In the huge Flame Dragon kingdom, there are thousands of nobles with viscounts.

And most of these are due to Fiefdom's reasons, there is not much oil and water to fish.

So simply can't make friends.

It's totally unlike the people in the earl family, who fawns well, maybe you can get a knight's name.

At that time, Angel saw social snobbery clearly.

For a little girl, this is lucky and unfortunate.

"But my luck is very good. I was able to summon you in the summon ceremony of the servitor, and also signed the servitor contract with you."

"So I am very Thank you for not despising me."

"Really...Thank you very much!"

While talking, Angel also came forward without the slightest hesitation. He hugged Qi Le tightly.

In these days of getting along, Angel can't feel it at all, Qi Le will be her own demon.

On the contrary, Qi Le feels like a Big Brother, caring about himself.

If something goes wrong, I will always find a way to solve it for myself.

You must know that other summoner's ambassadors will never be so enthusiastic, even if they don’t get away with it.

Especially those ambassadors with unparalleled strength and realm profound strength will never take seriously for weak covenants.

Unless the contractor can have the power to talk to them on an equal footing.

Just like the flame lesser dragon from Nora summon, if it weren't for Qi Le to suppress the flame lesser dragon.

Maybe Nora was dropped out of school by the Flame Academy at this time.

Therefore, Qi Le's actions made Angel feel the real concern, and also gave birth to a heartfelt touch.

However, Qi Le, who was hugged tightly by Angel, looked confused.

"What the hell did I do?"

"It's just selling a Summon Scroll, is it necessary to thank me so much?"

But neither is Qi Le What kind of straight man of steel would naturally not ask this sentence in a desperate way.

Since Angel wants to hug, let her hug it.

I didn't lose much anyway.

"No, sorry, I'm a bit emotional."

After waiting for a while, Angel seemed to have reacted, and quickly released her hand and backed away. A few steps.

His face was flushed with shame.

"It doesn't matter, just be happy."

Qi Le said truthfully.


After learning about Summon Scroll, Angel also chose a few theory courses after the actual combat course.

Decisively skipped class and gave myself a few days off.

Because it is too troublesome to ask for leave, and the Flame Academy is not strict about skipping theory classes.

So it's better to just go around and just say that you are in the library.

And Angel will forsake a few lessons, naturally, it is also to return to the family's Fiefdom.

The distance is not too far, it's on the outskirts of a city-state adjacent to the city of flames.

In fact, the location of the noble Fiefdom is mostly not very good.

After all, in those places with good locations, the Flame Dragon Kingdom has already allocated funds to build a city state. How could it be possible for these nobles to take their turns to rescue them.

Unless it is a duke or a prince, you can directly grant rewards to several city-states.

However, in this case, it is simply a blessing in the past, and you simply don't need to pay out Gold Coin by yourself.

"This place is indeed a bit biased."

Qi Le sat on the carriage, watching the city wall drifting away, gradually disappearing from his sight, Can't help but say something.

Although it is a suburb, it is too suburban.

If it were not for the carriage to keep walking on a dirt road, Qi Le would think it was driving into the deep mountains and old forests.

"It is because Fiefdom's location is too remote, that the family's funds will have problems."

Angel said with emotion.

The common people all think that the aloof and remote are aristocrats and their lives are excellent, but who would have thought that most of them are superficially glamorous.

Of course, if it is the nobles who are ignoring the lives and lives of their Fiefdom residents and making money, their lives will naturally be better.

But that kind of favourable condition was exchanged for life.

Angel asked herself, she would never do that kind of thing.

Not to mention the high realm that loves the people like a child, at least it can't be levied and miscellaneous taxes.

However, these situations are very common among the nobles who own Fiefdom.

Otherwise, how to build Fiefdom is difficult.

Because they are willing to put all their fortune into this bottomless pit, there are very few nobles who are wholeheartedly engaged in construction.

Most of them are just making money while enjoying power.

Do you want these cheapskates to pluck out?

That's really a joke.

"If you want to develop, the road must be repaired first, not to mention extending in all directions, at least it must be connected to a city-state."

Qi Le looked at the dirt road under the carriage, Said abruptly.

Although I don't know what is going on in Fiefdom owned by Angel's family.

But it's remote, and roads are not being built. Isn't it a matter of rest?

Those who want to come cannot find a place, and those who want to go out cannot.

Even if there are any special products, they can only be rotten in Fiefdom.

Come and go, if the economy fails to develop, let alone build Fiefdom. If you can't be dragged down by this bottomless pit, it will be considered ability.

"Building a road? We want to build a road, but we can't get that many Gold Coin."

"You should have seen this way, the nearest city-state How far is this road paved, less than a hundred thousand Gold Coin can be done."

Angel said with some embarrassment.

One Gold Coin is enough for an ordinary family to live in the first half of life without worries.

Hundreds of thousands of Gold Coins, even if Angel’s family roots are hollowed out, I’m afraid I can’t make up that much.

After all, a noble Aristocratic family and that many clansman have to feed, so the daily expenses such as food and clothing cannot be saved.

Then remove the necessary expenses for maintaining Fiefdom and the taxes that need to be paid to the national treasury every year.

How much can be left?

"Yes, I almost forgot about it."

Qi Le rubbed the temple.

If Angel's family were really that rich, then this piece of Fiefdom would not be so unknown.

It will not end up like this, even the capital chain is about to be broken.

"gu lu gu lu ......"

The carriage went on, passing through a deserted forest, and then after half a plain without a silhouette.

A low city wall appeared in Qi Le's line of sight.

But in name it is a city wall, but Qi Le feels that this low soil-rock mixture is more like a fence, just as tall as a person.

Let alone defending against the enemy, I am afraid that even a little child who is a little more active can turn over.

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