Even the mentors who led the team, many of them showed shocked expressions.

Because of places like border gates, no one will come here on purpose.

So the only person present who is not surprised is Qi Le.

After all, I have seen a giant dragon with a wingspan of more than a kilometer. This city wall tens of meters high is not surprising.

"You are the Academy who took over the support mission at this time, are you the students sent?"

Just when everyone was full of emotions, one was wearing armor with a face The serious man came over.

"Yes, we are from the Flame City, Flame Academy. May I ask you who are you?"

The leader of the team immediately came forward and said aloud.

"Hello, I am the commander of the Jushiguan border guards, Olain, and I am responsible for receiving you this time."

The serious man is slightly nodded, it is a fight After greeting.

Commander, power is equivalent to the head of ten thousand households, which is a very high position.

Among the entire frontier army, it is only second to the lieutenant.

After all, the number of frontier guards in the entire Jushi Pass is only a few hundred thousand, so there are only ten commanders.

It is also a show of sincerity to receive the instructors and students of Flame Academy by Olain.

"It turned out to be the leader of O'Lion. I have been admiring for a long time. This time our Flame Academy, but it will trouble you."

"no need to be so polite, you take it ."

Mission, then I should do it to receive you."

Olain waved his hand, and then continued: "Okay, not to mention that many, since you are here, then go to the Giant Stone Pass first. Come on."

After that, Olain led the way and walked into the Jushi Pass first.

The city-state and the side wall are combined with a gate that is nearly ten meters high. The door frame and door panel made of all-steel casts looks hideous and majestic.

Go through the gate and walk into the Jushi Pass, you will find it.

In the Jushiguan, except for a few houses for outsiders to live in, all other places are camps for soldiers.

Before the war has arrived, the soldiers of the Frontier Army are all training in the camp to maintain their best condition.

A sense of iron and blood assaults the senses.

Let the students of Flame Academy, involuntarily straighten their waists, lower their voices.

"The first place is the accommodation for you. If you have anything you need, you can tell the messenger and I will try my best to transfer it to you."

"You can also usually Look around in the Jushi Pass, but some important military sites, please stay away."

"Also, when the current line needs you, there will be a messenger to notify you, I hope you can do it at any time Get ready."

After Olain took the instructors and students of the Flame Academy to the special residence, he followed a few instructions, and then turned and left.

Only one messenger was left standing guard on the outskirts of the residence.

After all, as one of the leaders of the frontier army, Olain is usually very busy.

It's already a shame to take time out to receive visitors from the Flame Academy, so no one said anything.

You must know that according to Olain’s identity and military merits, even if it is a knight, it is at least an earl.

Compared to these students who are nothing, it is much stronger.

"I believe you have also heard what Olain said. This is the Jushiguan, the front line against the demonic beast, so you must be ready to fight at any time!"

"Now, as a group of two, you can choose your residence and register with me."


The leader of the team also encouraged a few words. Then let the students move freely.

As Olain said, the border areas like Jushi Pass will issue support missions to the Academy in Flame Dragon.

One is to ease the pressure of war.

And the other one is also to let these students have a long experience.

That's why the students of the Flame Academy are allowed to look around in the Jushi Pass when they are fine.

Because of these students, most of them came from the noble Aristocratic Family.

There are very few students who can enter these Academy as civilians.

And the heirs of the noble Aristocratic Family, want to obtain noble status, get the title, that military exploits is an indispensable thing.

Of course, it is the same for those civilians who want to fish leaping over the dragon gate.

Battle exploits are very important!

Therefore, even if it does not come now, even if it does not come now, it will still come here in the future.

After all, there is no such thing as gold plating in the aristocratic Aristocratic Family.

And the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom is also impossible to allow those who are precious on the outside and despicable on the inside to obtain the title.

If you want to be recognized and get the status of a nobleman, you have to show the ability to fight for real, go to the front line to kill the enemy, and take your life to fight for battle.

However, the merits that can improve the title are not limited to this.

Suppressing bandits, making a great contribution to the Flame Dragon Kingdom, and having a great influence can be regarded as a kind of merit.

It’s just that the Flame Dragon kingdom is now singing and dancing. It is really difficult to gain merit in the Flame Dragon kingdom.

So the front line with frequent wars has become the best choice.

Although the border area of ​​the Flame Dragon Kingdom, there is more than just the giant stone pass.

But if there is no support mission, their group is only the children of the nobles of the students, they are actually not qualified to come to the front line.

So such a good opportunity must be seized.

"The demonic beast of the Blackwater Forest attacked the Boulder Pass, then our task should be to destroy the demonic beast."

"I don't know when we can join the battle." ."

Angel sat on the chair and said excitedly.

The calculation method of combat exploits is more complicated when fighting demonic beasts.

It's totally different from the surrounding forces or the war between kingdoms, which is calculated based on the number of enemies killed.

Because generally demonic beasts can be formed, the number of demonic beasts is a huge amount of data.

It would be unfair to calculate the battle exploits simply by the number of demonic beasts killed.

So when fighting a demonic beast attack, more or for to increase combat experience, combat merit is second.

However, after the battle, the corpses left by the demonic beasts can be taken back as spoils of war.

You know, the magic core of demonic beast, animal skin, skeleton, sharp claw and fangs and so on.

They are all very valuable things.

Even if you don't have much combat achievements, you can still sell a lot of Gold Coin if you take back the valuable things from the demonic beast.

And if you come across good materials, you can also use them to build some equipment for yourself.

After all, the summoner's battle strength is mainly reflected in the body of Summoned Beast, and its own battle strength is still too low.

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