However, if Nora knew that Angel could not go to class, but Dean Feder ordered it, it might be another result.

It's a pity that even Angel doesn't know about this.

"The theory class is boring. I read the book by myself."

Angel pointed to the Summoned Beast pictorial near the pillow, stretched out, and continued. : "And not only the theory class, I don't want to go to the actual combat class anymore."

"Those guys are too weak, they have no meaning at all."

, Angel involuntarily spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

Although Angel will pass every actual combat course, the result is the same every time.

The students who played against Angel almost couldn't survive a single move.

Occasionally, there are one or two students who can get lucky with Angel, and they can all jump up happily, but they don't know that it is because Angel released the water.

"Weak... It's still for you. If I had such a strong envoy, I could say this too."

Nora looked at the sofa sourly Qi Le who was on the upper hand glanced, then hummed.

There can be an excellent High Rank ambassador to start a small stove, but also to say this to hit people.

It's really cheap and good.

"It's not only because of me, Angel's innate talent is also very strong."

Qi Le, who heard this, laughed and added another sentence.


Nora's heavily snorted, used to express his unhappiness.

"Okay, let's not quarrel with you, you are coming to me at this time, definitely not going to dinner, there should be other things."

Angel laughs He took Nora into the dormitory and sat down by the bed together.

Because of the sofa used to meet guests, it was occupied by Qi Le from the very beginning, and now a quilt and pillow are added.

It's really not easy to sit.

"Yes, when you said that, I remembered it, I almost forgot."

"I'm here to inform you that the actual combat course has been changed to field combat outside the academy. I heard that it is dealing with demonic beasts, but the specific situation will not be known until the passing."

"Moreover, the field operations outside the hospital at this time will be directly included in the final actual combat assessment results."

When Angel reminded Nora, she suddenly made a sound.

This decision was temporarily notified by the instructor, so Nora came here to tell Angel.

Of course, in previous courses, there will occasionally be such emergencies.

Generally, when there is a shortage of City Guard in certain places, or when there is a shortage of battle strength in the frontier army, they will issue support tasks to the major academies.

Then the nearest Academy will send students to support.

Once the problem of the shortage of battle strength can be solved, wait until the battle strength is replenished, even if the task is completed.

Secondly, the combat experience gained in actual combat is much more than that of learning, and it is also much more useful.

Sanlai, we can also accumulate some military exploits for these noble children who have not yet left the Academy, so as to facilitate future awards or promotion of titles.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Academy that receives support tasks will not refuse.

After all, summoner doesn't need to face the enemy head-on by himself, just stand behind and summon out the Summoned Beast to help the battle.

Such a good opportunity to gain military exploits, but few summoners will refuse.

"It's our Flame Academy's turn to support the mission. It really didn't expect it."

Angel hearing this, she became excited immediately.

It's not interesting to compete with the students, but fighting on the ground is different.

It's just that the Flame Academy is located in the Flame City, which is far away from the border. General support tasks are completely out of the question.

So Angel had never thought of having this kind of opportunity to fight on the ground before.

"When will we leave?"



The support mission received by Flame Academy this time, It is located in the Giant Stone Pass of the Flame Dragon Kingdom, bordering the neighboring Blackwater Kingdom.

The specific task is to resist the demonic beast in the Blackwater Forest outside the Giant Stone Pass.

Blackwater Forest, strictly speaking, should be the dividing line between Flame Dragon Kingdom and Blackwater Kingdom.

It's just that most of this forest is in the territory of the Blackwater Kingdom, so it is called the Blackwater Forest.

According to the record, the demonic beasts living in the Blackwater Forest have been quite honest in previous years, and there has never been a large-scale attack on the surrounding area.

However, I don’t know why, but there was a riot this year.

Started frantically attacking the surrounding area.

Not only the Flame Dragon kingdom, even the Blackwater kingdom on the other side is also being attacked by demonic beasts.

So, the Giant Stone Pass, which was originally used to resist the Blackwater Kingdom, has now become a place to resist demonic beasts.

So caught off guard, it led to a shortage of troops at Jushi Pass, and had to issue a support mission to the Academy of the neighboring city-state.

And because of the emergency, there is not much preparation time.

Set off directly on the 2nd day and rush to the Jushi Pass as quickly as possible.

On this journey, it takes about three days.

And these three days are the time for students to adjust their mentality.

After all, actual combat is not comparable. If the Boulder Pass is breached or a few demonic beasts are accidentally put in, there will be a mortal danger.

So all the hip-hop emotions in the past must be let go.

Otherwise, you will only put yourself in danger.

But for Qi Le and Angel, these three days are the time for Qi Le to help Angel learn magic knowledge.


"That's probably it. You can't learn other magic with your current strength."

"Just be careful when fighting. Now."

Three days, fleeting.

Qi Le saw a huge checkpoint from the car window, lying in front of him, knowing that his destination was approaching, he took the initiative to end the tutoring this time.

Jushi Pass is the collective name for the combination of city-states and levels.

No residents usually live here, they are basically soldiers in the frontier army.

All food, grass and supplies are all transported by other cities in the Flame Dragon kingdom to maintain the operation of the Giant Stone Pass.

So the students of Flame Academy, after getting off the carriage, what they see is a huge border.

The combination of the towering city wall and the towering side wall of Jushiguan is like a giant beast lying on the ground, which is daunting and shocking.

"Is this the Jushiguan, what a majestic side wall."

Angel looked at the majestic high wall in front of her and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The side wall tens of meters high stretches for hundreds of miles. It is not easy to break through.

even more how there are border guards guarding the Jushi Pass.

Other students also exclaimed.

The children of the nobles who live under the protection of the family will be surprised and normal when they have seen such a majestic building.

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