Beside the simple fence.

At this moment, the residents of Fiefdom were already standing full, holding all kinds of simple weapons made by themselves, and looking solemnly at the Silver Moon Plain outside.

Beyond the horizon, a black line quickly approached and gradually became clear.

The ferocious and ugly appearance of the Hyena Man was also shown in front of everyone.

"ao wu ——!"

Hyena people, who are a little smaller than the ordinary person, seem extraordinarily fierce when they are in groups.

The harsh roar sound makes people have one's hair stand on end even more.

"The damn group of hyena people are here, and they all get my weapons!"

A robust man who seemed to be the leader, shouted loudly.

Since I chose to stay in this piece of Fiefdom, I am ready to die.

Although a few days ago, the master of this piece of Fiefdom, Viscount Berrott, came out and told them that he had gotten a treasure that could repel the Hyena Man.

But in the eyes of these residents.

They are more willing to believe that this is a lie made up by Viscount Berrot to comfort them.

But even if it was a fabricated lie, these residents were very moved.

Because in the eyes of most nobles, civilians like them are just tools for making money.

Want these people to come out to comfort their tools, that is, dreaming.

However, Viscount Berrott is different from those people. He really wants to build this Fiefdom, and he sincerely treats them as his own people.

So even if you die in battle, you must never let these damn hyena people break this piece of Fiefdom!

"ao ——!"

The roar sound gets closer, and the hyena man gets closer and closer.

There are countless silhouettes. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of hyena people!

Such a strong battle strength, unless it is a city-state with a towering city wall.

Otherwise, simply relying on the Fiefdom of these nobles, such weak defensive power, simply impossible to resist.

"Good come!"

"My people, I am glad to see you so brave, I am proud of you!"

Also at this time, Berrott came to the wall of Fiefdom.

Seeing the hyena-men roaring on the Silver Moon Plain, and seeing the fearless residents in front of him who regard death as home, Berrott's heart burst into arrogance.

"But the construction of this piece of Fiefdom still needs your power, so this time the attack of the hyena man, I have my own way to solve it."

"Now, give it all. I stepped back, then picked up the scrolls beside me, moved towards those damn hyena people!"

Summon Scroll was naturally brought by Berrott when he came over.

Otherwise, it would be a lot of time wasted to go back and forth.

In the current Fiefdom, there are only a few thousand residents left. If a few more fights die, Berrott will start to worry about the population.

"Yes! Lord Viscount!"

The residents of Fiefdom were immediately moved by Berrott's words.

After hearing what Berrott said, he hurriedly returned, and then took out Summon Scroll from the box beside Berrott one by one.

Then, according to what Berrott said, he opened the Summon Scroll in the direction of the hyena man.

Next moment, the majestic magic power surging from the broken Summon Scroll, condensed into one summon magic one after another.

A large number of Summoned Beast suddenly appeared from the summon magic and guarded outside the wall.

"This, this, isn't this Summoned Beast?"

"How could Summoned Beast run out of this scroll? Is this the treasure that Master Viscount said? "

"It must be! Didn't expect Master Viscount even took out this kind of treasure for us."

"Master Viscount is wise and martial, I must wait for eternal life Loyal to the Lord Viscount!"

After experiencing the initial shock, the residents of Fiefdom looked more loyal to Berrott.

The shocked emotions also began to change to eulogize.

All kinds of compliments and praises are just like going out without money.

For the ordinary person, the summoner is definitely the existence of aloof and remote, even more noble than the average nobleman.

So the value of Summon Scroll is absolutely unattainable in their eyes.

But even if it is such a precious item, Viscount Berrott is willing to take it out for them.

The shock and moving that it caused is absolutely beyond words.

But Berrott didn't think so much.

Buying people’s hearts is just a subconsciously act that’s all, this is something that every Fiefdom master should know.

As long as it is used on the right path, it is the best way to ensure the stability of Fiefdom.

"There are so many Summoned Beast, to deal with these hyenas who absolutely can Wal-Mart to break out!"

"Everyone listen up, gave me red!"


After seeing a large number of Summoned Beasts appearing, Berrott also began to assume the position of command and drove the Summoned Beast moved towards Hyena Man charged.

"ao ——!"

On the Silver Moon Plain, there was also a fierce roar.

Hyena people are creatures, fierce and unafraid of death.

When I saw so many Summoned Beast moved towards I was charging, I didn't even think of retreating at all.

This is exactly what Berrot wanted.

If the hyena people were scared away, then they would not have that great deterrent.

Soon, a large number of Summoned Beast collided with tens of thousands of hyena people.

In an instant, blood splattered and shouts shook the sky.

Fierce and unafraid of death, Summoned Beast is even more so.

But the difference is that although the number of hyena people is large, there are limits.

But Summoned Beast is not necessarily so.

As long as the Summon Scroll is not exhausted, you can continuously summon out Summoned Beast.

And in terms of strength, the Hyena Man may be much stronger than the ordinary person, but compared to Summoned Beast, it is not enough.

"The highest but the strength of Brave Rank Peak, can only rely on the number of low spiritual wisdom species to win."

This is Qi Le's evaluation of the hyena.

At the beginning of this battle, Angel brought Qi Le to the side of the wall, but there was no sound.

Anyway, there are so many Summoned Beasts. Whoever is allowed to direct is actually the same. Impossible will lose.

So it's better to let Berrott take the command to gain greater prestige.

Quantity has always been the biggest advantage of hyena people.

But when this advantage disappears, the hyena people may only be able to bully the ordinary person.

The strength of Brave Rank corresponds to Summoned Beast, but it is only a low level.

For any summoner, this is the most basic level, even if the potential of the magician is low, it can be reached.

Then in front of these Summon Scrolls provided by Qi Le, there is no way to mention on equal terms.

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