Qi Le’s most important purpose, or for collecting strength of Faith, is not for fighting.

So why bother to show the power and attract attention.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured."

Angel has never doubted Qi Le's strength.

Now that I heard the expected answer, Angel also ordered nodded as it should be by rights.

"Okay, you don't have to think about that many. Just do what you have to do. The boat will go straight to the bridge."

Qi Le gave a helpless laugh, and then again Walked out of the residence.


Life in Jushiguan is more boring than in Flame Academy.

The duties of the border guards are simple and difficult.

Every day is training, standing guard, and then exploring the situation in the Blackwater Forest, and ready to deal with various attacks at any time.

Even if the students of the Flame Academy come over, it cannot affect the duties of these fighters.

So these students who have never experienced boring experience are a little uncomfortable.

Wandering around the boulder pass all day, there is nothing to do.

Because the Jushi Pass is a combination of a city-state and a side wall, there are no residents here, so naturally there are no shops, and all materials are supplied by the logistics.

In addition to staying in the residence every day, I just wander around the boulder pass and look at the same scenery.

And the lush and green black water forest.

And there are many places that are not allowed to approach.

Such days are simply boring for these noble children who have been in the city for a long time.

"The impetuous temperament really needs to be tempered."

In these situations, the leading mentor was watching, but he didn't say anything.

It’s not for enjoyment to come to support the Boulder Pass.

Even more how these students didn't suffer, and at most they were a bit boring, and simply didn't have any effect.

On the contrary, it is a kind of temper.


In this boring day, a sharp voice suddenly rang from the boulder pass.

The door of the residence where the instructor led the team was also knocked by the commander.

"Please ask all the students who came to support the Jushiguan to gather quickly. The battle is about to begin. The demonic beast tide in the Blackwater Forest has begun to gather."

The order was passed to the leader of the team through the mouth of the messenger.

It also reached the ears of the students.

"Finally I can participate in the battle. I have been waiting for a long time."

"I'm so bored that I start to get sour. This time must perform well and try to kill more Head demonic beast."

"Maybe after the support mission at this time is completed, go back to the Flame Academy, I will be able to have the honorary title of Knight."

"If you can If you get the Knight honor, then I can do it too!"

The students who have nothing to do are naturally very excited.

It was hard to come to Jushiguan, even if it was not for the actual combat, it was for the merits of the battle.

If the children of the nobles didn't have this idea, they would simply not become a summoner.

So the news of the demonic beast is like a meeting for those students who have never seen war.

Everyone is thinking about the beauty after the battle.

"I really think too much."

Qi Le glanced at the narcissistic students, and said silently in his heart.

Have not experienced the severe beatings of actual combat, naturally they will be full of expectations for these wars that symbolize military exploits.

However, this mentality is precisely one of the most undesirable mentalities in battle.

Underestimate the enemy!

Fortunately, Angel is excited, but she doesn't mean to underestimate the enemy.

On this point, Qi Le is quite satisfied.

"Everyone, gather! Stand at attention!"

The leader of Olaen did not know when he appeared in front of the students and said aloud.

The loud voice made all the students subconsciously stand upright.

This simple etiquette is something that every noble child will learn.

"Led by Olain, all the students dispatched by the Flame Academy are all assembled."

After counting the number of people, the instructor walked forward and asked Olain. Report to.

For the command of this kind of large-scale battle, the leading mentor is also a little knowledgeable, so naturally he won't fight for command power.

"Okay, it's all right."

"Dear students, I won't say anything if there are too many. For the battle this time, you will be directed by me for the time being, and I will treat you The requirements are not high, as long as you can follow the command."

Olain clicked nodded, then turned around and looked towards the towering side wall.

"Now, everyone, all on the city wall."

When summoner is in the battle, he is commanding his Summoned Beast to fight, so the most suitable position is naturally above the city wall.

If you can look at the overall situation, you can better dispatch Summoned Beast to where you need it most.

Because in this kind of battle, the number of summoners is too small compared to the number of frontier troops.

So the main force of the battle, of course, impossible is the summoner.

Jushiguan will issue support missions to various academies for the same purpose as Qi Le said.

is to use summoner to make up for the lack of high-end battle strength.

After all, the battle strength of demonic beast is generally stronger than that of Human Race.

Especially in terms of high-end battle strength, those powerful demonic beasts, if there is no summoner's Summoned Beast to support, they can only be filled with life.

This situation is something that every commander of the frontier army does not want to see.

Therefore, fighting between kingdoms and defending against demonic beasts are completely different things.

At least among the various kingdoms, the comprehensive battle strength is birds of a feather, and the number of high-end battle strengths is almost the same.

But demonic beast attacks, no one knows how many powerful demonic beasts will be hidden in the tide of demonic beasts.

Therefore, even if it is to be prepared, this kind of support task will be posted to each academy, requiring summoners to be deployed for support.

"hong long long ——!"

The battle strength on the Jushiguan is gathering, and in the Blackwater Forest, there is also a huge sound.

The terrifying momentum raised the sky of smoke and dust.

Even among the tall trees, it is particularly obvious.

The earth, also under the footsteps of this huge demonic beast, shuddered slightly.

The roar sound, the roar, is constantly coming out, which is breathtaking.

"This...what is this, is this the demonic beast tide?"

The very terrifying momentum, which we will face later, are these guys? "

"This number is too much..."

"My God, I feel the city wall under my feet vibrate like this, No way... " Demonic Beast tide coming out of the amazing momentum, and instantly let these students face, a white minute. this terrible feeling, and before they suspect Yes , it's completely different.

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