entire Fiefdom.

Outsiders are not allowed to approach at all.

Qi Le and Angel were able to come, because the people guarding the warehouse knew them, so they let them go.

"After the Summon Scroll opened up sales, Fiefdom's various commodities were also sold, and the funds obtained were used to build Fiefdom."

"City wall, roads, and various shops and residential buildings..."

"However, the remaining funds in Fiefdom are actually not much."

Speaking of This, Berrott immediately came to the spirit and began to talk endlessly.

By the way, I also talked about some follow-up Fiefdom construction plans and future development directions.

Fortunately, there is no who in this area, so there is no need to be afraid of being overheard by people with ulterior motives.

"Don't have much reserve funds..."

Qi Le touched his chin.

This question is very real.

Although the Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott is only in a remote location, there are actually not many other resources.

But after all, it is just a piece of Fiefdom that has not been developed.

Although the development of Fiefdom is on the right track with the help of Summon Scroll.

But after the Summon Scroll left by Qi Le is sold out, Berrott's capital flow will suddenly decrease.

After all, the money you can get from selling special products in Fiefdom or the output of other materials is really no way to compare with Summon Scroll.

So the development speed of Fiefdom has to slow down.

While recruiting more refugees fleeing everywhere, to increase the permanent population of Fiefdom, while slowly promoting the construction of Fiefdom.

Fortunately, the refugees who have fled from other places are grateful for the grace of Viscount Berrott.

When you do something, you are willing to work hard, no one will be lazy.

So although the speed of Fiefdom's construction has become a bit slow, it is stable.

"It just so happens that Angel and I came back this time to solve this problem."

"There should be no Summon Scroll in the warehouse."

Qi Le pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"It's gone a long time ago."

Berrott nodded answered.

"Then I will go in and have a look alone, so don't follow up."

Qi Le hearing this, said aloud.

Before the words were over, Qi Le had already arrived at the door of the warehouse, opened the door, and walked in.

"Qi Le ……"

"Angel, just wait outside."

Berrott held back Follow Angel in the past.

Compared with Angel, Berrott obviously needs to see more clearly, Qi Le is a person full of secrets.

It is also a terrifying powerhouse.

Even if he is Angel's servant now.

But in the eyes of this kind of powerhouse, a trifling is obviously unable to restrain them.

As long as the life safety of the lease holder can be guaranteed, some envoys of this level can restore freedom in disguise.

So, restrain your curiosity and don't pry into the secrets of these powerhouses. It will be much easier to get along with the two.


"System, there should be a simulated robot in your place. Get one out."

After Qi Le entered the warehouse, Shouted in my mind.

The simulation robot of Heroic Rank, in the system, is really the same as the free one, as long as there is a valid reason, you can get it for free.

system: "Host, the simulation robot you need has been distributed, please check it."

So soon, Qi Le saw a magician robe in his hand. The man holding a staff appeared in front of him.

Since it is a world where the god of summon is believed in, the simulation robot simply has a summoner shape.

This is also a better explanation of the origin of Summon Scroll.

"Excellent High Rank summoner, providing Summon Scroll and Guardian Fiefdom."

Qi Le looked at the simulation robot in front of him, rubbed his chin, and thought about it. After a while, I said it out loud.

"From now on, you will be called Gu Yuan."

"Because the location of this piece of Fiefdom is really too remote."

For things like names, Qi Le has always been very casual, because it is really not good at it.

So Gu Clan added another member.

"Yes, Young Master."

The simulated robot named Gu Yuan said blankly.

Although the tone seems respectful, it does not actually contain the slightest emotional color in it.

After all, it is a simulation robot.

"Don't call me Young Master, follow my setting, you said you were saved by me, now in order to repay me, you are willing to stay here and make Summon Scroll."

Qi Le waved his hand quickly, and then said his own settings.

Even if Berrott and Angel didn’t ask, a person appeared out of thin air, and I had to explain the origin.

Otherwise, it would be a little weird.


Gu Yuan still responded calmly.

Gu Yuan doesn’t know what to set, but Qi Le’s commands are just executed.

"Then let's go out together."

After Qi Le took a symbolic turn in the Summon Scroll warehouse, he walked out with Gu Yuan.

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