These students originally thought that to fight the demonic beast tide is just summon out of the Summoned Beast, and then drive the Summoned Beast to kill the demonic beast.

It's just a battle with ease and gratitude.

Just wait for the battle merits to be settled.

However, it seems that this is not the case at all.

The smoke and dust almost flooded the entire sky, making people unable to see even the original cyan.

It's like the haze shrouded in the hearts of these students, without the ease before.

Standing in front of Olain, as the faces of these students changed, taking in the entire scene, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Being timid before fighting is the taboo of marching combat.

A true soldier, even if he is lost, must have the courage to fight and the will to never retreat.

In this way, these guys still need to be tempered.

But Olain was not surprised either.

The children of the nobles who have never experienced war have always been like this. They come to the border to support. In addition to filling high-end battle strength, they have more or for more experience.

If you don’t experience the trials of iron and blood, you will never understand what a real battle is.

Over the years, Olain has also seen a variety of noble children.

at first is pretentious. As a result, it's coowering as soon as you take part in the battle. That's a common situation.

"en? Interesting."

While scanning these students, Olain's eyebrows suddenly raised, and a touch of interest appeared on his face. look.

"There are people who can face doesn't change when facing this demonic beast for the first time, and the fighting intent is high."

"It is indeed plastic Talent."

The place where Olain's gaze stays is naturally Angel's location.

Among the trembling with fear, pale-faced students, the fighting spirit Angel is particularly conspicuous.

It's hard not to get Olain's attention.

"The battle is finally about to begin. With so many demonic beasts, it's really a bit nervous."

Angel clenched her fists tightly, took a deep breath, and whispered. With.

However, I said that I was nervous, but the excitement and excitement on Angel's face was about to be concealed.

Because after knowing Qi Le's strength, the support mission at this time, in Angel's view, has become a pure experience.

Don't worry about your own safety, so naturally you have to let it go.

"You, don't rely on your own strength. You start to not pay attention to your fighting skills. You must know that there is always someone stronger."

"Accurately control your every A bit of strength is the key to the battle, you understand."

Glancing at Angel who was full of excitement, Qi Le had to exhort again.

Fighting skills and battle awareness must be subconsciously honed before they have brought to the point of perfection, reached the top, and merged into the bone marrow in order to continuously improve.

If you blindly rely on powerful forces to crush in battle, there will be no progress.

"I know, don't worry."

Angel patted her chest.

Then he turned around and reached out and patted Nora’s shoulder again, comforted: "Nora, what are you doing so nervously, your face turns pale, it’s really impossible. Just call Gluck out. ."

The flame lesser dragon, anyway, is an envoy with Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

For those low-level demonic beasts, there is a natural bloodline suppression.

Even if there is no way to prevent the demonic beast tide from attacking, it can also allow those demonic beasts to detour against the flame lesser dragon.

"I, I'm not nervous, I just feel that these demonic beasts are too much..."

Nora came back to his senses by Angel. The demonic beast tide outside the Jushiguan, some stammers.

At this moment, the frontier guards at the Giant Stone Pass have long been assembled and are displayed outside the city wall.

The densely packed array is majestic and solemn, grand and solemn.

Looking at it at a glance, there is no end, which makes people excited.

However, the demonic beast that Jushiguan will face is not so easy to resist.

In the shaking of the earth, countless demonic beasts roared out from the black water forest.

Looking around, even if there are tall trees blocking it, you can see the endless wave of demonic beast from the gap between the canopies, running continuously.

Rush to the boulder pass!

A rough estimate, there are hundreds of thousands, if not to mention.

And no one knows how many demonic beasts have not come out in the Blackwater Forest.

This vast area of ​​Blackwater Forest, even when the demonic beast is not rioting, the Flame Dragon Kingdom and the Blackwater Kingdom have not been explored.

No one knows what is in the depths of the Blackwater Forest.

"Boom——! Boom——! Boom——!"

The dull war drum was beaten.

"The archer is ready! Let the bow!"

The voice of another commander of the Ju Shiguan border guard also followed.

In such a great battle, only the leader is qualified to take over the role of command to fight the demonic beast tide.

As for the supreme power position of the Border Guards-Lieutenant, the responsibility is to make overall plans.

Otherwise, this huge stone pass that stretches for hundreds of miles cannot be taken care of by one person. A little negligence would be a major event of life and death.

" Roar-- !"

The demonic beast rushing out of the Blackwater Forest obviously noticed the array of frontier guards outside the Jushi Pass.

There was a huge roar suddenly.

The roar of so many demonic beasts together is called heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

The violent sound waves almost formed the visible ripples of naked eye, carrying the terrifying impact, moving towards Jushiguan spreading.

"Line up, raise your shield!"


The soldiers guarding outside the city wall, the same not to be outdone was issued Loud roar sound.

The roar that surrounds Battle Qi is no weaker than the roar of the demonic beast.

Two invisible waves of sound suddenly collided together, and the moment the terrifying impact hit each other, a loud noise resounding through Heaven and Earth suddenly broke out.

In an instant, flying sand running stone, the weather changes and the sky shakes.

Such a terrifying scene suddenly made the faces of the students who were standing on the city wall pale.

"This is... the battle between the frontier army and the demonic beast tide..."

"This is completely different from what I imagined, how can it be so terrifying!"


"Should we face such a terrifying demonic beast wave later? Do we really have any role in facing the demonic beast wave?"

"What are you afraid of, what is there to be afraid of, anyway, Summoned Beast is in battle, and we are not going to fight."

"But... what if the demonic beast breakthrough comes to the city wall?"

When this question was mentioned, the students who were already extremely nervous became even more anxious.

The expression of lose one's head out of fear can't be concealed.

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