So the result of the war was decided at first.

When tens of thousands of hyena men came to attack Fiefdom, a large black silhouette was indeed quite spectacular.

But in the end, there are ten hyena people who can escape.

Outside of this Fiefdom, on the Silvermoon Plain, there are corpses of hyena people everywhere, and the blood stains the land dark red.

"It's over, you'd better have people burn all the corpses of those guys on the spot. By next year, this will be the most fertile piece of land."

Qi Le's tone Speaking very plainly.

However, other people can't be so calm like Qi Le.

"We won... Actually we really won..."

"The hyena people are dead, they are all dead! Those damn hyena people actually dare to beat us Idea!"

"Very good, really very good, we won!"

"Long live the Viscount!"

Residents of Fiefdom They were shouting loudly, and some people even cried with joy.

The disasters brought by the hyena people in previous years were too great, and each time there were countless casualties.

So that the vast majority of civilians shun hyena people.

You know, because of the news that the hyena man appeared, in this Fiefdom, hundreds of people hurriedly fled for refuge.

However, from now on, they no longer have to fear the Hyena Man.

"Okay, very good!"

"My people, the hyena people have been defeated by us, so what difficulties are there that we can't conquer?"

"From now on, we can start building our homes with confidence!"

Berrott is also overwhelmed by emotions.

With Summon Scroll, the rise is inevitable!


"What?! Fiefdom of Viscount Berrott actually withstood the attack of the hyenas!?"

a certain nobleman’s study room Inside, there was such a sound of astonishment.

The spy, who landed on one knee and bowed his head, gritted his teeth and corrected: "No, my lord, it did not resist the attack of the hyenamen, but wiped out most of the hyenamen. " " the rest of the hyena who escaped all ......! " " hissing ...... " nobleman hearing this, suddenly took a deep breath, almost didn't choke myself.

"Most of them were wiped out... Then there were tens of thousands of hyena people! Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?"

I would question this incredible news. Is normal.

However, the spy’s tone was very firm. He stretched out his hand to press his heart and said, "I’m sure I didn’t make a mistake, my lord."

"It’s just that there is news. Said that Viscount Berrott was able to wipe out most of the hyena people because of one thing."


The nobleman asked quickly.

This is a matter of wealth and life, so you can't be sloppy.

You know, the number of hyena people is far more than that.

The tens of thousands of hyena people that have appeared this time are just a small group of people that have appeared this time.

Those hyena people who haven't appeared yet, don't know how many.

Viscount Berrott’s Fiefdom can withstand it, does not mean that his Fiefdom can also withstand it.

"It seems to be called......Summon Scroll!"


I don't know how many nobles' study took place in such conversations.

The name of Summon Scroll is also completely popular.

All the nobles who are watching the Hyena Man’s attack on Fiefdom know that Viscount Berrot’s Fiefdom is able to withstand the Hyena Man’s attack, completely relying on this so-called Summon Scroll.

So these nobles began to inquire about Summon Scroll, what exactly it is.

After hearing the news, Berrott naturally did not hide it, but rather generously released the information of Summon Scroll.

And he also released news that as long as his colleagues need him, then he is willing to reluctantly cut love and sell a small amount of Summon Scroll.

This remark really made these nobles go crazy.

Although every noble Aristocratic Family has more or less a few summoners.

But in front of thousands of hyena people, there is really a feeling of powerlessness.

That is, the Marquis family that can recruit private troops and possesses an outstanding summoner can be unafraid of the attack of hyenas.

As for the earl and the viscount, when facing the hyena people, they can only pray not to choose their own Fiefdom.

However, in the entire Flame Dragon kingdom, how many marquises are there?

Let alone the duke and prince above it.

Therefore, the earl and the viscount represent most of the nobles who own Fiefdom.

So the name of Berrott, along with Summon Scroll, became popular among the earls and viscounts, and even passed to the ears of the marquis and the duke.

For a while, the entire aristocratic circle was spreading the news of Berrott and Summon Scroll.

Even those Baron and Knight who didn't even have to think about the hyena man attack, they all knew the name of Viscount Berrott.

And the name of Summon Scroll is even louder.

Because the most important goal of these nobles is Summon Scroll, knowing the name of Viscount Berrott is just a matter of incident.

After all, you have to know who the seller is when you buy something.

At the same time, Viscount Berrott’s clear and righteous remarks were also praised by many nobles.

What a precious thing Summon Scroll is, even if these nobles have not seen it with their own eyes, as long as you know the functions of Summon Scroll, you can guess it.

After guessing the preciousness of Summon Scroll, naturally there will be nobles who will let the summoner try to make it.

Then from the terrifying failure rate, I learned a fact.

That is the output of Summon Scroll, which is really terribly low.

In this way, what Viscount Berrot said "reluctantly cut love", in the eyes of these nobles, is not a polite statement, but a proven truth.

Plus the price of Summon Scroll announced by Viscount Berrott.

Two Silver Coins of the low-level Summon Scroll.

Two Gold Coins of the medium-level Summon Scroll.

High Rank, don’t Summon Scroll. Twenty Gold Coins.

The price of cabbage is simply losing money and making money, which is 20% lower than the cost estimated by these nobles.

Therefore, knowing the name of Berrott has become louder and louder.


"Deeply understand the righteousness of Berrott?"

When the news reached Qi Le's ears through various channels.

Qi Le's face immediately showed a smile of laughter.

It's a hammer to understand the righteousness!

Qi Le can remember now that on the day he defeated the Hyena Man, he built a large warehouse in Fiefdom in Berrott, as well as a Summon Scroll sales shop.

Then I left about 20,000 copies of Summon Scroll to try the water.

Finally, I also talked about the price of Summon Scroll.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1997: Deep Understanding of the Righteous Belot)...

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